Should you not get the credit with the commit ?
Very cool. Thx.
You can implement a theme negotation for dashboards
Hard to achieve. If somebody has a resolution feel free to post it here.
Erik Seifert β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Erik Seifert β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
leymannx β credited Erik Seifert β .
We need a log entry as warning.
Having a log message would be a good addition. The file should be there, so it's warning.
I would replace the current js implementation. It seems more comfortable and modern.
Erik Seifert β created an issue.
Erik Seifert β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Erik Seifert β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Erik Seifert β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Okay seems to be removed from 10.0.0 β
We should have a better label than "Include destination". Something like "Return to dashboard after create content".
Thank you for support and work on this module. And after your patch is looking very nice. I like it ;-) Seems your MR does not have any changes, so i commit the patch.
Does it also applies to 2.1.x ?
I think matomo query do not have a accessCheck.
Erik Seifert β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Yes it is a colleague from we. Works about 10 years with drupal projects.
@hchonov. This setting is handled by klaro itself. The modal is not the second screen. There is also a cookie banner, but that's not the modal.
Looks for me that is works like designed.
See first screenshot shows only the small cookie banner in the bottom.
Second shows the modal without any possibility to close.
Seems for me the correct behavior.
Erik Seifert β created an issue.
Erik Seifert β created an issue.
- Added eslint config to have an easy check
- Utilize once in klaro.js
Erik Seifert β created an issue.
@elber feel free to test.
I have some findings with the tests.
- Added none initiated plugin manager
- Add correct behavior for empty exclude_paths
- Better block rendering (Bypass if user has the permission)
Tests will be running if β¨ Use klaro settings for excluded paths in block settings and add cache for render array Fixed is merged
The current schema files does not apply any schema on simple_klaro.settings. Update hook ist not needed here.
See π Config schema incorrect name Closed: duplicate