Adopt CommonMark spec for Markdown files

Created on 13 March 2018, over 6 years ago
Updated 14 March 2024, 4 months ago


We have no official stance towards or policy/coding standards for Markdown in projects or on *.d.o sites (see related issues).


Having this resolved would allow consensus and policy to be built to cascade down to revise, standardize the onslaught of contrib README.MD in-contrib documentation.

In addition GitLab Pages support has been added to the gitlab_templates project using mkdocs which is Markdown based increasing the number of Markdown files possibly present in project repositories.

Three supporters required

  1. → {userid} (date that user added support)
  2. → {userid} (date that user added support)
  3. → {userid} (date that user added support)

Proposed changes

1. →

This topic is currently being discussed:

#2952616: [policy, no patch] Markdown coding standards (adopt CommonMark spec)
#2191525: [PP-1][policy, no patch] Extend Markdown coding standards to support API module (DOXYGEN)

Markdown must adhere to the most recent release of the CommonMark specification.

Remaining tasks

  1. Add supporters
  2. Create a Change Record
  3. Review by the Coding Standards Committee
  4. Coding Standards Committee takes action as required
  5. Tagged with 'Needs documentation edits' if Core is not affected
  6. Discussed by the Core Committer Committee, if it impacts Drupal Core
  7. Documentation updates
    1. Edit all pages
    2. Publish change record
    3. Remove 'Needs documentation edits' tag
  8. If applicable, create follow-up issues for PHPCS rules/sniffs changes

For a full explanation of these steps see the Coding Standards project page →


This has previously been discussed and supported by the TWG #2191525-54: [PP-1][policy, no patch] Extend Markdown coding standards to support API module (DOXYGEN) → :

The TWG discussed this on today's call and we would support adopting the commonmark markdown spec as the official standard.

🌱 Plan

Needs work


Coding Standards

Created by

🇺🇸United States markhalliwell

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  • Coding standards

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  • 🇺🇸United States cmlara

    Running across this issue while looking at coding standard to see if we had any for Markdown. This appears to have stalled during the period where there was no active Coding Standards committee. The newly reformed committee is doing a good job of working through active issues now.

    I've updated the issue to use the new standard template to re-start this through the process.

    Under the new rules this will need 3 "supporters" to put their name on the change. Setting to needs-work based on this requirement.

    I will note I have a few concerns.

    1. CommonMark's specifications are confusing to read and would likely not be sufficient for average users requiring more documentation on D.O. to be written.
    2. The standard makes no specific requirement in many cases, allowing a range of options.

    Here are some questions I was asking when reviewing CommonMark that I still do not have an 'always correct' answer for:

    • How many spaces should I use to indent an order list?
    • Should I left align or right align the ordered list?
    • How man spaces should I indent a sublist?

    The specification essentially gave me a range for all of the above leaving it to me to decide what option I want to use. This isn't bad from a parser specification standpoint, however from a coding standard it allows for deviations even within the same project as each file may use different specifications.

    To me CommonMark appears to be more of a parsing engine specification rather than a Coding standard. It obviously has its place to define the basis of what is acceptable within a limit, however because of its wide leeway it also doesn't necessarily provide a consistent policy across the ecosystem.

    To make it more complicated, I was researching this as part of using mkdocs, which uses python-markdown, which advises that the original Markdown spec specifies 4 spaces indent while CommonMark itself will accept 2-4 spaces.

    Perhaps this wide specification is sufficient as a limit, and maybe even necessary given the wide range of Parsers available to render Markdown that we can't define a specific limit for some of these.

    On a related note, it appears GitLab is using a CommonMark parser:

  • 🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

    Thanks for reviving this issue, the template → is mostly aligned with GitLab Flavored Markdown (GLFM), and the consensus reached in the Discussion section.

  • 🇺🇸United States ChristophWeber

    I agree with @cmlara in #10 and @ressa in #11. GitLab Flavored Markdown (GLFM) represents a decent and for practical purposes complete implementation of CommonMark. As GitLab users the Drupal community is best served by converging on GitLab Flavored Markdown, instead of trying to match the somewhat opaque CommonMark specification.

    I will also note that an effort to document contrib projects in situ has been started:
    And there is some other related internal discussion as well.
    All this to say that converging on a known MarkDown specification is going to be vital.

  • 🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

    Thanks for sharing the link @ChristophWeber, but not everyone is on Slack, and it requires log in to read the content ... Would it be possible to copy-paste the relevant bits here? Or is there a page or issue on

  • 🇺🇸United States cmlara → is the relevant section of user guides on D.O.

    Some of us are using this to move our docs into the repo (as oppose to the Documentation section of D.O.) for easier management of changes (change a feature you change the docs in the same commit) and wider distribution (the documentation ships with code making it available offline).

    As noted in #10 mkdocs requires complying with Python Markdown specifications available are stricter than CommonMark. Mkdocs isn’t the only system (any static site generator can be used) however it is the one that is currently a part of the template. I’ve seen other non Drupal projects use it as well.

