Account created on 10 March 2009, over 15 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

The very basic version in MR works, but it's entirely non-configurable and dependent on assumptions. Further work is needed.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

milos.kroulik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Explain default prop value in more detail.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

There's at least one more use case where component CSS and JS files aren't imported - when the component is included (or embeded) in views fields that support twig. Perhaps it would be good to mention, but it's the SDC issue, not something specific to radix.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I think that the missing piece is how to add a component into an HTML textarea using the WYSIWYG.

This could be addressed by , unfortunately, the development is not very active lately.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

page-navigation component is fixed, others should be checked and modified as needed.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Unfortunately, the patch from #27 doesn't seem to be working for me, as the "sub-widget" still doesn't allow SVG.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Based on the patch in #6 it looks like this is actually a duplicate of 🐛 Compatibility with other modules, options being overwritten. Fixed , which is already RTBC. Can we close this one?

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

milos.kroulik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

The basic form of MR is submitted, it works for my use case.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Thanks a lot. Just today I learned that there are cases when no container should be set (

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Can you provide up-to-date instructions, how to make things work with Drupal 10, please? After applying the latest patch I went through docs at , but when I upload a new image using the media library, there's no way to select alternative images during the second step, like I can see at Support core media module Fixed

I will try to reproduce the issue on a completely new installation when I have a bit of time.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

milos.kroulik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Rate your excitement about SDC in core: 1 ... 10 | N/A


Rate your excitement about potential contrib extending SDC: 1 ... 10 | N/A

I'm thinking of 2.x here

Rate our documentation: 1 ... 10 | N/A

N/A Didn't read enough, yet.

Did you 1️⃣ refactor existing template into a component, or did you 2️⃣ write a component from scratch? 1 | 2

I chose a theme (Radix 6.x) because of that

Rate the helpfulness of error messages encountered: 1 ... 10 | N/A

I have a limited experience here - the error message helped me fix the issue quickly, but then it turned out that there's probably a better way to do that fix.

Have you tried the Storybook integration? Yes | No

It still looks like a non-straightforward procedure for the time being.

Any thoughts you would like to share? The sky is the limit

Thanks you. I really hope that SDCs can help us find front-end developers willing to work with Drupal even in non-decoupled manner.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

It looks like it doesn't work without specifying event name for SectionBuildRenderArrayEvent (at least in Drupal 10.2), such as


I will update the MR shortly based on this.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

The CSS approach for the MR is not the way moving forward

Sorry, is there any developer documentation I can study to do better next time?

having !important for anything should be a last resort

I know, I used it purely because Bootstrap uses it for text-muted class and I don't know how to handle it differently.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I tried to fix the found issue. I will re-activate issue, if I will find something else.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I've created a MR with the fix described above, the only difference is that label_display is set to expected value visible.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

The issue seems to be no longer present with the new subtheme generated from the latest commit.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

It looks like you're right. The issue seems to be no longer present with the new subtheme generated from the latest commit. Thanks a lot.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Oh, you're right, sorry. Perhaps this is solved, then. Thanks.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I can confirm the issue. Using the latest version of LB+ and Olivero theme, these errors prevent adding a block. In my case, the error messages are:

Warning: Undefined array key "layout_plugin" in Drupal\lb_plus\Controller\DropZones->getSection() (line 386 of /app/web/modules/contrib/lb_plus/src/Controller/DropZones.php)

InvalidArgumentException: Please configure a default layout for this section. in Drupal\lb_plus\Controller\DropZones->placeBlock() (line 185 of /app/web/modules/contrib/lb_plus/src/Controller/DropZones.php).

Please see the attached screencast at

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Just a note - the latest state of MR seems to be applying cleanly to 10.2.x (which isn't the case with patches above it).

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I've added a new MR containing just a fix for the issue mentioned above which means it should be easily mergeable to branch 2.0.x

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Thanks a lot, I'm going to review the code, but right now I suppose that the initial goal is to be be able to:

Is this generally true? Do you think it makes sense to contribute during this phase, or help with testing (and possibly coding) afterwards?

