Add option for visually-hidden block titles

Created on 13 November 2015, over 9 years ago
Updated 4 July 2024, 8 months ago


Block titles can currently be displayed or hidden by site-builders. When hidden, the heading element is omitted from the HTML entirely. Hiding titles might be desirable for a visual design, however block titles can be useful for visually impaired users, providing contextual clarity and navigational cues via screenreaders.

Proposed resolution

Add another option in block configuration, to output visually-hidden block titles, with a "visually-hidden" class.
In D7 this functionality is provided by the a11y_titles β†’ module.

We have already added equivalent functionality to D8 for the FieldAPI label display. Offering visually-hidden block titles will extend the options available for site builders to fine-tune the page structure.



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  • Usability review: this accomodates an additional option by replacing a checkbox with a select element, similar to the label display for field formatters.
  • Documentation: explain the visually-hidden option on the block help page?
  • , adding "visually-hidden" class to title_attribute twig variable via template_preprocess_block. The block twig template does not need to be changed.
  • Not necessary - block_settings.label_display is already type: string, not boolean.
  • It would be a BC break so keep the '0' value for hidden titles.
  • Not usefull anymore (see previous)
  • Should be done in follow-up issues.

User interface changes

Block title display option changes from a boolean checkbox option to 3 options in a select element: Visible, Visually Hidden, Hidden.
Aim for consistency with the Field API options in entity manage-display settings.

Also descriptive help text may change (D7 a11y_titles module says "Block titles can provide context to users who can’t rely on visual cues").

API changes

None expected.

Data model changes

We are introducing a third option to Block title display: 'visually-hidden'. Effect on data model are as follows:

  • Config Schema: NO CHANGE. While we are introducing an additional option ('visually-hidden') for the core data type block_settings.label_display, this is already of type: string, which accommodates all proposed values (visible, visually-hidden, hidden).
  • Removed for BC
  • Removed for BC
✨ Feature request

Needs work


11.0 πŸ”₯

BlockΒ  β†’

Last updated 8 days ago

Created by

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom andrewmacpherson

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    It affects the ability of people with disabilities or special needs (such as blindness or color-blindness) to use Drupal.

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