Account created on 27 March 2006, about 18 years ago

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🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi Jeremy,
Where did you put the css please in the theme?
I have the same problem, that the cookie banner with every refresh arises again.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

EDIT: Was a caching issue, working now.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Him for me the same, installed, enabled, not filter showing...

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit


I had exactly the same, no errors in the errorlog..

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, we tried this solution. But it didn't work some how. When we use this combined with google ads...the referrer is not staying correct, and therefor the counting fot google analytics is not working correct anymore. Any one else same kind of outcome?

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, Yes I saw those posts, but they didn't work. Somehow the referrer to google analytics changes when we use eu_cookie_compliance and when people accept the cookies, the referral is changes, so google analytics is not counting correctly?

Does anybody else have this situation please?


🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, +1 for easy recipe for dummies!
Thanks in advance,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, what is the status of this issue please?
Thanks for your reply in advance,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, it would be great to have this patch put into Google Analytics module, while GDPR modules do not fix this, and google analytics is the major cookie setter to handle with GDPR for my situation.
Is it ok when I reopen this for latest Google Analytics module? Otherwise close it again, but until now I do not see solution to prevent adding analytics code if the cookie allowed cookie (hehe) is not set.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

After looking into this, for me also still this is the problem:
I do not see any noticeable effect on the cookies with any setting. It also does not reload the page after rejecting cookies!

Is this functionality which should be in this module, or do we have to look elsewhere?

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

This still not working in latest .dev. Can this be submitted please? Greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit


I my case it kicks in without a setting. The vocabulary must allow adding new terms. I do not know exactly how my builder from Oekrain made it, but it is working.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, thanks for your renewed effort. I have it working using the patch I brought in. And it is only working when the Save New term option is triggered. I think putting this in a submodule is the best option, so people can choice to save new terms, or not.
I am not a programmer, but I can show screenshots of my site if needed? Greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, little busy, many thanks! is it now in Greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit


May be to do with; 🐛 Formatter third party settings missing from Views UI Needs work ?

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, The problem is the 1001 of this module, an "add-on" module, cookie_content_blocker needs then to be set to 1002, and that is out of range of the Module Weight Module. That module goes only to 100..

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, Will with this change the module weight of the module be something like 11 if 10 is the highest value?
greetings, Martijn

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

I agree this would be great idea. There are situation we need to change module weight, I have it now with cookies, see:
I would love to reopen it. And it would be great to have the possibility to change the module weight if necessary in .info !

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, For me it is the google analytics cookies I want consent of the anonymous user. What settings do I need for Cookie Content Blocker with EU Cookie Compliance to work as such that the cookies are not placed until the user gives consent?
My core.extention.yaml consists only out:

module: {}
theme: {}
profile: ''

Thanks for your reply in advance, and I do not want to hijack this issue, but it seems relevant, right? Greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, On drupal 8-10 I found these helpfull pages, but not a plain solution:
I use eu_cookie_compliance/ with latest module google_analytics. I just added the Google Analytics code into the footer.

I see lots of issues about it.
- [2.x?] How to block cookies until the user accepts, for example Google Analytics cookies? Needs work
- 🐛 Disabling Javascript with "Opt-in with categories" enable seems to not work Postponed: needs info
- 🐛 Disable JavaScript isn't completely working (to prevent cookies before consent) Postponed: needs info

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, It seems this is the god-issue about getting a noticeable effect on the cookies with any setting. In my case without a patch on latest eu_cookie module, It also does not reload the page after rejecting cookies. What to do please?
Sorry for earlier making 🐛 There is no noticeable effect on the cookies with any setting. It also does not reload the page after rejecting cookies. Active , but after further investigation I found more issues about this.
Thanks for your reply in advance, greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, Should I use of this module, and google analytics to get this working together?
Thanks for your reply in advance, greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, When is this committed please to latest 4.x-dev?
Thanks for your reply in advance, greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, That would be awesome also!

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, great this solution is working for you.
For me because I had allready nodes with the lineage in drupal didn't work.
Now with both patches I can add new terms on node-edit page, and the term lineage is saved!
May be the term lineage could be placed in a submodule?
greetings, Martijn

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Him this was a specific CKEditor issue, instead of an AI issue. Greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

You are lucky, I waited 2 years for it...and then decided to let it build...
greetings and great weekend,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi Abelass, with this patch you can! I have let it build by a great company Drudesk. 💬 Save term lineage Drupal 10 Active

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Could you please tell me the exact terminal commands, to checkout 3410046-drupal-10-version please?