    The gitlab_templates project is just started using this to document itself (WIP site)

  • 🇭🇺Hungary mxr576 Hungary

    #13 @ressa, let me Slack Dump it for you :)

    > fjgarlin [U6K08UK96] @ 20/12/2023 08:10:51 Z:
    New feature for contrib: *GitLab pages support*
    You can read about it here: <>
    You just need to place a couple of files in the repo and you’ll get a documentation page for your module!!
    In case you’re interested in the issue where this was added have a look <|here>. Big thanks to <@U1Z8HKMAR> for it.
    > saschaeggi [U3A2ZDSE4] @ 20/12/2023 08:32:44 Z:
    <@U6K08UK96> awesome! Thank you – now just Issues and we’re good to go basically :stuck_out_tongue:
    > fjgarlin [U6K08UK96] @ 20/12/2023 08:33:27 Z:
    I’m actually writing documentation about them this week :slightly_smiling_face: 2024 is going to be exciting
    > saschaeggi [U3A2ZDSE4] @ 20/12/2023 08:34:06 Z:
    > wimleers (he/him) [U5HCX3HB5] @ 20/12/2023 11:21:05 Z:
    > Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) [U1A7P6GTZ] @ 21/12/2023 08:48:53 Z:
    Is the goal that module docs move from <|> handbook to gitlab pages?
    > fjgarlin [U6K08UK96] @ 21/12/2023 08:50:51 Z:
    right now, I don’t think we thought about that as a goal, but it’ll defo be a nice consequence if people start adopting this format.
    it has great flexibility and you’ll have the documentation within the repo itself as well, which is nice too.
    …and it’ll take some load off from d.o
    > saschaeggi [U3A2ZDSE4] @ 21/12/2023 08:52:50 Z:
    come to me
    Move all the things :tada: 
    > moshe [U1Z8HKMAR] @ 21/12/2023 12:42:31 Z:
    >  Is the goal that module docs move from <|> handbook to gitlab pages?
    IMO yes. One friction point is that our issue forks do not play super nicely with the WebIDE.
    > saschaeggi [U3A2ZDSE4] @ 21/12/2023 15:16:18 Z:
    <@U1Z8HKMAR> once migrated, can we get rid of the forks? Or what would keep us doing it?
    > moshe [U1Z8HKMAR] @ 21/12/2023 15:21:25 Z:
    The DA is planning to keep issue forks indefinately. The rest of the world uses personal forks.
    > saschaeggi [U3A2ZDSE4] @ 21/12/2023 15:22:58 Z:
    This limits some features, too I believe
    > wimleers (he/him) [U5HCX3HB5] @ 22/12/2023 09:36:17 Z:
    Personal forks prevent collaboration from others, right? That’s why d.o went with issue forks?
    > fjgarlin [U6K08UK96] @ 22/12/2023 09:57:37 Z:
    Yeah, i think that’s the main reason. People can ask push access on a shared fork and get instant access, as opposed to waiting for a person to grant it on a personal one. 
    I’m sure there is more to it that just that tho. 
    cc <@U3U1SD32R> 
    > moshe [U1Z8HKMAR] @ 22/12/2023 09:58:59 Z:
    The proposal was for personal forks with a bot that would auto-grant access. So there would be collaboration with personal fork as well.
    > wimleers (he/him) [U5HCX3HB5] @ 22/12/2023 10:40:35 Z:
    I see :thinking_face:
    Even better would be no issue forks and just allowing everybody to create branches/MRs on every project. Yes, that requires write access to all projects. But the official branches would only allow pushes from the maintainers. That would remove _all_ of the `git remote` shenanigans :pleading-eyes:  A few months worth of Drupal core `git remote`s yields this ridiculous unsustainable and unmaintainable result:
    But I’m sure there were good reasons to _not_ do that :shrug: :neutral_face:
    (No I do not use that font size, it was just to fit it all in one screen)
    > moshe [U1Z8HKMAR] @ 22/12/2023 10:49:03 Z:
    Thats a great model used within most companies but its not commonly used among untrusted collaborators. When you git clone, you are getting all the potentially malicious and pornographic code pushed by others. VS Code and others now have a trust model that allows for this, but I'm still uneasy. In all other ways, your proposal is superior.
    > wimleers (he/him) [U5HCX3HB5] @ 22/12/2023 13:13:02 Z:
    Well … I’ve yet to see the first case of me getting pornography from a Drupal issue? :sweat_smile: We’d quickly ban those users anyway? :thinking_face:
    > moshe [U1Z8HKMAR] @ 22/12/2023 13:14:10 Z:
    For sure. But their commits are in the canonical repo permanently.
    > wimleers (he/him) [U5HCX3HB5] @ 22/12/2023 14:41:17 Z:
    Right. We would need that “MR/branch is obsolete, clean it up now please” logic.
  • 🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen


    Some of us are using this to move our docs into the repo (as oppose to the Documentation section of D.O.) for easier management of changes (change a feature you change the docs in the same commit) and wider distribution (the documentation ships with code making it available offline).

    This makes sense, and definitely makes it easier to keep code and docs in sync. Though, it could also be a blocker for updating the documentation, since an administrator needs to get involved when adding to, or updating it. But I guess, one platform (D.O docs vs. MkDocs) doesn't exclude the other, and for some projects one of them makes more sense, than the other. For example a niche, highly technical module should probably use MkDocs, whereas a module with lots of GUI configuration, D.O docs could be a better fit, allowing many users to create doc pages freely.

    And by the way, about your questions about lists ( #10 → ), GitLab Flavored Markdown (GLFM) > Lists defines how to format them. This is also where "Bulleted lists denoted by dashes (-)" and "Ordered lists use 1" in template → come from.

    Awesome @mxr576, thanks!

    It's so sad to me that all these great conversations on Slack are locked in a black box, and will over time disappear ... There are great nuggets of information and insight in there.

    Somebody should create a Slack-scraper and paste the Drupal conversations into a "The Drupal Slack Daily" issue :)

  • 🇭🇺Hungary mxr576 Hungary

    Somebody should create a Slack-scraper and paste the Drupal conversations into a "The Drupal Slack Daily" issue :)

    You are not the only one with this idea, and probably AI could also help with summarizing these conversations ;)

  • 🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

    That sounds wonderful, I hope it will happen! Though I don't think AI is needed here -- the raw messages would work well, both to have them accessible for reading, but also to get them indexed in the search engines, to make them findable.

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