Account created on 19 December 2008, over 15 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Because this module includes a submodule for Webform, we will need to wait until Webform has a Drupal 11 release.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Updating to postponed as more information is needed from the OP to resolve this.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@heliogabal I'm sorry to hear the module isn't working for you. The scenario you describe sounds pretty complicated and won't be easy to replicate. Can you provide a simple scenario where you aren't seeing it work? Perhaps the module does work in simpler scenarios but not complex ones. We'll need to narrow down exactly where it breaks down.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Drupal 10 has, yes. But this module supports Drupal 9, which is had ES5 as its standard. If a module is to support Drupal 9, I think it should also support all the browsers that Drupal 9 supported.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I was experiencing this issue when using the 2.x branch. When putting a console log on the JS click handler, the console output my message 16 times for a single click. When I looked closer at the code, I realized the JS reapplies the click handler each time Drupal does a JS attach. Which in my case, was 16 times. I've created an MR that uses both the core/once library as well as Drupal attach's context to make the click handler only occur once.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

pianomansam made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Changing the status back to needs work as there are unresolved questions on the merge request. Further, the merge request doesn't do anything to solve the issue raised in #23. The fix in #23 is still a manual fix that should be taken care of programmatically with a migration/update.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@jayhuskins thank you for the bug report and initial MR. For it to be accepted, please create a failing test demonstrating the issue and a passing test.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@i-trokhanenko that's awesome. Thanks so much! With this out of the way, it would fantastic to see progress on Make compatible with simple_sitemap 4.0 & domain_entity Needs review

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Can one of the 6 maintainers look at this? Drupal 9 is now unsupported. What needs to happen to get this across the finish line?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

pianomansam changed the visibility of the branch 3379202-drupal-10-compatibility to active.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

pianomansam changed the visibility of the branch 3379202-drupal-10-compatibility to hidden.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

This was included in Support for webform Needs work

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

pianomansam made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I got tests to work, so I expanded them to make sure they handled both current-user and current-page tokens. Sure enough, they caught an issue with current-user tokens. That is now resolved and I'm content with the amount of test coverage, so I'm merging this into dev.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@JeroenT any chance you can help get Gitlab CI working on Support for webform Needs work ?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@jmaties While I'm trying to get the testing rig working with the submodule, it looks like TokenOrWebformFunctionalTestBase is throwing a deprecation error in Drupal 9:

Calling Drupal\Tests\WebAssert::elementTextContains with more than three arguments is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and will throw an \InvalidArgumentException in drupal:10.0.0. See
1x in TokenOrWebformFunctionalTestBase::testGetFirstParam from Drupal\Tests\token_or_webform\Functional
1x in TokenOrWebformFunctionalTestBase::testNotGetParam from Drupal\Tests\token_or_webform\Functional

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

While I see tests for the submodule, it doesn't look like they are being run by the continuous integration.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@jmaties thanks for your work on this. It looks like this is still in "Needs work" but I wanted to give some quick feedback.

First, it looks like you have duplicated the entire replace method. It would be great if this was more surgical, only making the changes necessary for this functionality to work, and then handing it off to the parent. The reason for this is that the underlying replace method in WebformTokenManager could change at any time. If/when it does, those changes won't be reflected in our version. Thus increasing maintenance and the chance something could break.

Second, to be accepted, we'll need tests added to your MR. Initially, we'll need tests that fail and demonstrate the issue. Then we'll need passing tests that demonstrate it is resolved.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

This issue appears to be fixed in 8.x-1.3

Yes, that appears so. Closing.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Specifically, it's not clear to me how to do this step:

You will also need to call this module's AnonymousCsrfTokenGenerator service that wraps the CsrfTokenGenerator from core in order to complete the implementation

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I too am struggling with getting this module working. Perhaps a small example module could be added to the project?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

If #2274177: Allow altering settings per editor and field will fix this, better to make this a duplicate and track the other issue, because at this point in time, the issue is not fixed.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@darrenwh please read Smart IP page under the "Configuration / Cache Performance Note".

