Account created on 24 April 2011, over 13 years ago

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🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

The JavaScript tracking code is cached somewhere. I suggest you look at varnish again; it seems the most likely cause.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Visitors tracks visits with JavaScript posting to the Drupal site. Visitors is uninstalled, so there is not a /visitors/_track path. The JavaScript posting to the site should also be gone. If you are aggregating your JavaScript files, it may still be cached.

Is there a proxy involved? Have you cleared the cache?

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Composer remove does not uninstall projects from Drupal. You need to uninstall projects through the UI or use drush. After you uninstall the project you can remove it from your site with composer.

If you add visitors back with composer, you should be able to uninstall it. You may need to clear the cache after uninstall it. Then you con remove it.

Which resources was Visitors consuming too much of? Was it the database size?

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

I am finishing up replacing the Node report with a view. I created the path string in the Report controller and passed it to the view.

"Content ID from URL" will return just an integer. This will not work.

We could create a default argument plugin for the path like there is for Query parameters. It would be the current path, but the form will have the option to remove x number of items

So 'node/10/visitors' with a 1 would filter for 'node/10'.

A text field should be added to append to the path optionally, allowing you to filter for 'node/10/edit'.

I added core statistics: migrate view count Active . If the Core Statistics view count could be migrated, would you move existing projects to Visitors?

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Hi @sah62,

Thank you for reporting the warning. I was able to reproduce the 'Undefined array key 0' message. I added unit tests.

The javascript tracking code is from the Matomo project. I do not completely understand it.

This is the value in the cookie. 'fa522cfb5f93fbee' is the unique visitor id. I do not know what '1714423797' is.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

What about

[$visitor_id] = is_string($_pk_id) ? explode('.', $_pk_id) : [NULL];

return $visitor_id;

I don't know if more than the visitor_id could be in the _pk_id.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

The performance report needs a post-execution to fill empty days.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Hi @toprak,

I understand your concern about exposing data to users.

The node report is still created with SQL queries and a table render array is constructed. Visitors created reporters this way until recently. Now, most of the reports are using views. There are a few issues left before Visitors are exclusively using views.

Visitors still use custom Controllers to display reports. I think I will use the path as the contextual filter, create the path, e.g. node/12 in the controller, and pass it to the view. Adding a contextual filter for the entity ID is an interesting idea. I am still learning field plugins so it may be a while before I learn contextual filters.

📌 Replicate or replace /node/*/visitors with a view Active
📌 Replace visitors/referers with Views Active

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9


Both issues are resolved in 2.20.

The recent view is fixed by updating the view or running the rebuild. In 2.20, the existing views are deleted and replaced with a single view with many displays. The filter is updated in 2.20

Jqplot has been dropped in favor of charts_chartjs. You can update the view to show the views.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Hi @sah62,

Thank you for reporting the bug. The visitor_id is generated client-side add stored in the cookie. It is used to track unique visitors. I am guessing the Google crawler does not set cookie values.

`[$visitor_id] = is_string($_pk_id) ? explode('.', $_pk_id) : [];`

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

I think the issue with Recent Visits is the bot filter is bot = False. Other views have bot != True

Bot detection is a more recent feature. You can run your existing logs that pre-date bot detection through the device detector, either with a batch form, `/admin/config/system/visitors/rebuild-device`, or a drush command, `drush visitors:rebuild:device`

I am combining all the view displays into a single view, 📌 Combine Visitors Views Active .

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

I have made some progress on 📌 Integrate with Charts module Active .

When it is complete, you can modify the views to show views instead of unique visitors.

I am not sure about the Recent Visits view. If you remove the bot filter from the view, does it work as expected?

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

The route of '/jsnlog/log' is jsnlog.ajax_log.

The route only accepts post requests.

The error mentions language_switcher_enhanced. I don't think this is an error.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

bluegeek9 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Which version of Drupal are you using?

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

I have never liked the visitor block. I think it should be removed from this project. Do you have a screenshot?

Please search for issues before posting. Duplicate issues are not needed 💬 Historical data not visible after upgrade from 2.16 to 2.19 Active

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

If you go to the views edit page, does the preview render? Are there errors on the view edit page?

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9


The good news is that the data is not gone. The Times report shows unique visitors. Since the unique visitor is new there is no historical data. The bad news is the Times report is not yet a view. The Charts module needs to be integrated for the Times report to be converted to views.

"Recent visits" is a view, do you have it installed?

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Hi @exnihilomedia,

Can you tell me which pages or reports have the issue?

Most of the reports use a new metric, Unique Visitor. Previous reports and some existing reports use total views.

Many of the reports have been converted to Drupal views. So you can add total views to the report.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Please review this new feature. If no bugs are reported, I wanted to have a new release in July.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Adds related content

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Removes mention to BrowserCap.

📌 | Visitors | cspell
🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

bluegeek9 created an issue.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Thank you for reporting this bug. I hope to have a fix soon.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Thank you for reporting this bug. I hope to have a fix soon.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

Thank you for reporting the bug. The field name is `location_postal`. There will be a patch soon.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

We could add GET support. All the data is in the URL query.

🇺🇸United States bluegeek9

I think it is using a GET, which would explain the error. The route does not support the GET method.

I am unsure why the bot is doing this. Are visits from Bing logged in visitors? By default, visitors will ignore visits from bots.

It uses a POST to prevent caching and issues with proxies.

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