🇩🇪Germany @drupalbubb

Account created on 23 March 2018, almost 7 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I installed 8.x-2.x-dev, but it does not help me. There is no entity type "views" checkbox.
I would like to display all visits of my views page, not per node via a field as suggested, just simple page hits. There should be an easy way to add it to the footer line, displayed like the node counter field for nodes.
More complex is my second layer view, showing all nodes inside a category, configured via a context filter. Configured as one view, listing the related nodes. This should display the sum of all page hits related to the context filter, not the sum of the view hits.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I have some views pages configured to sort and display my nodes. Now I would like to find the page hits counter maybe in the footer line section of my views.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I am surprised, but this is still open. Why has a views block own metatag settings?

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Why does this issue still needs work? Looks more like a RTBC.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

@smustgrave, please have a look at src/Plugin/SecurityCheck/NamePasswords.php if the use of UserAuthInterface is deprecated (like my coding skills, haha).
If yes, we should have a new issue, this one was originaly about Mail Login module. And have a look at #4.
After that close this one. Thanks.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Why is a second frontpage a flaw?
I just moved some less important content to another node and configured this node like the frontpage.
The only other way to separate the frontpages from the other pages seems to be a own content type for each, which adds one content type containing two pages. Or do i miss something?

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Mail Login 4.0.3 solved my main issue. I keep this issue open, because the deprecated code seems not to be targeted anywhere else.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Found in src/Plugin/SecurityCheck/NamePasswords.php

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Due to the fact, that disabling Security Review shows the same error, i tried the patch. I copied it into a file and configured composer-patches to apply it.
But the patch is faulty, e.g. @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryP
And there is a file not found, too. With my poor knowlegde I can't say if it is the non existend tilde file NamePasswords.php~ or a double path component modules/contrib/security_review/ or both.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Re-opening. The patch from the related issue #3462452 seems to be the wrong way. And the wrong place. I am not sure, but I read in the error message "UserAuthInterface" instead of "UserAuthenticationInterface". Sounds wrong, deprecated.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Isn't the patch a downgrade from UserAuthenticationInterface to UserAuthInterface? My coding skills are deprecated, but looks like. If that is right, than this is no bug fix, just a quick fix. Shouldn't be a RTBC.
@KlemenDEV: this also happens in 4.0.2

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

My dev and staging sites are up and running again with latest drupal and rules-dev.
I did not test all my rules, but the login redirection works like expected.
Thanks TR!

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I am no expert, but did you already try to use the latest 4.x dev of Rules?

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I gave MR30 a test on a new drupal, again using 'dual' for text output. No real new informations, but maybe this was intended. Don't know. But here is my review:

The javascript fails opening the formatter configuration while running first time, like patch #11
The 'dual' text output still lacks the information "No own rating" if there are votes from others. See #20
The stars show the wrong colors when using average star display. should be (if logged in) average: orange, user: yellow

After this I tried the other star display options, still using 'dual' for text output:
Average, user and smart seem to work, but dual is broken. Smart and dual should be removed. Smart is mixing display information, dual showing two fivestar widgets? both useless.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Dual text output only works correct if there is a user vote recorded. If there is no own vote (but from others), it shows no information about that situation, instead of someting like "No own vote."
But this should not show up if there are no votes at all, no double output needed.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I am closing this. The update to Drupal 10 solved it. Don't know why.
I don't dare to change configuration any more.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Today i gave the star configurations a chance. Smart and dual seem broken while dual configured as text output.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Update: I removed the patch again. It turns out, that my comment #162 is a seperate issue.
So this is a 'go' for this patch from my side. Sorry for the wrong information. I will edit the comment and open a new issue.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Can also be interesting in other cases, like node title or user name.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I gave the options for text output "smart" and "user" a try. Works on nodes.
Did not test the other situations like comments, views, percentage vote-type, and stars configurations.
Formatter configuration of the voting field does not open at the first try, second try works always. Can't check on alpha5.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

#11 works here. I tested the "dual" option and its ok.
Works together with last "Rate content permission is not ported to D8" patch 🐛 Rate content permission is not ported to D8 Needs work .

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I still would prefer a buggy dev version. No version means no future.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

@abx: You have been right.
Closing this, because the mentioned issue has a patch solving this.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I tried #156 and it solved my issue. Thanks!

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

There is a security related update for drupal core available, but not for 9.x
Can we please have a release now?
My dev site works with the patch, with the already posted three issues.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Update: Live System is broken again. I can't configure Superfish to run on a tablet proper due to sf-Touchscreen.
Still running on Drupal 9.5.11 and Bartik theme.
Debugging seems complicated for me, because the desktop version is ok.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Create a menu, add the block using superfish, enable "Expand all menu links" and save. Setting is not saved/loaded.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Create a menu, add the block using superfish, enable "Expand all menu links" and save. Setting is not saved/loaded.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I got it working. Maybe the update fixed my issue, don't know.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

This only happens if voted. If count-of-votes = 0 there is no double output

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb
<div class="vote-result js-form-wrapper form-wrapper" data-drupal-selector="edit-result" id="edit-result">    <p>2 Stimmen mit einer Bewertung von 3.5
2 Stimmen mit einer Bewertung von 3.5</p>

Can you precise question 1?

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

my installation seems broken, because i can't find 8.8.2:

Fileserver:/srv/www/drupal/web/modules/contrib # grep -i -r '8.8.2' votingapi_widgets/*
Fileserver:/srv/www/drupal/web/modules/contrib # grep -i -r '9.2' votingapi_widgets/*
votingapi_widgets/composer.json:        "drupal/core": "^9.2 || ^10",
votingapi_widgets/votingapi_widgets.info.yml:core_version_requirement: ^9.2 || ^10
🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I tried latest dev and patched it with #42, which worked with 9.5.11 as far as I tested it. Upgrade status module shows 100%. But upgrade fails:

composer update --with-all-dependencies
Gathering patches for root package.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - drupal/votingapi_widgets dev-1.x requires drupal/core ^8.8.2 || ^9 -> found drupal/core[8.8.2, ..., 8.9.20, 9.0.0, ..., 9.5.11] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^10).
    - drupal/votingapi_widgets 1.x-dev is an alias of drupal/votingapi_widgets dev-1.x and thus requires it to be installed too.
    - Root composer.json requires drupal/votingapi_widgets 1.x-dev@dev -> satisfiable by drupal/votingapi_widgets[1.x-dev (alias of dev-1.x)].

Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.

But i can see:

cat ./web/modules/contrib/votingapi_widgets/votingapi_widgets.info.yml
name: Votingapi Widgets
type: module
description: 'Voting API Widgets.'
package: Voting
core_version_requirement: ^9.2 || ^10

  - votingapi:votingapi
  - drupal:field
🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I retried on my dev system and my settings work as expected. But the live system fails.
Does providing the easing library solve such problems or how can i do a clean restart? Deleting the block did not help.
Something else to try?

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

I don't know how I opened this twice.

🇩🇪Germany drupalbubb

Today I de-installed the Rate module, it did the same.
If you don't remove a permission and deactivate the module, every related role will be warned and then deleted.
Seems to be something general.

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