Budapest 🇪🇺
Account created on 26 December 2010, about 14 years ago
  • Acquia Certified Drupal 8+ Developer at Cheppers 

Merge Requests


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🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

C'mon, folks, a decade has passed with no progress around such a minor issue. We always try to play democracy at its best; we listen to every voice. But why can it happen that 1 single person vetoes against seven others 📌 Bring back contextual links for admin views Active ? I agree that UX is a significant profession, but why can one not feel convinced and give up their viewpoint against others for such a minor issue?

Meanwhile, during the last 10 years, can you imagine how many occasions our product has missed to let our users switch over quickly to the configuration page of a View? Yes, imagine because we don't have usage data (yet…). Therefore, referring to any numbers or percentages in any arguments in this discussion, I don't feel quite convincing.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Just stumbled upon this here arrived from the Meta issue. I'm asking all the previous commenters on this thread: a decade has passed, and a lot has been changed in and out of the Drupal core. Can anyone recall why this ticket was opened originally?

If no one has memories, I suggest closing this ticket as “Won't fix”.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

“This will only display if form elements are correctly setup with #config_target keys, and if that target is overridden.”

This module can be useful until the mentioned render array attribute gets widely used in the contrib space. Otherwise, the core's warning will not appear if #config_target is not communicated by the ConfigForm instance.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

As an avid documentation person, I support the idea that such a sophisticated software ecosystem as Drupal must embrace and promote a more modern markup format for writing all our valuable documentation.

I can imagine even some automated tools to implement for converting current .txt files into .md files. And of course, the CommonMark initiative is the best option to promote for our community, I believe.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Re-roll patch for the latest D9-supported version of this module 3.1.34.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

I cannot tell whether the solution proposed for fixing is good or bad, but I share my concerns about how caching API responses was implemented back then. For example, I can't recall any evidence of how these cache objects got invalidated. During testing on my local instance, I regularly hit $ drush cr to get the results from API calls as expected. It can be seen as my limitation, but I believe the entire caching logic of the module could be revised and eventually improved if time allows. One possible option can be to rely on Widen's recently introduced Webhooks and initiating purging our caches based upon receiving a call from their side.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl created an issue.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

In light of Lenny's recent updates 📌 [META] Track 3: Drupal Starshot documentation Active , it seems there’s no need to shift the target audience of this User Guide project to focus on the Drupal CMS product. A dedicated documentation effort is already being handled by the excellent team at As such, I’m withdrawing the point I raised in #8 📌 Decide on the future of the user guide Active , as it’s now clear this isn’t a concern.

That said, I’m left wondering whether Drupal Core (which is primarily aimed at developers, unlike Drupal CMS) truly needs a hands-on guide at all.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Glad to hear others also like the idea. From what I gather about the Starshot project through its communications, its aim seems to focus on serving an audience that Drupal Core alone has struggled to engage: non-coder site builders who prefer working exclusively through a graphical user interface. While I can’t speak on behalf of the original authors of the User Guide (Jennifer, Amber, Joe, and many others whose contributions deserve to be honored, though I regretfully can’t recall all their names), my experience working on the Hungarian translation left me with the impression that it was written with a very similar audience in mind.

As Drupal 8 was era-shifting in its terms, I believe, Drupal CMS is also expected to be so too. Publishing the 1. edition of the User Guide at the time of such a groundbreaking change was an extremely valuable aid to assist many over the gap. I think Drupal CMS's initial adoption could be further supported if we dedicate the 2nd edition of the User Guide solely to them.

Oppositely, I don't really see the point in mixing Drupal Core × Drupal CMS in the same book. It just makes no sense at all to me, because those are two very distinctive products sold to different audiences.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

All valuable points absolutely worth finding some freetime to read through all your arguments. However, until then just briefly dropping here a question: is this thread the good place to think about whether we want to consider updating “The Next Big Edition” of the user guide for Drupal CMS instead? Or maybe I have missed the point when it has been already decided that the User Guide must be about Core?

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

These 2 sentences: “Everything in this file is optional” and “The props section is currently required” seems logically conflicting for me, aren't they?

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Minor markup organizing and stylistic improvements.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺
  • Remove mentioning “experimental” as SDC is in Core now.
  • Referencing PHP classes more precisely wherever applicable.
  • Replace spaces in machine name as it's disallowed.
🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Only stylistic improvements, no content changes.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Demote version-related note to the bottom of the page as it's being displayed on almost every page of this guide.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Demote version-related note to the bottom of the page as it's being displayed on almost every page of this guide.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Demote version-related note to the bottom of the page as it's being displayed on almost every page of this guide.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Demote version-related note to the bottom of the page as it's being displayed on almost every page of this guide.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Still trying to avoid callout title being picked up as section title.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Demote version-related note to the bottom of the page as it's being displayed on almost every page of this guide.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Trying to avoid version note to be picked up as section title.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Update & simplify the callout to the actual Core version.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Update & simplify the callout to the actual Core version.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Thanks for everyone for their patience, here we go: 8.x-1.4

It’s worth noting a small UI improvement: following the convention of similar contrib projects (eg. config_export_ignore, config_export_json, config_devel, config_ignore, config_split, etc.), I’ve updated the package name on the Extend page from the rather generic “Development” to the more descriptive “Config” group:

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Thanks for everyone for their patience, here we go: 8.x-1.4

It’s worth noting a small UI improvement: following the convention of similar contrib projects, I’ve updated the package name on the Extend page from the rather generic “Development” to the more descriptive “Config” group:

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

The initial question in the issue title has been answered in Comment #4 searching assets based on file format Active , therefore I think we can close this one.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

As discussed with @japerry recently, all these changes goes onto the MR of 🌱 Roadmap to the next release of the `acquia_dam` module Active for the sake of simpler overview.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl changed the visibility of the branch stable-release-related-fixes to active.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Also linking Dynamic filter for collections Active here as well for visibility.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

It was probably a momentary lapse in judgment that led me to think, 'Not all Drupal users are Widen users too.' Of course, they must have a registered user account; otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to authenticate themselves on the Drupal side either. As a result, I’ve downgraded the significance of this potential disadvantage to being a minor UX flaw instead."

