Account created on 9 January 2007, over 17 years ago

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🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Just adding a note, that removing [current-page:title] | [site:name] under "Global" (/admin/config/search/metatag/global) and leaving it empty, allowed a custom Views title from a hook_views_pre_render function to get used instead.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Yes, that would be the right strategy. I did a quick search in Change Records and didn't find anything, but it may not qualify as that ...

It would also be nice if someone can verify if the stated situation for Drupal 10.2 / 10.3 / 11 in the Issue Summary is correct.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

It would be great if someone could add this in the menu. Thanks!

This page has not yet been reviewed by Theming Drupal maintainer(s) and added to the menu.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

ressa changed the visibility of the branch 3.0.x to hidden.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Great work with separating the different tasks, and focusing on the necessary ones, thanks @DYdave!

On Acquia's Drupal 11 project deprecation status page, Admin Toolbar is the most popular project, not yet Drupal 11 ready.

Almost all of the 30 most popular projects are Drupal 11 ready, which is amazing. Webform and Paragraphs still need some work, so feel free to join in, and help get them D11 ready.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Add inspiration section with link to a project by 1xINTERNET, for a great template.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Yes, let's mark it fixed and address the remaining task on Thanks for a fast review and commit.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Let's list all modules that need to be installed, for full transparency.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

You can only install modules with Composer from now on, so no need to explain it.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Adding relevant issues. Skimming the page, I was reminded how slow and painful it was to use Composer 1 back in 2020. Composer 2 is so much better, and supported by most web hosts.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Actually, since BPMN is the recommended modeller now, it could be singled out even more in the Quick Start instructions.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thanks for the feedback @jurgenhaas, they were all great suggestions, and I updated the MR, and tightened up the BPMN part as well. What do you think?

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thanks for following up on this @arunkumark, and checking. I haven't seen this error since I reported it, and it seems like no-one else has experienced it... so let's close this issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thanks! I re-created the MR here. My thought was to keep it simple, and allow any user searching for "content type" on that page to quickly find the relevant help text, and figure out the next step. The new text "Add specific metatags, for example per content type, by clicking "Add default meta tags"." is underlined with yellow:

PS: Perhaps update the default Gitlab branch to version 2, to align with the default version on Then we don't have to switch branch when making MR's ...

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

ressa made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Perfect, thanks! I'll create the MR over there.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I also wanted to define a specific meta tag (in my case <title>) for a single content type.

So I opened "Content" at /admin/config/search/metatag/node, but hit a dead end, since this form was for editing all content types ... so I searched and found this issue.

Since this is a common use case, perhaps we could add a little help text about this at the top of the page?

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thanks for fixing the version @quietone. Sorry that I keep selecting the wrong version. I will try to get it right next time.

Adding possibly related issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Clarify and fix case.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I created a doc page, feel free to add more details, if you think it might make the process easier and clearer for people who are new to this:

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I picked up another nugget, from one of your previous comment:

In addition to that, the relationship to modellers could now be re-positioned as I spoke to @mxh, the maintainer of the classic modeller, last night. He agreed that we can and should make it as obvious as possible, that bpmn_io is the way to go. The other alternatives (camunda and eca_cm) will stay around, but we don't need to mention them as prominent as we currently do. And we could even discourage people from using them, pretty much like the updated project page of the classic modeller.

So I made it even clearer that BPMN is the recommended modeller.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

And by the way, thanks for explaining how it all ties together in your comment #6. I was in a bit of a hurry when I made my short comment in #7 ... But I very much appreciate you thorough descriptions, and taking the time to explain it in detail, why the the display in Project Browser should probably not have install instructions, what the structure is in ECA, and the thinking behind it, and so on.

Re-reading your comment, I picked up on this:

In summary, we can re-phrase the sections on the project page where modellers are mentioned. There we can make sure that is recognized as the recommended modeller, i.e. the default modeller if you will.

This sounds great, and I made a tentative update to the README, what do you think?

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Sounds great! Perhaps we can turn the current installation page into a Quick Start guide? I have inserted the README MR text into the page and adding it as an image, for an example of how it might look. If you prefer a new section, that's also fine. But I would think, with the added text explaining that the user can change modeller, I don't see a need for two install guides.

And thanks for clarifying the situation about the README title, I have updated the MR.

I have also updated and the install section, based it on the original text, but slimmed it down. For example, the only way to install modules now is with Composer, so there's no need to mention that.

Quick Start example on install page.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

That other issue is about README, and I just wanted to separate them. But let's close this one.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

That's fine. I asked if it could be added in the instead, what do you think about that?

Or if you prefer, we could create a new quickstart section in the, which would be the two steps I added in this MR, and link to it from the README instead?

