Account created on 13 August 2021, almost 3 years ago
  • Associate Engineer - Full Stack at QED42 

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

@jsacksick I see this patch is committed but not included in the current release. Will you please create a new release ?


🇮🇳India omkar-pd

@jsacksick I see this patch is committed but not included in the current release. Will you please create a new release ?


🇮🇳India omkar-pd

omkar-pd changed the visibility of the branch 3240103-refactored-deferred to hidden.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

No need to create a new PR. There is already a PR created for this.

Check if you can address the given feedback in #17 and #18 and make changes in the existing PR.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Still, many eslint errors needs to be fixed.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

omkar-pd made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Refactored jQuery toggle to JS. Tests are passed. Moving this to Needs Review.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Not sure why the Compilation check is failing at yarn run -s check:ckeditor5 Can't see any error just ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Yes, the toolbar functionality working fine. The rule is added and tests are green. Moving this to Needs review.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

@saschaeggi, I've included the vertical-tabs library in media-form. Please review.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Fixed tests. Moving this to Needs Review.
Still, in ajax.js there is one$.Deferred().reject() that needs to be replaced. But looking for review before moving forward.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Replaced deferred in toolbar.js with promise. Some tests are failing I'll try to fix those.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

All tests are passed for MR 5777.

Changing this to Needs Review.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Made some changes in fetch calls.

  • Used application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of application/json
  • Used new URLSearchParams() to pass data in body.
  • Tested editor.js and contextual.js files functionality and it's working fine.
  • Number of test failures is reduced, And trying to fix other failures as well.
🇮🇳India omkar-pd

@sijumpk, Target branch should be 8.x-4.x as it D10 support branch.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Yes, Because there are still some Ajax calls remaining to replace.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Replaced some Ajax calls with fetch. Still, there are some calls left to replace. Waiting for review on these changes, Setting this to Needs Work.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Yes, I was not able to change the target branch and also was not able to create a new branch. so added a patch.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Removed uses of serialize(). The target branch needs to be changed from 9.3.x to 11.x.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

The patch will solve the issue. Replaced jquery/once with core/once.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

@kenyoOwen please apply this patch and check.

MR looks good.

@sarwan the core_version_requirment key will not work in version < 8.7
Check here:-

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

On hover showed a list of more categories. I think styling can be improved or we can show categories on click. Ready for review.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

It's changing due to the inspector. If we dock the inspector to the right or in a new window we can see it's 512 x 512. Check screenshots.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

We should remove the core key and add core_version_requirement: ^8.9 || ^9 || ^10


🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Removed default search (x) icon. PR still needs a rebase.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

I can reproduce this issue, We should decide if we want to remove the route or Add the form, and if we want to add the form then what type of settings we should provide?

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Omkar Deshpande - Session/Speaker Volunteer.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

I applied the patch and it worked for me. Attaching a screenshot for reference.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Moved Config page from System Menu to Content Authoring.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Made all the changes. Changing status back to Needs review.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

I have addressed the given feedback. Please have a look.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Used localStorage to remember the last scroll position and scroll back to the same position refresh.
Please review and suggest if we can use a better approach.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Yes @geek-merlin, it fixes the issue for me. Raised an MR.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

After some RnD. I found out that hook_field_widget_form_alter is removed in Drupal 10. Check out the below link for change records.

🇮🇳India omkar-pd

Installed the module on Drupal 10. Was able to reproduce the issue. It seems that value $element['#datetimehideseconds']['hide'] Is getting Null even if the hide seconds field is checked in the widget. So the code inside if (!empty($element['#datetimehideseconds']['hide'])) is not excuted.

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