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Adding a possible disadvantage.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl changed the visibility of the branch stable-release-related-fixes to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

While working other things I just stumbled upon the same on the latest 1.1.x-dev version as well:

Memo: whoever will work on this, please make sure that all other non-URL-friendly characters are also tested for, not only the forward slash. Thanks!

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

On Acquia's internal channels, we have received reports of very similar errors to happen. Based on the formatting of error messages I see on Watchdog screenshots, I can tell that the Customer was using a version of this module before the MR !84 was merged.

Although handling of HTTP 4xx errors from asset-related API requests has been improved in the 1.1.x branch, but it is uncertain whether it covers integration link-related requests too or not. Independently from HTTP 4xx errors, I do agree with @capysara 's suspicion about if the CRUD operations of integration links are not in full sync with the DAM assets during their entire lifecycle. As the auto-hiding logic instantly sets media items unpublished at any time when the Widen API returns a response with negative meaning (aka. asset unavailable or deleted), these are not permanent changes on Widen's side (asset can be available later on and even can be restored from trashbin by admin). Therefore we don't delete media items automatically, so – up to my current understanding – we should not delete integration links either.

For the sake of transparency (and because we have referenced this ticket earlier from various sources) I restored its original issue description which was clearly about solving the link deletion problems. Also, bumping branch up to 1.1.x because it could be easier due to the aforementioned feature already implemented there.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

At the moment I have no access to any Widen instance hosted on * sub-domain (only those that run from the old *, therefore I would kindly ask anyone who has access to test our proposed bugfix on MR !97.

The expected behavior is: when browsing the media library modal window, all (except Audio & Generic another issue 📌 Generalize embed codes of audio and generic asset types Active ) kind of DAM assets should properly display a thumbnail image. The same applies to the Views list on the /admin/content/dam-media page too. Right-click on any thumbnail image, checking its URI in most (all?) cases should point to a CDN-related hostname.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

The solution provided here has been merged into both development branches, therefore I think we can close this ticket as Fixed.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Thanks @paladyn for reporting this. I just got informed about this '' domain name recently from Widen's docs . Although I cannot promise for sure, but I do agree that it would be extremely helpful if we could roll out the upcoming 1.1.0 stable release with properly prepared to handle this new domain name pattern too.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl changed the visibility of the branch 3478118-rc1-release-related-fixes to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺
  1. Port changes from MR !51 to branch 1.1.x as MR !95
  2. Remove the unnecessary Form title override, use the Page title from the routing itself instead
  3. Delete the unnecessary fieldset form element
  4. Replace instructions with a much more informative description about the purpose of this page
  5. Invoke the parent form logic to allow alteration by anyone else
  6. Use the action button inherited from the parent form controller
  7. Do not render the form if there is no metadata from the Widen API

Current implementation:

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl changed the visibility of the branch 3444915-allow-enabling-all to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl changed the visibility of the branch 1.1.x to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

In general terms, I like the idea, thanks for bringing it up and creating an MR. Some objectives from me:

  • The naming of the new option should fit into the semantical pattern of already existing ones, which mostly (all?) describe what the editor will receive when choosing that option (eg. “inline_view”, “link_thumbnail_download”, and “link_thumbnail”). Oppositely, the suggested name “background_video” represents a possible purpose for how this option can be used.

    After some testing, I found the proposed setup very similar to the already existing “video_stream” option. Therefore I suggest we could help the content editors understand better the difference between these two.
  • The autoplay feature activates within the WYSIWYG editor as well. I did not started to investigate any possibilities to its specific disablement, so we can handle it as a known issue until hearing back end-user complaints.
🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

The current implementation:

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

We are still keeping this ticket open until the final goal (1.1.0 stable got released) is achieved.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Resolved in 1.1.x-dev branch:

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Disclaimer: I am not a member of the Product Team that makes decisions about the direction of forthcoming development but I can hardly imagine such a data communication would be implemented in the near future. The entire ecosystem is built upon the concept that Widen is the central SSoT and one or more client websites connect it to fetch data from. Allowing backward would require a major overhaul of the entire current architecture. Sorry, this is a strong -1 from me.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

baluertl changed the visibility of the branch 3443055-handle-unavailable-widen-assets-11x to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

After the merge request has been merged, I cannot see any major difference between how the dropdown list works for an embedded image (not counting the last option with ling name which was added in a separate MR):

@jura.khrapunov / @ok4p1 / @vadim.hirbu could any of you please update the issue description with a proper list of steps for reproduction? Otherwise, it's hard to tell the issue status until it's unclear what the exact expectations were. Thanks in advance!

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

After the merge request has been merged, I cannot see any major difference between how the dropdown list works for an embedded image:

@jura.khrapunov / @ok4p1 / @vadim.hirbu could any of you please update the issue description with a proper list of steps for reproduction? Otherwise, it's hard to tell the issue status until it's unclear what the exact expectations were. Thanks in advance!

🇭🇺Hungary Balu Ertl Budapest 🇪🇺

Now tested: when upgrading from 1.0.14 stable to 1.1.x dev version, after running $ drush updb no any error messages appear on the /admin/content/media page.

Production build 0.71.5 2024