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I agree @apaderno, negative contributions are time wasters, and should be flagged and stopped.

But nice improvements are being categorized as credit gaming, just for being a README MR. See #3343722: Clean up documentation , for example. A great improvement, resulting in a nicely formatted new (original) which reads great. But it was rejected, and on top of that, the creator called out as being a credit gamer.

PS: Increasing the 80 characters per line rule to 120 characters for .txt and .md files in PHPCS (or removing the limit) might prevent some negative contributions? See #3173782: Increase line length limit to 120 and #3039007: Relax the rule that arrays may not span more than 80 characters .

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I think the decision to reject this MR should be reconsidered, since this an improvement.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Yes, you're probably right @mindaugasd ... I saw README mentioned in the Issue Summary which triggered me. I should have checked more thoroughly before posting.

I agree that negative contributions are wasting everyone's time, like the one you link to. They should be flagged and the offender called out, absolutely. Always.

The problem arises when great contributions are being flagged as credit gaming, merely for being a README MR. As an example, see #3343722: Clean up documentation . A great contribution, perfectly executed, and a clear improvement. But it was rejected, and on top of that, the creator called out as being a credit gamer:

@gajendra_sharma thank you but I don't accept tickets like these for projects I manage as this is viewed as a credit farming technique and doesn't bring value to the project. If you wish to get involved please work on actual issues.
Linking this because I know employees of the company have been warning before #3339883: Employees of Dotsquares are posting mass re-roll patches which are invalid and/or incomplete

The MR looks great, and reads better in my opinion:

Please also see the discussion I linked to. Anyways, sorry that I hi-jacked this issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Yet another little paper cut bites the dust, thanks everyone who made this happen!

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

You're welcome @sergeyrusak :)

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Heh, cross post 🙂 Great that you got my meaning, after reading again. Also, feel free to participate in README discussion in 🌱 Categorize contributions that could be considered 'gaming the credit system' and propose solutions (policy, automation, etc) Active .

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

But the Huggingface issue is from 23 Feb 2024 ... it's not an old Drupal 7 issue.

I am not sure what to think of the behaviors by these users ... Of course, if a user makes annoying, no-value commits, that should be called out. My point here is merely that in that HuggingFace MR, the Specbee employee behaved exemplary, adding clear value.

Also, if you look at my track record two years ago, I was involved in a lot of README issues, solely to make sure that a consistent template was used, and give Drupal a consistent and professional face on Gitlab via uniform's. So I was indeed following along in all issues and jumped in at relevant issues and made sure the README template was used, during those times when the README update-rush was on, making sure the README template covered the essentials.

As I have stated elsewhere, credit means very little or nothing to me. For example, I have spent a lot of time translating Drupal into Danish, for which I have gotten zero credit. But I did it anyway, simply to improve Drupal, and give back to the community.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I don't think README MR's should be categorized as gaming the system by default. Feel free to participate in the discussion in 🌱 Categorize contributions that could be considered 'gaming the credit system' and propose solutions (policy, automation, etc) Active .

I think it's important to discern between spammy, Drupal 7, no users, README MR's, and a clear improvement, for example by adding a to a popular project without a README, in the first place.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

But ... we agree @BramDriesen :-)

Perhaps I didn't formulate myself clearly .... sorry about that. English is not my primary language. But if you read my comments again, maybe it makes sense? If not, please ask, and I can try to clarify.

Specbee employees may have behaved badly in other issues. All I did was remove the link in the Issue Summary to Huggingface README, since that is a perfectly fine MR, by a Specbee employee ... but it was used as an example of gaming, which it is not.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

This is the commit by @Nitin Lama from Specbee in the README MR 📌 Add README File Needs review which in my opinion is:

  1. A clear improvement
  2. Close to perfect

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Updating link in the Issue Summary to point to a D7 README update mentioned in #3 by @BramDriesen:

[...] Specbee is for sure into the credit farming game. They are digging up 7y+ old issues for D7 modules to add readme files

... and not a relevant and perfectly fine README MR, for a current and updated project in 📌 Add README File Needs review . Labeling that as gaming the system is just plain wrong.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thanks @BramDriesen, maybe you can copy paste the Slack discussion here, for transparency? I don't use Slack, and maybe there are others as well ...

About categorizing README MR's as system gaming by default, see the discussion in 🌱 Categorize contributions that could be considered 'gaming the credit system' and propose solutions (policy, automation, etc) Active .

For README MR's, it's important to separate redundant MR's for 7y+ old issues for D7 modules, as mentioned in #3 by @BramDriesen, and relevant updates to currently actively maintained modules, such as 📌 Replace README.txt with Fixed which was labeled as gaming -- wrongly, in my opinion.