Am I blind, or does that section no longer exist? I, too, would like to know how to get this running behind Varnish or nginx

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I was wondering if it was the token filter module. What's the order of filters? If the token filter first?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@facine Hmm, can you provide a bit more context? Is a text format involved? Any particular modules or contexts where this is happening?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@facine, thanks for the updated patch. I'll review it.

Also, thanks for the scenario where this could be an issue. Is this particular one breaking something for you? Whether you use <a href="mailto:[current-user:mail|'']"> or <a href="mailto:[current-user:mail|""]">, the result will be the same:

<a href="">

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@facine can you also provide an example of how this affects you? The token replacement will also replace the double quotes, so it's unclear to me how this is an actual issue.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@facine I think adding this feature is great. As it is currently written, though, it looks like there's nothing that forces the content to use the same type of quote character; a double quote could be first and a single quote second.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I've created an issue fork and pull request that does what I propose to do. It only uses the optimizer if CSS preprocessing is enabled.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I was able to reproduce this issue. Apparently, some modules directly send NULL into the token service.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

pianomansam made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@fromme testing with the quiz module sounds pretty involved, so I'm not sure it will work here. Out of curiosity, what's the token you're using that gives the error?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@fromme thank you for your report and patch. I'm having a hard time reproducing this. Before a patch can be accepted, we need a test that can reproduce and test that the patch fixes the issue. Can you at least help me reproduce it?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Patch is also working for me. A release should be created.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

The code is now available in git. Closing.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Created a patch to check that $credentials is an array before returning it.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I've created an issue fork and merge request to resolve this. I've tested this on both page and block view displays.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I have reviewed the code for both projects, and they are nearly identical. So I'm changing this issue to be a request to merge the two modules into one for the sake of the community.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Here is a patch that adds these two fields as configurable values.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Can I ask why the introduction of the menu_link module dependency?

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

@captain hindsight I think your solution could work. Feel free to create an issue fork to test that out.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Under the current described workflow it would seem once an approver sets the scheduler if an editor can go in and edit then they can get around the reviewer and publish what they want.

That would only happen if the editor has permission to perform a workflow transition that would publish it. In my scenario, the permissions on workflow transitions don't allow a non-admin (editor) to perform any transition into a published state.

Here's the list of my workflow states:

  1. Draft
  2. Needs Review
  3. Scheduled
  4. Published
  5. Archived

Non-admins (editors) have permission to perform the following transitions:

  1. Save Draft (Draft, Needs Review -> Draft)
  2. Submit for review (Draft, Needs Review, Scheduled, Published, Archived -> Needs Review)

Admins (approvers) can do the above but also:

  1. Schedule (Needs Review -> Scheduled)
  2. Publish (Draft, Needs Review, Archive -> Published)
  3. Archive (Published -> Archive)

However, because scheduler_content_moderation_integration_entity_access() limits the transitions to the ones stored at $entity->publish_state and $entity->unpublish_state, non-admins (editors) cannot perform either of their transitions.

So again I ask, why does this module tinker with workflow transition permissions? If the transition permissions are incorrectly configured, that's not this module's fault. IMHO, this module should only worry about scheduling one transition to another, not changing how the core transition permissions work. Unless it has a certain reason to do so, and then only if the opted into.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

This fixed the issue for me on 2.0.0-beta1. I'm bumping this issue to 2.x-dev because that's the latest version. However, it can be backported and the current time as well.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

Let's get some tests around reproducing and solving this.

-  public function tokensPreAlter(&$text, $data, $options) {
+  public function tokensPreAlter(string &$text, $data, $options) {

@binoli-lalani I'm not sure this is the best approach. How can we be sure that the code upstream only passes in a string? In fact, this error report indicates that it's passing in NULL.

🇺🇸United States pianomansam

I encountered this, too. I'm on PHP 7.4. This is the line in question:

protected function getColorFormat(?string $format = NULL): array|MarkupInterface {

It looks like this is an issue with PHP 7 backward compatibility.

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