Account created on 21 August 2015, almost 9 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

It seems connected to Configuration Views (webform) skipping 'sequence' config items 🐛 Configuration Views (webform) skipping 'sequence' config items Active

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Short feedback on this issue, I've tested both MR 7 and MR 9 and both are not supporting nested settings.
Example schema file:

  type: mapping
  label: 'Credits settings'
      type: string
      label: 'Parent credit type ID'
      label: 'Node types'
      type: sequence
        label: 'Node type'
        type: string

So, if we have a setting as an array of values, it won't work.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Well, no opinions, so we can mark it as fixed.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

It would be great to have another opinion here based on 🐛 Missing modules after updating from 2.0.10 to 2.0.11 RTBC

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

> As far as I can tell, one of @arx-e's suggestions in #8 should be done. If you plan not to do either of those, then there should at least be clear instructions in the module description and Readme file that term_merge must be installed and enabled separately.

I don't know if it is the right approach, generally, I don't like the idea of getting all dependencies in the composer if they are not used.
So, I'll update and let's community decide this in the future.
BTW, I cannot update the module README, so we can move it to RTBC.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych changed the visibility of the branch 3445744-missing-modules-after to active.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych changed the visibility of the branch 3445744-missing-modules-after to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

> p.s. Thank you for your efforts in improving Taxonomy Manager.
My pleasure.

> Personally, I prefer not to have to manually install a separate module to achieve the merge functionality. So I would tend towards the option of adding the dependencies of the submodule in the main module's composer file. But will that cause problems with minimum stability level because term_merge and term_reference_change are both still in beta, and taxonomy_manager is not? (I don't have the experience to know)

This is unfortunate, but it is known Drupal limitation regarding submodules, let's hope it can be fixed in the future.

> Another option might be to make a 2.0.12 that reverts to 2.0.9 (removing merge functionality and dependencies), and also make a 2.1.0-beta1 that includes merge. But care would be needed not to leave users with more config issues. I guess the consensus might be that it is now too late for that approach.

Yeah, it is too late for this, I tried to keep this option built-in, but due to the critical status of the issue and discussing it with another maintainer we agreed to use submodule.
Moving to fixed now.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Congratulations Andrii Chyrskyi!!!
You are now a co-maintainer!!!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Well, the original idea was to have a merge functionality as part of the main module.
I don't know if having it now in the main module composer dependencies is the right approach.
Maybe, would be enough to update module and provide a note about requiring term merge and term_reference_change manually.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey La558, I was not able to replicate this issue using a fresh 2.0.11 version
Did you clear the cache after updating to 2.0.11?
Could you uninstall the module and install it from scratch 2.0.11?

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey Nick Hope!
So, I suggest following steps from 🐛 Missing modules after updating from 2.0.10 to 2.0.11 RTBC
In nutshell:
1. Use composer to include term_merge and term_reference_change
2. Enable those modules using drush en -y term_merge term_reference_change
3. Uninstall them drush pmu -y term_merge term_reference_change
4. Clear cache
5. Remove modules from composer

I think it should help, sounds like you have some config left-overs.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

> One suggestion: When making a release, make an -rc release and wait for it to be two weeks old without any release-blocker issues arising before making a full release. Most problems like this would be caught in the release candidate stage.

Thanks, I will take it into account.

> At least the release notes should have made some notes about the changes and possible outcomes.

Yeah, I've updated the release notes.

> So, removing that dependency and publishing yet another minor, just broke some sites again, since an enabled module is no longer available, as it's removed from the requirement list. :-( Just saying, as people who fixed the problem manually, they just got hit a second time.

I see :( Well, in such a case I suggest adding them manually back and uninstalling them. Sorry for the inconvenience.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

I think we can use this fix.
Generally, it should not be an issue if you have https and domain locally.
E.g. I didn't reproduce it using ddev tool.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey Thomas :)
I've now faced another issue when we have multiple tracking/untracking/tracking/untracking/tracking/untracking in the same request
it can end up with a tracking entity that should be untracked and stored with tracked status (which is incorrect).
What about queueing tracking calls and executing the latest one after the actual request finishes? E.g. by using

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey Rajab, my pleasure to help.
Well, I thought about adding your patch, but my time just ended :)
Could you prepare a new MR? Cause you cannot update an old one.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Well, sorry for this, actually, it should work without term merge, anyway, could you check if it is still an issue with 2.0.11 version?

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

The issue should be fixed here - 🐛 Version 2.0.10 breaks existing installations Needs work

Please, use 2.0.11 release.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

The issue was fixed here - 🐛 Version 2.0.10 breaks existing installations Needs work

Please, use 2.0.11 release.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

> Uhm, the merge request already includes the new submodule: Taxonomy Manager Merge. All code related to the integration of Term Merge went into this module.

Yup, I worked fast on this issue, so in case we have some submodule issues, let's open new issues :)

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Sounds like a duplicate of 📌 Option to merge terms (Term Merge integration) Needs review
The original issue was fixed, moving it to close.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

You should save your lock file using CVS system (git IMHO the best).
If you have an issue revert the lock file and run composer install to use proper lock deps.

