Account created on 7 April 2016, about 8 years ago

Merge Requests

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Although it's easy to have a configurable redirect destination replace the hardcoded redirect to entity.user.edit_form, I am leaning towards #4's reasoning.

As far as password_policy (and any other module) is concerned, the password edit fields are in entity.user.edit_form as implemented in core. The change_pwd_page module replaced that location, so change_pwd_page should be in-charge of redirecting everyone to this new location, not the other way around where everyone has to adapt to change_pwd_page.

From a dependency perspective, this approach would have both modules not know of each other. password_policy only knows to send the user to entity.user.edit_form, while change_pwd_page only knows that it needs to redirect requests from entity.user.edit_form to its new page. This is kinda like how change_pwd_page is currently replacing user.reset from core's original path to its own. Maybe something similar can be done for entity.user.edit_form. But this work would have to be on change_pwd_page's side.

My 2c.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

#15 solves a related issue regarding Password Policy's password_username constraint.

Because change_pwd_page separates the password form from the user edit form, the name field is not present. Password Policy treats the missing name field as a blank string, causing it to fail the password_username constraint. Adding the name field as a hidden field works.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Re-opening with updated patch. πŸ“Œ Fix the issues reported by phpcs Needs review missed a few things from this issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Patch in #31 works, with one minor issue: If you're indexing a field more than once (same Path, different Machine Name and Type), since the options are keyed by path, only the label of the last duplicate is used.

The use case I have is that we use a single index for multiple search views.
- A location-only search:
- A geofield field is indexed as a "Latitude/Longitude" type for proximity search.
- The same geofield field is also indexed as "Storage Only" for rendering in Leaflet maps (Leaflet doesn't render the previous type).
- A multi-type site search with location search in the advanced section:
- Aggregates several geofields into one "Latitude/Longitude" type for proximity search.

When choosing which fields to aggregate, the aggregate options only show the "Storage Only" geofield because it's the last one found.

Could just be a presentation/help text thing. Otherwise, looks good to me.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

This file appears to be from a patch. There is an updated version in the related issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

There are two patches in this issue:
- #2 is for when you're using CKEditor 4.
- #4 is for when you're using CKEditor 5.

And so...
- If content_lock decides to go with CKEditor 4, then patch #2 is the one to merge.
- If content_lock decides to go with CKEditor 5, then patch #4 is the one to merge.
- If content_lock decides to support both versions, a new patch with both changes would probably be needed.

This will need a maintainer's input.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Closing in favor of πŸ› Fix accessibility issues by using visually-hidden on hide and unsetting title element on remove Needs review to address both issues in one patch.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Combining this patch with a fix for β†’ to address a related accessibility issue. Having two separate patches for each issue will conflict, since the changes are in close proximity. Combining them should expedite the fix. Combined patch now:

- Applies the visually-hidden class to the title element when hidden.
- Removes the title element entirely when removed.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Reroll against 3.0.x

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Reroll of #21 for 10.2.x.

Added both indent and no-indent versions, since the files involved are frequently modified by updates. The indented version is the one meant to be merged, while the no-indent version is for easy composer patching.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Closing in favor of πŸ› Services\SessionLimit should type-hint dependencies using interfaces Needs review

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Updated patch to change all the dependencies to use interfaces. Problems will occur eventually with the others, makes sense to fix them all in one go.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Remove stray console.log()

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Undoing #33. Misread the other issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Roll in the similar one-liner change from 3192991 πŸ› Contrib module classes are overwritten Needs review since it was closed in favor of this issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Reroll #11 against 9.5.x and 10.1.x once more (#16 rerolled against older versions of those branches).

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Just adding some context since it's not the first time I've bumped into this issue and tried to recall how this worked:

2158003 β†’ added the "the exact magical spot" referred to in #33 πŸ› Allow field blocks to display the configuration label when set in Layout Builder Fixed . It's a way for the rendered block content to override the configured title (e.g. views blocks). It appears that the intent is to have the implementing block place #title to override the block title (or at least it's a change to accommodate how Views did block title overrides β†’ ). Patch fixes the issue by avoiding the field's #title property from being in the magical spot by placing it in an array, nesting it a level down.

2942623 β†’ exists, but might be closed. Although it brings up an interesting point of why the title override comes after the block's configured label. You would expect that block configuration overrides whatever the block content supplier (be it Views or Field Block) supplies.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Can confirm #31.

In our case, we have compiled JS in modules/themes whose output automatically gets a file-level "use strict";. This makes sense if the compiled JS is evaluated on its own (e.g. added via its own script tag, or eval'ed on its own).

But since that compiled JS is added as a library, it is subject to aggregation. Drupal aggregation is just a simple "concat a bunch of JS" operation, which means ANY JS that's aggregated together with one that has a file-level "use strict"; is evaluated in strict mode entirely - and will break some arbitrary library that wasn't expecting it.

Also, for regular scripts, "sloppy mode" is the browser's default execution mode while strict mode is opt-in. Although strict mode is encouraged, one cannot assume all scripts are written in strict mode. This may be the case for loadjs.


So to sum it up:
- Aggregation can cause scripts declaring strict mode to be concatenated with ones that don't expect strict mode, breaking the latter.
- Therefore JS included in libraries SHOULD NOT have a file-level "use strict"; to avoid breakage.
- Any JS that is explicitly enforcing strict mode should move "use strict"; from a file-level to a function-level (e.g. wrap your script in an IIFE with "use strict";)
- No changes are needed for loadjs. Instead, fix the code introducing "use strict"; with the suggestion above.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Updated patch #5 for 3.x

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

Here's a reworked #106 based on comments from #105. Added a new configuration field label_display_type separate from the existing label_display checkbox that lets one select how one wants to hide the title. The hope would be that in a future version, label_display will just roll into the select box as the "visible" option, just like the patches prior. Name, label, and description could be better, open to suggestions.

Tests removed in this patch, I wasn't sure if they'd still be applicable (I also don't have a test-capable setup at the moment). Hopefully someone can pick up the baton from here.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fskreuz

@Anybody The theme I use is based on stable9. I am not able to write tests at the moment.

But to add more info, it's this bit of code in `fences_preprocess_field()` that's causing the issue. Two separate issues (linked, see sidebar), possibly not aware of each other and solving separate issues, merged and duplicated functionality. I hope this helps someone.

    // Prevent adding empty classes:
    if (!empty($fences_config['fences_field_classes'])) {
      $fences_field_classes = explode(' ', $fences_config['fences_field_classes']);
      foreach ($fences_field_classes as $class) {
        // Add classes from setting:
        $vars['attributes']['class'][] = $class;

    if (!empty($fences_config['fences_label_classes'])) {
      $fences_field_classes = explode(' ', $fences_config['fences_label_classes']);
      foreach ($fences_field_classes as $class) {
        // Add classes from setting:
        $vars['title_attributes']['class'][] = $class;
    if (!empty($fences_config['fences_field_classes'])) {
      $vars['attributes']['class'][] = $fences_config['fences_field_classes'];
    if (!empty($fences_config['fences_label_classes'])) {
      $vars['title_attributes']['class'][] = $fences_config['fences_label_classes'];

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