🇮🇳India @snehal-chibde

Account created on 7 September 2021, almost 3 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, applied patch #2. It is working as per requirement. Here are before and after screenshots for the same. RTBC++.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello, This is not replicated on Drupal 11 Claro theme.
Can you please provide any more details how this gets replicated?

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, applied patch #3 and it is working a expected. Here are the before and after screenshots for desktop and mobile. RTBC++.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello, we have a duplicate issue created https://www.drupal.org/project/scheduled_transitions/issues/3073556 🐛 Add a form label to 'Add scheduled transition' target state dropdown Needs work created under core issues.
I was working on this issue and applied patch #10 and it is still looking off for admin themes like gin, Thunder ( as it was mentioned to check in #8)
It was not fully perfect so after applying patch #10 this is how it looked (see the before screenshots)
Here is my patch to fix the issue in these admin themes and the after screenshots for the same.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Reviewed and applied the patch, it is working as expected.

Added before/after screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, this issue is resolved. On enabling the verbose error logging the error was noticed as below

"Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\node\Entity\Node::URL() in professional_responsive_theme_preprocess_breadcrumb() (line 198 of themes/contrib/professional_responsive_theme/professional_responsive_theme.theme)."

Here is a patch to resolve the same.
Added before and after screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello @jannakha, here is the updated patch.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @Nitin, The issue does not replicate.
I have used,
Drupal 9.5.11
professional responsive theme 2.0

Attached screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello @jannakha, here is a patch to resolve the above issue without the function bootstrap5_form_system_file_system_settings_alter.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, this issue replicated in slightly different way for me (check screenshot). Worked to resolve the same.
Here is the patch and screenshots.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Reviewed the patch and it is working as expected. Here are the before and after screenshots for the same.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, This issue has been resolved.
Here is the patch and before after screenshots.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello @nubeli, Implemented the proposed solution in a patch and verified, it is working as expected.
Please review patch and refer the before after screenshots.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @ hkirsman, I have added the above code in respective files and this is working as expected.
Added before and after screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @Philalawst, currently we do not have an option to add alt tag for image block. I will work on the same, and create a patch.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @bnjmnm, added dotted underline as per the comment. Here is the updated patch and screenshot.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

The above patch fails for me, also I have added a patch with a selector which will target all the a tags inside p which does not have any class, as needed as per the comment by @hudri.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, checked the above patch coffee-aria-fix.patch and it works as expected.
Added before and after screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Here is the patch for fixing this issue.
Attached screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

This is resolved.
Refer before and after screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

This issue is getting replicated. I am working on the solution.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello , Patch #3 applied successfully on on Drupal 9.4. Issue solved
Refer screenshots.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

This is working as expected in the 2.2.0 release.
Added screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

The color variables are working as expected.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @gaurav-mathur, Added a menu item with link text only and tested the patch. It is working as expected.
Refer before and after screenshots.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, the remaining 2 issues have been resolved. Please review the patch.
Refer screenshots.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

I am working on this issue.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello, the MR gets applied successfully, patch #2 fails.
Added screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Here is the patch to resolve the issue. refer screenshots for changes after applying the patch.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

I have picked up this issue, submitting a patch soon.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @david_nawrot, applied the above patch and it is working as expected.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @priya, yes created a separate issue ticket for the same https://www.drupal.org/project/tara/issues/3372164 🐛 Submenus in Mobile not toggling. Closed: works as designed . working on it.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

hello @priya, under the menu "Show as expanded" checkbox should be checked.
Please check screenshot attached.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Hello @Harish,i nstalled the Drupal 10.0.x version and set Tara theme v10.04 version and applied the patch. The transition of dropdown menus are better. Attached recording.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

@Priya_Degwekar, I Installed Drupal 10.0.10 and Downloaded Tara Theme 10.0.4 and checked the main navigation menu in mobile. It seems that submenus are appearing. The issue is observed in the alignment of the same. Screenshot attached for reference. Please let know if I am missing to check something.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

@Alok singh, I installed Drupal core 9.2.0 and Tara Theme 9.2.0 and followed the steps as mention in the "Steps to reproduce" but not able to see the issue mentioned. Attached screenshot for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

Applied patch #3 on Drupal 9.5.10 with Business Responsive Theme 2.0.3
The patch worked perfectly and we can see the contextual filter as expected.
Attached screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India snehal-chibde

@sassafrass, I installed Drupal core 10.1.0 and Webform 6.2.0-beta6 followed the steps as mention in the "Steps to reproduce" but not able to replicate the issue.

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