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Thanks. But it looks like it's an empty repository. I also don't understand why this integration is a separate D.o project and not a part (or possibly a submodule) of embedded_content.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I would like to help this done, as we would like to use SDC-based embedded content on our new site. Can you specify your idea of this integration in a bit more detail, so it's clear what needs to be done, please?

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I've tried to fix minor issues. Hopefully it makes sense.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Closed as a duplicate of 🐛 Use SubFormState in plugin selectors RTBC per comment above.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

milos.kroulik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

First of all, this probably doesn't belong here.

Anyway, the solution in 💬 Print webform element in twig template file Active doesn't work now, because $variables['content'] contains only already rendered HTML. But in the same preprocess, there's actually a $webform_submission variable available.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

It looks like there's a tradeoff - either you can generate images based on a static configuration (increases in viewport width), like responsive_image_automatic does or you need to use a JS to scale the image based on the dimensions of the container.

But I wonder, if it would make sense to generate the image styles and responsive image mappings automatically based on a "template" image style (which could for example define the webp conversion) and the theme.breakpoints.yml file.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

There's also another module - , that seems to be very similar to

  • it needs a JS code to work
  • it integrates with focal_point and imageapi_optimize_webp

But it provides an image field formatter, which makes the setup very quick.

I've done some basic testing - it seems to be working fine on the frontend, but JS file is currently not loading in the CKeditor ( embeds in wysiwyg not displaying media Closed: works as designed - but it looks like there's some workaround).

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Thanks for the research. I've updated responsive_image_automatic module so I can test it in Drupal 10.1:

Apart from missing multipliers, it (probably obviously) doesn't support lazy-loading of responsive images, which has been introduced in D 10.1 .

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I tried to look into JS code a bit to see why the editor preview is not generating. So far it looks like this.editor.model.change((writer) callback is not executed for the media plugin (it is for other plugins).

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I don't see any review here...

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Just out of curiosity, I've tried to use a simple number widget instead of media selector, which works fine. So perhaps this should be solved in module queue?

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

It looks like this may be a bug, after all.

When I look at the XHR requests done while embedding the media entity, the last one looks like this.

But with styled list (provided by the examples module), there are some differences:

  • there is an "update_build_id" command, which is missing when I'm embedding media
  • there is a GET request, which returns rendered HTML

By debugging the EmbeddedContentDialogForm::ajaxSubmitForm method, I discovered, that update_build_id command is missing, because in \Drupal\Core\Form\FormAjaxResponseBuilder::buildResponse $form['#build_id_old'] is the same as $form['#build_id'] when I'm submitting form related to my media embedded content plugin (see above).

Of course, this might not be a true issue here...

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

I'm having the same issue. Just as an example, I've tried to create a sample module ( I tend to believe the issue is in the way the render array gets rendered - will investigate later on.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

The submitted MR:

  • adds the redirection to created / updated entity on webform submission
  • allows to specify a status message, that should be displayed to the user once he/she lands on the created/updated content entity
🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

Other content entities besides nodes can be created, this should be reflected in the issue title.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

milos.kroulik made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

It looks like the MR is basically working, but when the inserted div is edited again, class (and possibly other attributes which I haven't tested) are missing. When editing existing div, the UI appears only on button click, which is different from other similar modules, which generally use contextual menu above the respective element (but this is a small issue, I would say).

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

labels are not required due to Bootstrap also not providing labels for columns

That's true, maybe they should be configurable?

module ... is not using any type of framework like Bootstrap

I believe this doesn't matter in this case, since I'm proposing an enhancement of editor interface for the grid.

🇨🇿Czech Republic milos.kroulik

It looks like the patch from #3 no longer applies:

$ patch -p1 < allow-stacked-modals.patch 
patching file src/Form/EmbeddedContentDialogForm.php
Hunk #1 FAILED at 80.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 189 (offset -4 lines).
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/Form/EmbeddedContentDialogForm.php.rej

It looks like there should be a note on the project page, that nested modals issue currently can't be solved.

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