- Issue created by @pianomansam
- Merge request !150remove manual caching of eu_cookie_compliance_build_data, add headers:DNT cache context β (Open) created by pianomansam
- πΊπΈUnited States pianomansam
I have opened a MR that removes the custom caching of eu_cookie_compliance_build_data() and adds the DNT header to the cache context of eu_cookie_compliance_page_attachments(). Default services (default.services.yml) already has the language and theme cache contexts. And the Domain module suggests adding `url.site` to that list.
I did not see any existing tests for this module, and even if I did, testing this seems pretty difficult. So I'll simply mark this for needing review and let others test it out.
- π³πΏNew Zealand atowl
Not that i'm an expert in caching, but we might have to put some of the caching context back.
Keep the Language, and theme out, since it's done in the services file already, and leave in the domain module check? This will leave specific domain caching intact?Thoughts?
- πΊπΈUnited States pianomansam
@atowl regarding the domain cache context, the domain module documentation suggests adding
to the services file. So users of that module should follow its directions, as doing so will resolve all sorts of things. If domain module users are experiencing issues with this module, it's not due to this module but rather not properly configuring their site for the domain module.