Account created on 18 December 2008, about 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan


Top priorities: Last minute planning
(Blaine) Make sure automated email notifications each day
(Dan/Tim) Materials are needed for onsite – can be dropped off Wed at Campus Club office, or first thing Thursday morning (7:30am)
(Wilbur/Eva) Volunteer slots need to be filled, do we have a backup plan
Registration/Check-in: all set with printouts and tablets to check people in?
Photography for camp
Canin will handle photos, and bring stickers to indicate photo preference for attendees

Committee updates

Sponsors - Wilbur
Reminders needed for when to show up, what to bring, etc. (for Platinum) - Wilbur
Dan shared map for assigning tables; **bring a printout of each sponsor names to place on tables - Wilbur

Marketing - Blaine
Schedule of newsletters in last 10 days

  • THU, 9/5: Camp is one week, last call to register!!
  • MON: 9/9: Get ready; things to bring, parking and directions - attendees
  • TUE: parking update, times and reminders, Wed night gathering
  • WED: Day 1 schedule of events
  • THU: Day 2 schedule of events
  • FRI: Thanks and survey link (**need to make a survey)

Any new blog posts?
Social media posts for sponsors

Conference Program - Joe
Session schedule is done and published
Lightning talk registration is open (Chris to MC?)
Dan and Wilbur to run the opening remarks
Dan has slide deck with sponsors slide if we want to share with speakers

Website and Registration - Wilbur
Attendees to date: 104 out of 130 (paid or sponsor/speakers
Maybe 3 free student scholarships (*still waiting to verify status)
T Shirts - we are missing some sizes, **did anyone reach out to people?

Venue and Materials - Dan
(Dan) Bringing printed badges, stickers, ribbons
(Tim) bringing materials in storage (power strips, foam core signs, easels,
(Wilbur) Printed schedules?
(Tim) Tshirt status, will we have enough?
Parking is reserved for up to 50 spots for us (but not free). If the ramp says full, you can try to ask for TCDC spot by buzzing the attendant.

Budget - Dan, Phoenix
Approximately $1k short of our target budget

Social Events – Jen
**are we doing a dinner signup sheet on Thu? Tim may help organize

Volunteers- Dimitri
Do we have all slots filled for the days of camp?

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan


Top priorities
Time is running very short! 2 weeks until Camp begins!
Only 1 or 2 meetings left before camp.

Committee updates

Sponsors - Wilbur
6 platinum sponsor tables (!!) are a “go”
(*invite speakers to become individual sponsors in future messages?)
**any other possible sponsors? Not that we know of…

Marketing - Blaine
Preston article published
“Lightning talks” article published
Newsletter schedule (this Thu 8/29, one or two next week and daily on the week of Camp)
Social media pushes as well…

Conference Program - Joe
21 sessions approved? 3 slots remain
Schedule is coming together; need to re-arrange for room sizes
Student scholarship - need to promote with blog post and share with other colleges/universities (Dan shared with MCTC, Blaine will share with UMN)

Website and Registration - Wilbur
Social events added to menu and published live
CSS fix needed for blog/news View (wrapping is off)

Venue - Dan

  • Finalizing food order: 130 people
  • 50 parking spots reserved each day (**but make sure to let people know about parking options via newsletter and website)
  • Room setups are done: 3 rooms for sessions (West Wing, B/C combined room and A is the smaller room). All on the same floor down the hall.
  • Vendor tables - 6 tables in the hall
  • Acquia, US Creative, Electric Citizen, Horizontal, UMN, Pantheon
  • Do we need a swag table? – Phoenix has swag from bronze sponsor Tag1, and others can leave stuff there too
  • Plan for “day of” materials
  • Badges, Lanyards (*Dan has designed and will order asap)
  • Easels, Tshirts, Power strips, existing signs, markers and pads (*Tim? Need to inventory asap!!)
  • Signs (*Dan can make up signs as needed)
  • Gender stickers (Dan ordered and will bring to camp)
  • **need a way to check people in when they arrive (using Tito like last year, requires a computer available and a list to check people off). (**Wilbur offered to print off a list)

Budget - Dan, Phoenix
Dan updated the sheet as of last week; we’re getting close to breaking even!

