Account created on 18 August 2014, almost 10 years ago
  • Technical Lead - Drupal at Material 

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Moved the script into the JS file. Dynamically passing the URL now in JS file.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Added the configuration for the Schema and default settings

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Updated the fork and ready for Review.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark changed the visibility of the branch 3446611-ui-element to hidden.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark changed the visibility of the branch 11.x to hidden.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

The fix seems to be straightforward. Tested the MR by manually using the grep command.

grep -r 'loading.gif' core

Before applying the patch.

After applying patch

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

The patch was applied successfully. Able to create a field after applying the patch.

Apply patch:

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark changed the visibility of the branch 3394487-uncaught-domexception-failed to hidden.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Reviewed patch #7, applied successfully, and resolved the issue. +RTBC

Before Patch

After Patch

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore


Verified the patch for the Drupal 11.x version. There is a JS error coming on the Drupal 11.x version.

🐛 Uncaught TypeError: once(...).cocoen is not a function Needs work Still the JS issue persists.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

I reviewed the patch, The patch was applied successfully but the image was not shown after applying the patch.

Please see the attached screenshot.

Before patch applied:

After patch applied:

There is issue with the JS implentation.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Reviewed the automated generated patch and found the issue on the Drupal 11.x. Updated the MR to work with Drupal core 11.x version.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

On comment #5 already MR is created. So, I made the MR from patch #10.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Found an issue during the test. If the Logo is unchecked(Show only Sitename and Slogan), none of the details are showing.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Reviewed the MR !7792 is resolving the issue. Attached screenshot after applying the MR.

Before applying the patch:

After applying the patch:

Different logo and Long slogan

Ready for RTBC.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

@ahsannazir @YevKo
In the Oliver theme settings, we can able to adjust the Text color based on the chosen Site Branding Color. The settings are available under the Olivero Color Scheme Settings.

There are already predefined colors drop-down and custom text color options also available. Hope this option will help to adjust the Color scheme from the UI.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Still, the issue persists verified with the latest version. Attached screen capture for reference.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Rerolles the patch to resolve the issue.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Confirming the issue and able to replicate the issue. Please find the screen capture.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

@ aksh____

Unable to replicate the issue. Followed below steps. Kindly update the more details about the issue,

  • Installed Views Selective Filters 2.0.0-alpha2
  • Used the core Content view to add field
  • Added exposed filter for Content: Published(selective)
  • Additionaly added Remember last selection
  • Saved the View
  • Tested view with multiple filter values

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Verified the MR !7934 has fixed the Issue. Not changing the issue status until the approach is decided as per #13.



🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

The deleted data, But the uninstallation is not smooth. After removing the tax removal I can uninstall. The field associated with the customer Profile.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore


Verified the Drupal core 10.2.x version, Found that Navigation module not exist in repository. The navigation experiment module was added from the 10.3.x version only. Attached are screenshots for reference.

Drupal 10.2.x code base

Drupal 10.3.x code base

Verified the same issue on 11.x version working fine.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Tested the MR, Working fine. Please find the attached screenshot for reference.

Before patch apply

After patch apply

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

I verified the Merge Request #!115 not solving the issue of uninstallation. It was verified on the Commerce core 8.x-2.38.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Updated the MR by,

     $matches = [];
     foreach ($this->blockManager->getCategories() as $category) {
-      if ($typed_category && stripos($category, $typed_category) === 0) {
-        $matches[] = ['value' => $category, 'label' => Html::escape($category)];
+      $matches[] = ['value' => $category, 'label' => Html::escape($category)];
+      if ($typed_category && stripos($category, $typed_category) !== 0) {
+        array_pop($matches);
🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Able to replicate the issue. Getting the below error while accessing the /block-category/autocomplete.

Before applying the patch:

But, after applying patch DB log gone. But the filter with q argument is only working. Empty filter not giving any result.
Empty Query string

With Query string

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Re-rolled the patch to work with 3.0.x version.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Verified the patch. Applied and solved the issue. Followed bellow steps,

1. Extract Translatable Strings:

2. Updated the Generate Translation Template Files
Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Regional and language > Translate interface > Export

3. Uploaded the Translated Strings in
Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Regional and language > Translate interface > Import

After update,

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Updated the Merge request to reflect changes in composer.json and Readme

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Verified the patch #6. The patch was applied and working fine. Moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

The patch applied and solved the Coding standards. Also the fix support for the D10. Moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

The patch was applied successfully and also solved the issue. Moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

The patch #2 doesn't apply. Need to reroll the patch.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Reviewed the patch #7 applies and works with Address module and commerce.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

​I solved the issue by updating the Drush separately and updating the Drupal core.

  1. Update the Drush independently composer require 'drush/drush:^12.4.3' --with-all-dependencies
  2. Add the Drupal core version to the composer
    composer remove drupal/core-recommended --no-update
    composer require drupal/core-recommended:^10.2 --no-update 
    composer install
  3. Run the Drush update drush updb

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

I solved the issue by updating the Drush separately and updating the Drupal core.

  1. Update the Drush independently
    composer require 'drush/drush:^12.4.3' --with-all-dependencies
  2. Add the Drupal core version to the composer
    composer remove drupal/core-recommended --no-update
    composer require drupal/core-recommended:^10.2 --no-update 
    composer install
  3. Run the Drush update
    drush updb
🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark changed the visibility of the branch 3029434-loading-entities-fix to hidden.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Added you as maintainer. Please follow the Drupal project guidelines.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Patch looks fine moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore


Can you rebase and create the Merge request for 1.x. The current merge request is invalid.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

arunkumark made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Patch will resolve the issue of Views argument.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

The patch looks fine. This feature helps to customize the block label. Moving to the RTBC.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

Patch looks fine. Moving to the RTBC.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

💬 Deprecate this module and mark it obsolete Needs review Module functionality merged to the Commerce Core.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

💬 Deprecate this module and mark it obsolete Needs review Module functionality merged to the Commerce Core.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

💬 Deprecate this module and mark it obsolete Needs review Module functionality merged to the Commerce Core.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

💬 Deprecate this module and mark it obsolete Needs review Module functionality merged to the Commerce Core.

🇮🇳India arunkumark Coimbatore

💬 Deprecate this module and mark it obsolete Needs review Module functionality merged to the Commerce Core.

Production build 0.69.0 2024