Will fix this directly. These type of tickets are viewed as credit farming and have been reported dozens of times so I’m just closing out

From #3315922-17: Replace README.txt with .

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Great that you got it running. And, Yes! You can do anything in DDEV, which is why it is the officially recommended developer tool. I suggest that you follow the installation instructions, and direct any questions to the DDEV issue queue:

Re: MAMP, see the section at the very top of

It is generally recommended to use a Docker-based solution , such as DDEV or Lando, for local Drupal development, rather than manually installing MAMP.

You may be able to convert a Drupal 7 site to Composer, though Drupal 7 is soon EOL (January 2025) so probably not worth the effort.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I am glad I could help!

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

It looks like "Last saved" cannot be edited. But you could instead order by "Authored on", since that value can be edited, so you can control it.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

You could try installing another test instance of Drupal 10.2.7 and compare the graphical user interface, and also look at the formatting, and see if there are any differences?

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Alternatively, I often use something like this in a search engine:

collapsiblock comments

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

I commend dabbling and experimenting! But not with web host installers. Instead, install the officially recommended developer environment on your machine, which is DDEV, and then experiment away:

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

You may be able to use MAMP, but DDEV is the recommended tool ...

You shouldn't install Drupal, I think, but restore the Drupal 7.72 web site, using the files and database from the server. There are many articles on how to do this on the internet.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thank you for your kind offer @vipin.mittal18, I hope you can be added as a maintainer, to speed things up.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

The recommended local environment for Drupal is

So get that up and running (Mac might be easiest?), restore your Drupal 7 site, and then test all the updates on a local back up, before repeating the procedure in production.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

It's a little hidden, but here's how to. Search and then click "Forums & Issues":

or filter by…

    All (22915) Apply All filter
    Forums & Issues (21733)

... and then you get the "Forum topic" option:

and content type

    Issue (19884) Apply Issue filter
    Forum topic (1849)

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Add question about a work-around.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thanks for looking into this @apaderno.

On a related note, it looks like custom links are also not included when exporting configuration, so I created an issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Got here looking for a Drupal 11 solution, where it will hopefully soon be fixed. Adding link, in case anyone else finds this issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

A year has passed since @penyaskito kindly updated the MR and requested a review ... it would be great if it could get a look-over, to check if the code looks good now.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Add note about Default Base URL not being exported as configuration, yet.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Thanks for saving the conversation before it was lost @mxr576!

As we talked about in #2952616-17: Adopt CommonMark spec for Markdown files , an automated Slack dumper service would be awesome, pulling down and saving all the great Drupal conversations. A daily issue could work as a data repository, consolidating the text for inclusion when searching in Drupal core issues :-)

Drupal Slack Dump for 2024-07-03

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

It sounds great that BPMN can be singled out as the default modeller, thanks! I created an issue for this, and added it in 📌 Idea for project page to help with on-boarding Active .

I do understand your concern, due to there being many, many options for the individual solution ... But my thinking is this:

It's crucial to get new users on-boarded easily, since it's currently way too hard and takes a lot of effort -- so let's get new users up and running in minutes, and don't force them to read the manual.

BUT, let's also add directly before (or after) a caveat that this is exactly this: A two step command, to get new users started, and then add links to the very voluminous documentation.

I would have no problem taking the responsibility of updating the download and install commands. In my opinion, it would be a small task to remember to do this (maybe it will rarely be necessary?), but the gains will be huge, due to the big influx of new users.

Wouldn't it be possible to refer to the general documentation on how to download and enable modules and in addition enhance the section such that people know which modules they should download and enable?

Actually, if BPMN is singled out as the default modeller, perhaps it could be included in ECA by default by adding it as a requirement, so that just running composer require drupal/eca will get you both ECA module and the BPMN modeller. I.e. this:

composer require drupal/eca drupal/bpmn_io

... will become this, if BPMN is a requirement:
composer require drupal/eca

Add BPMN in composer.json:

"require": {
    "php": ">=8.1",
    "ext-dom": "*",
    "ext-json": "*",
    "dragonmantank/cron-expression": "^3.1",
    "drupal/core": "^10.3||^11",
    "mtownsend/xml-to-array": "^2.0"
    "drupal/bpmn_io": "^2.0" <<<<<<<<<<<< ADD this?

Or if you prefer, we could create a new quickstart section in the, which would be the two steps I added in this MR, and link to it from the README instead?

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Adding 📌 Improve "Entity: Set field value" task/action form Active :

I think that the Custom properties form for this (and many other) tasks can be improved to make it more usable to new(er) users of the ECA module.

Also adding issue for making BPMN the default modeller.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

All hosting provider issues are now updated.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen

Update Issue Summary "Remaining tasks", linking to parent issue.

Production build 0.69.0 2024