Allow contrib modules to alter the redirect and ignored routes

Created on 1 January 2018, about 7 years ago
Updated 4 September 2024, 6 months ago


When we are using both password_policy and change_pwd_page modules and configure a policy which requires users to reset password after X days, user is redirected to user/%/edit (entity.user.edit_form route). But password field is removed from here and moved to /user/%/change-password (change_pwd_page.change_password_form route). This ends in dead lock for the user.

Proposed solution:

  1. Allow route to change password page configurable in password_policy module (this will also ensure if it password page is moved to popup or different route other than change_pwd_page, it is supported)
  2. Add code in install file in change_pwd_page to check if password_policy is used, update the config to use route added in change_pwd_page module
💬 Support request

Needs review





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🇮🇳India nikunjkotecha India, Gujarat, Rajkot

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  • 🇮🇳India Supreetam09 Kolkata

    Re-rolling patch for Password Policy 4.x

  • 🇺🇸United States loze Los Angeles

    This patch works well for changing the redirect url.

    But I agree that the $ignore_routes should be configurable or alterable with a hook,

  • 🇺🇸United States fskreuz

    Although it's easy to have a configurable redirect destination replace the hardcoded redirect to entity.user.edit_form, I am leaning towards #4's reasoning.

    As far as password_policy (and any other module) is concerned, the password edit fields are in entity.user.edit_form as implemented in core. The change_pwd_page module replaced that location, so change_pwd_page should be in-charge of redirecting everyone to this new location, not the other way around where everyone has to adapt to change_pwd_page.

    From a dependency perspective, this approach would have both modules not know of each other. password_policy only knows to send the user to entity.user.edit_form, while change_pwd_page only knows that it needs to redirect requests from entity.user.edit_form to its new page. This is kinda like how change_pwd_page is currently replacing user.reset from core's original path to its own. Maybe something similar can be done for entity.user.edit_form. But this work would have to be on change_pwd_page's side.

    My 2c.

  • 🇺🇸United States loze Los Angeles

    I have a custom module that creates its own page/form for changing the password similar to change_pwd_page, the entity.user.edit_form is still a valid path for editing other user fields. There is no way for me to know the intent of why a user ends up on entity.user.edit_form without checking for an expired password when on the entity.user.edit_form route a second time and then issuing a second redirect to my change password form.

    It feels like it would be a a lot easier if both the redirect route and the routes excluded from redirection were either configurable settings or alterable in a hook or event subscriber.

    If they were alterable, we wouldn't need to change the schema and any module could define its own redirect route an exclusion routes for not checking for expired passwords.

  • Status changed to Needs work 8 months ago
  • 🇺🇸United States loze Los Angeles
  • 🇺🇸United States loze Los Angeles

    loze → changed the visibility of the branch 4.0.x to hidden.

  • Pipeline finished with Success
    8 months ago
    Total: 195s
  • Status changed to Needs review 8 months ago
  • 🇺🇸United States loze Los Angeles

    MR!91 adds an alter hook. hook_password_policy_routes_alter(string &$change_password_route, array &$ignored_routes); This allows contrib modules to change these two variables.

    in my use case I am using it like this

     * Implements hook_password_policy_routes_alter()
    function MYMODULE_password_policy_routes_alter(string &$change_password_route, array &$ignored_routes) {
      // Our custom change password form.
      $change_password_route = 'entity.user.edit_form.change_password';
      // Ignore commerce checkout routes.
      $ignored_routes = array_merge($ignored_routes, [
  • 🇺🇸United States loze Los Angeles

    It also appears that with change_pwd_page, #2933747: Integration with password_policy → added some changes that rely on the patch here in #12.

    If the approach I propose here is accepted, that commit could be reverted and all that change_pwd_page would need to do is implement the hook as follows

     * Implements hook_password_policy_routes_alter()
    function change_pwd_page_password_policy_routes_alter(string &$change_password_route, array &$ignored_routes) {
      $change_password_route = 'change_pwd_page.change_password_form';

    Instead of introducing all those update hooks that their solution added. It seems like a much simpler approach to me.

  • Pipeline finished with Success
    8 months ago
    Total: 324s
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom ashlewis

    Re-rolling patch for 4.0.2+

Production build 0.71.5 2024