@piyusha That is a core bug thats being worked on here 🐛 Nested modals don't work: opening a modal from a modal closes the original Needs work It's not specific to gutenberg
Never mind. I see now that this is something being added to core.
loze → created an issue. See original summary → .
Apparently ckeditor is not triggering Drupal.attachBehaviors() when its rendering media items. So I guess its not an issue for this module.
Created a MR from #11 I have been using this patch for quite some time as well.
@tr, I just left a comment on that issue and marked it as RTBC. I cate about this module and currently use it on two sites and am happy to help you get a stable release out.
I have been using this MR for a few months and everything appears to work as expected.
Just needed to include core/internal.jquery.form as a dependency in the .yml
MR4 does the trick
I am seeing the same as @malcomio and this patch fixes it for me as well.
Drupal 10.4.2
Tested. fixes the issue. thanks!
The patch in #149 applies and works as expected for me in drupal 10.4
I've done some work here to improve the drupalblock config form in MR214 and its working for me.
The form now submits with the core drupal ajax and runs the block through the validation and submit handlers.
I borrowed a lot of this from the context modules block reaction code. That module is similar to what we are doing here, in that it allows you to configure blocks via an ajax form outside of the core block layout UI. The main difference is the context module stores the configs in actual config files while we are storing the config data in the body of the content as json.
you can see how the context module handles the bock config form here https://git.drupalcode.org/project/context/-/blob/5.x/src/Reaction/Block...
This solves my initial issue of drupal blocks config fields that use ckeditor not saving values.
This also solves the issue here ✨ Drupal block - Change and/or hide title Active because now we are including the whole block config form. It also allows other settings like items per page in views blocks and any 3rd part settings alters that were not working.
Yea, I think a modal is a better approach.
I think this needs to be handled similar to what I implemented for content blocks 🐛 Libraries attached to content block fields are not included in the editor Fixed using drupal's core ajax commands.
I will try to write a patch/MR
Also I think this is related ✨ Drupal block - Change and/or hide title Active
Tested the 3.0 version. and its working, thanks
Its worth mentioning that the issue described in #8 happens w/o this patch as well. If the block is in the sidebar.
There should be some way to block clicking on another item, or to autosave the the block if they do.
MR20 allows me to cast votes on my fields again.
I know @tr wants tests for this sort of stuff, however thats not something I know how to do. I've tried to figure it out countless times for various projects but cant seem to wrap my head around the concept of writing tests. Hopefully someone else can help out with that.
loze → created an issue. See original summary → .
+1 can someone commit this?
I understand, but thats the thing, there are no errors in my php error logs when this happens.
The error does not happen with 1.4 or 1.x-dev
Should we be making this feature for 3.x now?
It looks like 3.0 already handles free orders with a new setting for require_payment_method
to 'Collect payment methods on orders with zero balance'
This MR allows this module to work with D10 and commerce 3.0
Can someone create a release with it?
This works fairly well in many cases, however when the IEF has a media browser field in it, when you click the button to open the media browser the entity embed IEF modal is replaced with the media browser, and clicking the insert media button closes the whole modal so nothing is ever added.
Clicking a media browser button (or any for element that opens a modal) should spawn a new modal on top. Im not sure if this is something to address here or with the media module.
Can someone reroll this for 10.4.1 ?
I tested, and see the same as @smustgrave
The correct icon is used in ckeditor when editing content but it is missing on the input filter config form.
I created MR16 from the patch in #37 to help move this along.
loze → changed the visibility of the branch 2927167-autocomplete-support-does to hidden.
loze → changed the visibility of the branch 2927167-autocomplete-support-does to active.
loze → changed the visibility of the branch 2927167-autocomplete-support-does to hidden.
Tested. The patch applies and works as advertised.
+1 for this
MR125 Adds a setting in the field widget for avatar image style.
I have a working patch I will submit
Tested with alpha2 and dev and it seems to do the trick. Thanks!
Tested. That does fix the issue. no changes to realname are needed with this approach. Thanks.
Yes, MR!175 does appear to do the job with version 4.0 alpha
Thanks. Since the original post, this module now has its own entity reference selection plugin instead of using a direct query. So I created an issue in realname to support private_message which is just a small change and it appears to be working with the 3.0 branch.
✨ Private Message module support Active
But this may be fixed with 📌 Refactor private_message_thread_member_widget Active
I believe this is the same issue being described in 🐛 Sending private message to more than one recipient does not work Needs work and I believe started with Drupal 10.3
The issue appears when adding more than one user/recipient to a private message.
When adding the 2nd recipient, this modules js is targeting the "add more" button incorrectly. The js attempts to simulate a click on the add more button, but instead targets the first "remove" button of the hidden autocomplete field.
when this was first written core did not have a remove button on the autocomplete field.
Patch #26 was no longer applying to the the latest dev version, so I've created MR14 with the changes in #26
here is a patch to use for composer
I have a D10 version of commerce_affiliate and affiliate_ng 95% working that I want to contribute.
Can the maintainers create a 2.x branch of each product so I can provide a MR for others to test out?
Or whats the best way for me to add it?
I spent a little time and have most of this working locally. Should I add a MR or create a new module?
I don't know if I can commit to maintaining it long term but I'm happy to help get it up and running.
loze → changed the visibility of the branch 2919646-is-there-a to hidden.
I also need this for a project I'm currently working on.
Has anyone started any work on a D10 version? I can help code and test?
Sorry, this was my mistake. disregard.
MR!2 adds a batch process to hook_install() and allows me to install the module.
Here is a patch of the MR for composer.
@claudiu.cristea I dont believe that getDisplayName() is a queryable field, right?
I'm trying to get the auto complete search to use the compiled display name that is stored in the realname table.
That is a patch of the MR
Thanks for the test @agile-mark-l this looks good.
I added a template for the loading animation quicktabs-loading.html.twig so you can override this in your theme, per qt instance if needed.
$markup = [
'#theme' => 'quicktabs_loading',
'#message' => t('Loading content ...'),
'#instance' => $qt_instance,
'#tabid' => $tab_id,
Attached is a patch from !MR21 for composer.
Resolved the conflicts in MR36
heres a patch for composer
MR!122 Adds this functionality. Here is a patch for composer.
I believe this was fixed here 🐛 Revert the ESLint autommatted conversion to arrow functions - it broke multiple things Fixed
This is fixed in the latest version
yes, 💬 Loading previous messages and listing last messages doesn't work RTBC does fix this
To clarify, I'm trying to do two things here:
1. display the users picture/avatar next to their name in the autocomplete dropdown
2. alter the autocomplete query to further limit who someone is allowed to send a message to (for example only someone in a friends list)
I figure the best way to do this is to use a custom view to supply the results of the autocomplete dropdown, but not sure the best way to go about doing this.
any suggestions?
Last patch in #22 was wrong, some unintended changes made it in there.
this one should work with composer
Its been some time since the original issue and patches.
Since then this module now uses the users display name instead of the username, which resolves 1/2 of what was being addressed in the original patches.
I have created MR!121 which adds realname support to the autocomplete query for the members widget if realname is installed.
here is a patch for the MR to use with composer.
loze → changed the visibility of the branch 2987189-realname-support to active.
loze → changed the visibility of the branch 2987189-realname-support to hidden.
here is a patch for composer
Patch #35 does not work as pointed out in #38
Patch #32 does work which is a diff for MR40. Please test against those.
MR7 gets this working for me.
this latest change gives me this error
Error: Call to a member function moduleExists() on null in Drupal\soembed\Plugin\Filter\SoEmbedFilter->getEnabledProviders()