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit


This is the flow of action which works for me, and advised by great company Drudesk ( ).

A great company that can help you if you want to migrate your site from drupal 6/7 to drupal 10! and also assists in the maintenance afterwards.

Setup Github with your own repository. 
Name your Branch master

On local site
1) git fetch
2) git pull origin master
3) composer update
4) drush updb 
5) drush cr

Test the changes locally, go through the website and make sure it is OK.
Then add the changes to github

6) git add . (adding all changed files to commit).
7) git commit -m 'commute message' (for example, 'Drupal core update to 10.2.1.')
8) git push origin master
Now the code is altered in github from local

Then push the changes to remote server
9) connect to prod via ssh
10) cd to project folder
11) git fetch
12) git pull origin master
13) composer install on server. 
14) drush updb
15) drush cr 

If local test was OK, then prod shall be OK after the update as well.
Test Production again if everything is fine.
Then you are updated again!

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

I cloned the MR with GIT Clone, right? Thanks for building!

But then using drupal 10.2.1 I got "This version is not compatible with Drupal 10.2.1 and should be replaced."

greetings, Martijn

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Yes, that is the old way how I did it with drupal 7 and FTP.

I thought may be there was a way completely with github and no FTP or Composer..


🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi Lariska and others,

I thought it was because of security reasons not wise to use composer on production site? 

So I was wandering, how to do it without composer?

Thanks again for your reply.


🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi Lariska,

I do not know if I need composer on remote server to update my drupal and modules. That's my question.
How can I do that, using github and what are the exact terminal comments then please?


🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi Lariska,

What are the exact terminal comments then please?

Thanks for your reply in advance!


🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi Sebaz,

Thanks for the info. I am not a programmer, so are not able to build it.
But maybe it is great for someone to use it to build a add-on for views, or to add it to views.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi SebaZ, willing to share your own counter? Thanks for your reply in advance,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, when will this patch be committed please? I ask it so whether i have to change my composer.json, or can wait for the new .dev version?
Greetings and a happy 2024!

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, This is tested and ready. Greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, I tried what you ask.
I see this module on github and this module for Drupal 7 on drupal:

But I do not see a comparison module or code able to make a pull-request for? I am not.a programmer, and just found out about github..sorry for that.
How can I make a pull request than for administrative area's in France please?
Thanks for your reply in advance, greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit


It would be great to have the 3166-2 code and connected Subdivision name on the Address administrative area!
I do not understand what you mean with open a PR there please?

Greetings and thanks for your reply,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Summit created an issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, I let made a Drupal 10 Save term lineage patch, see 💬 Save term lineage Drupal 10 Active

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Using also above patch, my composer.json file for SHS looks like this:

            "drupal/shs": {
                "#2712115: Add functionality to add new terms": "",
                "#2712115: SHS & select2 integration": "",
                "#2943357: Save term lineage": ""
🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Could it be this simple to solve in GeofieldDirectionFormatter.php

Line 213:
- $link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($link_text, $url);
+ $link = Link::fromTextAndUrl(Html::decodeEntities($link_text), $url);

I am not a programmer, so can you please provide a patch, so that tokens like node:title, are decoded and & doesn't become &amp.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Summit created an issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Is this still true? When I use in a view the field_adresveld:administrative_area.
And choose "Display the subdivision name instead of the subdivision code"
For for instance

Frankrijk  Champagne-Ardenne  Haute-Marne  Langres  

I got the Administrative area code A21
But also when I enable "Display the subdivision name instead of the subdivision code", I got A21, and not " Champagne-Ardenne", like it states in

Thanks for your reply in advance,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Thanks again for your quick reply! Thanks for the link.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, I looked into the redis module...I couldn't find the example file.
Can you please explain, where to find it, may be with a link?
Thanks for your reply in advance!

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Thanks for your quick reply. I will look into the example file. Thanks!

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

I do not understand what you are saying with "You can use the URL of your new Tab and put it directly as iframe-url"
Do you mean with that. Manually using the url of the new TAB from the
And putting that in the Iframe field? Then I have to walked to 3000+ records?

The geofield directions gives as output of the view-field say
I would very much automatically frame this in the iframe field.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

+1 for google maps in iframe, and preferabele on a new page within the site.

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, Any one picking this up please? Greetings,

🇳🇱Netherlands Summit

Hi, any progress please on this important issue?

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