🇮🇳India @Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae

Account created on 2 July 2008, over 16 years ago

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🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

One of the views has a URL ending with a space. I used ctrl+F on pattern "[space])" to find the occurrence.

See the screenshot below,

Seems like it was configured incorrectly in the first place.

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

Facing the same issue with the views admin page. Downgrading symfony/http-foundation to 6.4.12 makes the error go away. Not sure what will be the reliable fix for the issue.

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

On a related note, we are getting the following error with the flatten method.

TypeError: Drupal\rest_export_nested\Plugin\views\display\RestExportNested::flatten(): Argument #1 ($data) must be of type array, null given, called in /usr/share/nginx/html/project-consumer-drupal/modules/contrib/rest_export_nested/src/Plugin/views/display/RestExportNested.php on line 45 in Drupal\rest_export_nested\Plugin\views\display\RestExportNested->flatten() (line 92 of /usr/share/nginx/html/project-consumer-drupal/modules/contrib/rest_export_nested/src/Plugin/views/display/RestExportNested.php).

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

Steps in comment #17 helped to work around the issue. Thanks @rduplock!

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

We are requiring this feature in our project. Would like to see this added shortly.

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

Let me know if anyone has any inputs. Any help or direction will be much appreciated.

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

I think we should remove the core and change the core_version_requirement to support only 9 & 10 (core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10) since D8 is no longer supported anyway.

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

Note that the module also supports Drupal 8 which requires core to be present.

core_version_requirement: ^8.8 || ^9 || ^10
🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

I have similar issues. Getting 504 timeout in the interim of the batch process after 3 minutes of starting. Not sure if it is the timeout on the client (guzzle, php-fpm, nginx, or database) or the server's.

Someone from our team indicated checking HTTP 499 which is the client's initiation to discard the request from processing further and the server could respect the same.

The issue seems to be with the entity reference field,

If you have access to your server and PHP configuration, you can extend the max_execution_time in the php.ini.

If there is the usage of PHP-FPM to serve PHP scripts, you have also to adjust the request_terminate_timeout in your FPM config to the same value.

If PHP-FPM has a reverse proxy like Nginx in the front to the user, the fastcgi_read_timeout also needs to be set to the same value, and to all other proxies in the front, you may adjust the proxy_read_timeout value.

Anyway I'm going to try https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/entity-share/troubleshoo...

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

@Igor Mashevskyi, let me know if there is anything I can help with. Also, could you provide some direction on resolving the issue?

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

Thanks for working on drupal 10.

Uncaught PHP Exception Error: "Class "Drupal\\commerce_cart_api\\Normalizer\\FieldNormalizer" not found" at core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php line 259

We are getting the above issue after the upgrade. The site fails to load with a couple of other errors.

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

Thanks a lot. I can help with testing.

We have a complex structure of products and variations with reference to other variations and paragraphs.

🇮🇳India Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae Chennai

To fix this issue, uninstall login_emailusername and use mail login instead.

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