- Issue created by @Summit
- πΊπΈUnited States bluegeek9
Composer remove does not uninstall projects from Drupal. You need to uninstall projects through the UI or use drush. After you uninstall the project you can remove it from your site with composer.
If you add visitors back with composer, you should be able to uninstall it. You may need to clear the cache after uninstall it. Then you con remove it.
Which resources was Visitors consuming too much of? Was it the database size?
- π³π±Netherlands Summit
Hi, Thanks!
I did just that:
- Installed Visitors again
- Enabled Visitors
- Uninstalled Visitors
- Composer remove drupal/visitorsNow tomorrow looking if this changes anything in my dblog.
Thanks for your quick reply,
greetings, - π³π±Netherlands Summit
Hi, no it was the memory size, not the database.
- π³π±Netherlands Summit
Hi, I did all that Install again, and Uninstall, and only after Uninstall removed the visitors module for now.
But still I got continuously in my logfile, messages like:Type: page not found Location: mysite/visitors/_track?_cvar=%7B%227%22%3A%5B%22route%22%2C%22entity.node.canonical%22%5D%2C%228%22%3A%5B%22path%22%2C%22%2Fnode%2F4693%22%5D%2C%229%22%3A%5B%22viewed%22%2C%22node%3A4693%22%5D%7D&_id=b861f5479f9d1656&_idn=1&_refts=0&action_name=Bed%20%26%20Breakfast%20Le%20Brame%2C%20Senlis%20%2F%20Chantilly%2C%20Picardie%2C%20Snelweg%20A1&cookie=1&h=22&idsite=1&m=10&pf_dm1=3078&pf_dm2=699&pf_net=0&pf_onl=1&pf_srv=88&pf_tfr=0&pv_id=yYP1yS&r=559595&rec=1&res=800x600&s=48&send_image=0&uadata=%7B%7D&uid=0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotels-onderweg.nl%2Fbb-le-brame Message: /visitors/_track?action_name=Bed%20%26%20Breakfast%20Le%20Brame%2C%20Senlis%20%2F%20Chantilly%2C%20Picardie%2C%20Snelweg%20A1&idsite=1&rec=1&r=559595&h=22&m=10&s=48&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite%2Fbb-le-brame&uid=0&_id=b861f5479f9d1656&_idn=1&send_image=0&_refts=0&_cvar=%7B%227%22%3A%5B%22route%22%2C%22entity.node.canonical%22%5D%2C%228%22%3A%5B%22path%22%2C%22%2Fnode%2F4693%22%5D%2C%229%22%3A%5B%22viewed%22%2C%22node%3A4693%22%5D%7D&pv_id=yYP1yS&pf_net=0&pf_srv=88&pf_tfr=0&pf_dm1=3078&pf_dm2=699&pf_onl=1&uadata=%7B%7D&cookie=1&res=800x600 Seriousness: Warning
Thanks for going into this again.
greetings, - πΊπΈUnited States bluegeek9
Visitors tracks visits with JavaScript posting to the Drupal site. Visitors is uninstalled, so there is not a /visitors/_track path. The JavaScript posting to the site should also be gone. If you are aggregating your JavaScript files, it may still be cached.
Is there a proxy involved? Have you cleared the cache?
- π³π±Netherlands Summit
Hi, cleared cache multiple times..we use varnish, but cleared that cache also.
Still visitors/_track path errors are in dblog logfile. What could be wrong?greetings, Martijn
- Status changed to Fixed
5 months ago 4:01pm 26 July 2024 - πΊπΈUnited States bluegeek9
The JavaScript tracking code is cached somewhere. I suggest you look at varnish again; it seems the most likely cause.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.