Account created on 26 July 2019, almost 5 years ago
  • Founder, Senior Software Architect/Engineer at LakeDrops 

Merge Requests


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🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Looks good. I also checked the post update script. This works as well.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

We still get:

Invalid CI config YAML file
https://git. Invalid configuration format

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Now we get:

Invalid CI config YAML file Invalid configuration format
🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

We changed it accordingly. Now we get:

ERROR: Job failed: failed to pull image "drupalci/php--apache:production" with specified policies [always]: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for drupalci/php--apache, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied (manager.go:250:1s)

PHP version is missing.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

It is a hard fail, because the yml file is invalid, so the pipeline does not even start.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen
  - remote:${_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REPO}/-/raw/${_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REF}/includes/include.drupalci.main.yml
      - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
        when: never
      - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
        when: never
      - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ "/^feature\/.*/"
  - remote:${_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REPO}/-/raw/${_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REF}/includes/include.drupalci.variables.yml
      - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
        when: never
      - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
        when: never
      - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ "/^feature\/.*/"
  - remote:${_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REPO}/-/raw/${_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REF}/includes/include.drupalci.workflows.yml
      - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
        when: never
      - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
        when: never
      - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ "/^feature\/.*/"
🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Yes, I observed the same. Do we already have a bot user? If no, how can I create a proper one?

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Issue communication is done.

Unfortunately, you cannot download attachments via GitLab API, see This is a five-year-old issue, and a lot of people are waiting for it.

There are very nasty workarounds done, but I think we do not want to do this. For example, perform a regular login and get the file like we would do via the Web UI.

So for now, it is possible to upload files from Drupal to GitLab and add it in a comment or issue description. This works fine.

I will create another issue for this missing feature.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Another thought, as I haven't tested this on a website yet, what happens after the user clicked on the submit button in the modal dialogue? They should stay on the page, the dialogue should just close, but some sort of success message should be displayed if that's possible.

Good point. I will test this with our new Gitlab project.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

That code looks good. What we also wanted to add is to collect some context information in such cases and add that to the new issue before saving and syncing upstream.

Yes, I will open another ticket for that. We should keep the tasks as small as possible.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Like the dashboard module, this task provides a link to the toolbar with an helpdesk specific icon. You need to have the permission to open tickets. I did not make this configurable, since other modules also don´t do this.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

To fulfill this requirement, we want to use ECA, so we have to add an event when the users get synchronized. If that is in place, we can create an ECA model, which determines which helpdesk should be used.

Currently, the default helpdesk is used in any cases.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

In GitLab we want to use incidents for the creation of issues.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Oh, that is really useful. Did not remember, but we talked about it a few months ago.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Ah, I overlooked the substr for the content path.

What do you mean with Web ui?

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Please take a look. I am not sure, if that "helper" function is appropriate. Feel free to suggest or refactor.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Cool. Think that will work now perfecly.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

I wrote a new test function testNodeTitleForceClear. As for as I understand your example above: The test creates a node with the title my title and the action sets the title to my title.

Whether the clear nor the force_clear works. See the failed test. Please take a look if the test is appropriate. If not, please adapt.

After debugging conditionally, the test is correct.:

In FiledUpdateActionBase the currentValue and the newValue get trimmed anyway. Line 280 and line 286. So line 289 gets executed and the this causes the function to jump out of the loop in line 298, because the arrays have the same size.

The method setting switch case gets never executed.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Thanks for that hint. I will update the test. You are right, we should tackle this in another issue, but it is hard for me to ignore those smells.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

That is a lot but straightforward. The code is more type safe. I searched for tests and the specific events are well covered.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

For me, it is ok.

Shall we open another ticket with that alternative approach you mentioned 📌 ECA Endpoint not found without second path argument RTBC ?

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

I have added a test for force_clear. Looks good. I also added a return type in SetFieldValue.php

Please review and set issue to fixed if everything is ok.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Thanks for fixing the code style issue.

Please take a look at BuildTest.php. I replaced the mode append with merge, because append is tested a lot in the other test classes.

I do not know exactly if all the test values make complete sense. Feel free to adapt. At least we can run that particularly piece of code now.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

See my comment in 📌 Restructure tests in render module Active . If these tests are ok, we can fix this one here, too.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Looks good.

Question for comprehension: Do we lose events, if we are early in the bootstrap? As we return NULL.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Makes absolutely sense. Looks good.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Now, multiple contacts for a client can be synced as well.

IN always stores a new version of contacts when an invoice gets updated. So we do not store the contact ID on the Drupal side. Now we are up-to-date regarding contacts after updating a client. IN does not provide an API endpoint for contacts anyway, and that update does not cost any additional performance. They are always attached to a specific client.

But let's discuss.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Thx. That is really cool.

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

For comprehension:

If we process the queue and, the helpdesk systems returns errors and never succeeds. Do we run in an endless loop, or do I miss something?

🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

The solution is working as intended.


🇩🇪Germany danielspeicher Steisslingen

Now the client, countries and currencies are initialized once when needed. Please take a look.

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