BTW, 🐛 Version 2.0.10 breaks existing installations Needs work is fixed.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

A new release is here -
I'm moving it to fixed. For term merge submodule issues let's open new issues.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

This is a critical issue, I've discussed it with one more maintainer (Klausi) and we agreed to use a submodule approach.
I'll merge this PR and prepare a new release.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

> A change this big should not be done in a patch-level release. This is a breaking change. Adding it as a submodule would be fine.
Well, a new major version sounds like a good approach. As it was said and if we check the official module info - and
D7 version had this functionality without submodules (correct me if I'm wrong). And I think it makes sense to provide this support out of the box.
To me, it sounds like a missed feature request.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Well, based on D7 version and Integration with Taxonomy Manager Needs review it seems taxonomy_manager had built-in term merge integration, so I don't agree to move it to the separate module. Besides, we should add it to the taxonomy_manager module composer.json dependency.
However, it is an issue and the upgrade path should be tested.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych changed the visibility of the branch 3443655-integration-with-term to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych changed the visibility of the branch 3443655-integration-with-term to active.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey Patrick Kenny, as it was said here Allow overriding xpaths when creating feed Active
we have now a contrib module - Allow overriding xpaths when creating feed Active
Feel free to check it and open issues on the related module page. And if you are fine with it, please, add related note to this issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

I added a new patch, it has improved performance, and it was added as a commit to MR 23.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych changed the visibility of the branch 3013117-use-drupal-89 to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Sorry to jump on it :) I think it makes sense to include #32 as batch (or queue) should be set outside.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

I think we can keep the original MR to track changes.
Created new MR based on the 17 patch and MR2

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych changed the visibility of the branch 2.0.x to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

During additional testing, I discovered an issue:
- Create a new term using the taxonomy manager UI
- Try to do its translation
- Face an error:
Warning: Attempt to read property "value" on null in Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\StringTextareaWidget->formElement() (line 73 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/StringTextareaWidget.php).

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey David Dowell!

You should follow steps from Access to "Translate" tab Needs review
and it is important to make vocabulary translatable in /admin/config/regional/content-language
For me - it works fine.
I moved to RTBC (ideally, we should think about tests, but they were not a part of the original implementation).

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Andriy Khomych made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Everybody thank you for working on this issue.
Moving it to fixed.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

I've tested this patch locally and it works fine.
Moved to RTBC.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey Thomas. I've tested this patch locally and it fixed the issue for my test case.
Moving it to RTBC.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

I've tested locally. I think we can move it to "Needs review".

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey Michael Chaplin.
Thank you for reporting this.
It needs a look, let me see when I have time.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Awesome Nikolay, thank you!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Fixed in the dev, however, I don't have time to check GitLab integration.
Nikolay, could you check if it works in the Gitlab integration issue 📌 Adopt GitlabCi Needs review ?

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

I have "You have push access.". Full commands list:

dd & fetch this issue fork’s repository
git remote add feeds-3249252
git fetch feeds-3249252
Copy to clipboard
Or, if you do not have SSH keys set up on

Add & fetch this issue fork’s repository
git remote add feeds-3249252
git fetch feeds-3249252
Copy to clipboard
feeds_ftp_fetcher-3249252-2.x Comparechanges, plain diff MR !144 merge error
Check out this branch
git checkout -b 'feeds_ftp_fetcher-3249252-2.x' --track feeds-3249252/'feeds_ftp_fetcher-3249252-2.x'
Copy to clipboard
PHP 7.4 & MySQL 5.7, D9.5.5 Not currently mergeable.
Can not add test, MR is not mergeable
3249252-contribute-ftp-fetcher Comparecompare
Check out this branch
git checkout -b '3249252-contribute-ftp-fetcher' --track feeds-3249252/'3249252-contribute-ftp-fetcher'
Copy to clipboard
2 hidden branches
Create new branch
Or push your current local branch from your Git clone
git push --set-upstream feeds-3249252 HEAD

However, it creates an every time new branch from and adds its history:

This is part problem, and I guess feeds maintainer can move it to the correct base repo. The easiest solution I see is to use this fork and push changes here :

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

@kimpepper, I have to open another fork -
due to access limitations. As well, can I request to be a maintainer on this module? I'm using it on some projects.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey @kim.pepper, I've checked as well the remaining `3 unresolved threads` and so far it looks good.
Could you check them as well reply?

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Thanks @kim.pepper, could you share a direct link? Probably, I can try to help with this.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey @kimpepper, @cryt1c
Thank you for work on this feature. It looks promising, any news or updates?
It can be useful to merge it.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Hey @kim.pepper, any news regarding maintainers?

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Rerolled to support 8-1.2 version.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andriy Khomych

Well, it seems the last patch does not include a version update.
Provided updated patch.

Production build 0.69.0 2024