Account created on 6 June 2010, about 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

With tweak twig module enable.
Copy the advanced title block template to your subtheme.
On the copied templete add the breadcrumb block as on tweak twig instructions

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

I suggest using slick views, create a block and put it on the desire location

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

The module generates a button instead of an anchor with the requirement of neither bootstrap or font awesome. Useless is far from true.
The button is formated using bootstrap classes. If not using bootstrap you can use the classes to match your own styles.
It also has the option to add fontswesome using classes, again. You can simply avoid the the use of icons or use the FA classes to inject your own.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

To apply D10 patch edit your composer json on this lines:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": "",
            "exclude": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": ""

Then run: composer require 'drupal/header_and_footer_scripts:dev-3287867-d10-fix'

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

To make TB_megamenu work with Barrio, edit your subtheme page.html.twig and remove all navbar responsive HTML including the toggler.
Remember that Barrio expect to handle the menu and TB_megamenu too, so they conflict.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Percent is float, not integer and its input is under control, no oprion to receive string instead.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Bootstrap Barrio theme assume that the theme is handling the main menu rendering.
Toi avoid conflicts with the theme modify on your subtheme the main navigation markup of your page.html.twig removing all responsive menu rendering markup from line 84, to endup with this simpe code:

{% if page.primary_menu or page.header_form %}
   {{ page.primary_menu }}
   {% if page.header_form %}
       <div class="form-inline navbar-form justify-content-end">
          {{ page.header_form }}
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}
🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Just copy the templete to your subtheme and edit to your need.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Update import.scss file

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Added migration tool reference

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Clarify title

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

@shreya I just merged your pull request.
I do not know or decide how it gets credited

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Please update your subtheme import.scss to latest version 5.0.10 one.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Latest DEV version integrates light and dark Bootstrap modes.
The switcher does a perfect match.
From Barrio perspective there is a little more work pending taking dark mode variables to the administration.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Natkeeran, please add use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup; at the beginning of your file and see if this fix the error.
Seems like somehow Drupal is trying to translate the string by calling this function.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

hatuhay made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

hatuhay made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

The theme is not intended to be used as admin theme.
I does work for content forms, but not tested on any other admin.
I love Gin as as admin theme.

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Changing all links to buttons not always work.
A note is on the configuration theme's form

🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

New SASS structure for Bootstrap 5.3.
Change import.scss to this on your subtheme

// 1. Include functions first (so you can manipulate colors, SVGs, calc, etc)
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";

// 2. Include any default variable overrides here

// 3. Include remainder of required Bootstrap stylesheets (including any separate color mode stylesheets)
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables-dark";

// 4. Include any default map overrides here
// variables
@import "variables";
// typography
@import "typography";
// 5. Include remainder of required parts
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/maps";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/root";

// 6. Optionally include any other parts as needed
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/utilities";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/reboot";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/type";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/images";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/containers";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/grid";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/helpers";

// 7. Optionally include utilities API last to generate classes based on the Sass map in `_utilities.scss`
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/utilities/api";

// 8. Add additional custom code here
@import "mixins";
// barrio
@import "barrio";
🇵🇪Peru hatuhay Lima

Hello Steve,
Your patch redirects the user to the root links no matter what menu_link is being edited.
The issue comes from the $this->getRedirectDestination()->get() response, it changes depending on the language negotiation settings.
If no language or language negotiation based on url prefix it returns a relative URL starting with "/".
If language negotiation based on domain it returns an absolute URL starting with "http$://" and Url::fromUserInput fails.

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