Social Events – Jen
Wed 6 - 8 pm @ Malcolm Yards
POSTED on site
(Remind people to bring some board games this year!)
Happy hour onsite, 4:00-5:00pm, with apps and cash bar
POSTED on site
Anything else is TBD
Friday night plans?
Casket Arts (Wilbur) or Horizontal (Jer)

Volunteers- Dimitri
Need someone to schedule volunteers to work at the registration desk, help with room counts (and other areas if needed?) - **Dimitri or someone!
Eva said she will help

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan


Top priorities: Camp is next week!
Communication plans for final 10 days for attendees, sponsors, speakers
What’s needed for onsite (materials, people, logistics)

Committee updates

Sponsors - Wilbur
Reminders needed for when to show up, what to bring, etc. (for Platinum) - Wilbur
**we do have a map for assigning tables; should bring a printout of each sponsor names to place on tables - Wilbur

Marketing - Blaine
Schedule of newsletters in last 10 days
THU, 9/5: Camp is one week, last call to register!!
MON: 9/9: Get ready; things to bring, parking and directions - attendees
TUE: parking update, times and reminders, Wed night gathering
WED: Day 1 schedule of events
THU: Day 2 schedule of events
FRI: Thanks and survey link (**need to make a survey)
Any new blog posts?
Social media posts for sponsors

Conference Program - Joe
Session schedule is done and published
Lightning talk registration is open (need someone to MC)
Dan and Wilbur to run the opening remarks
Dan has slide deck with sponsors slide if we want to share with speakers

Website and Registration - Wilbur
Attendees to date: 85 out of 130 (paid or sponsor/speakers), PLUS 8 free student scholarships to date (*need to verify status)
Tshirts - we are missing some sizes, need to reach out to people

Venue and Materials - Dan
Badges on the way; plenty of lanyards in storage
Ordered new ribbons (volunteer, sponsor, speaker)
Status of pop-up sign (and do we want a new one?)
Color printout signs for rooms? (with sponsor names?)
Registration desk signage – we could use foam core signs
Do we still have foam core signs from 2023?
Printed schedules? Wilbur may do some
Tshirt status, will we have enough?
Unconference materials needed? Tim has it
Need more stickers? maybe
**Dan to check again on parking is reserved for up to 50 spots for us (but not free)
Don’t need insurance this year

Budget - Dan, Phoenix
Approximately $1k short of our target budget

Project Management - Chris, Jen

Social Events – Jen
**make sure to mention our 3 social events in newsletters
**are we doing a dinner signup sheet on Thu? Tim may help organize

Volunteers- Dimitri
Wilbur posted a link on Slack for people to sign up to the schedule of volunteers for room signups, registration desk; will post publicly soon to the website

**Do we need to meet next Tuesday? Maybe a short Zoom as needed, save on calendar

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan


Top priorities

  • Time is running very short! 23 days until Camp begins!
  • 2 meetings before camp;
  • Next meeting on 8/27/24

Committee updates

Sponsors - Wilbur

  • Up to date with thank yous and codes; no other news
  • **maybe some more individual or bronze sponsors? No platinum available. No gold sponsors :(

Marketing - Blaine
Interview with Preston blog post by 8/22
Also working on posting items for Platinum and other sponsors
(Dan to blog about Lightning talks)

Conference Program - Joe
Updates from Joe on session approval?
(Dan: we have 20 sessions approved; 24 minimum)
**action: we had a deadline of 8/15, but have not filled it. What to do??
Lightning talks –
Need a blog post about it (what is it, how to sign up) and added to schedule
**need to figure out logistics
Keynote timing
Can we have 45 mins for lunch and plus 1 hour keynote?

Website and Registration - Wilbur
Registration numbers: 70 registered
**Fix needed for “news” landing page (images not rendering)

Venue - Dan
Finalizing food order
The food and beverage minimum is $35 per person before taxes and fees. If we are planning on 130 guests, that is $4550 per day.
Day 1
Breakfast - Pastry Platters, Coffee and Tea
Lunch - Sandwich Buffet for 130. Coconut Curry Bowls for the guests that are GF, DF or Vegan. Kettle Chips and Dip. Sodas with lunch
Happy Hour - MN BBQ Meatballs, Popcorn and Cheese Trays. Cash bar.
Day 2
Breakfast - Savory Mini Tarts with Fresh Fruit. Coffee and tea
Lunch - Healthy Bowl Buffet. Iced Tea
*Total for this is slightly above the minimum. Comes to $37 per person (we could strike the mini tarts and just offer fruit and coffee for breakfast*)
Room setup – we have the West Wing and up to 3 breakout rooms for sessions. Need to decide on configuration of our rooms and sessions.
**Can we do sessions in (1) West Wing (2) one larger breakout room and (3) one smaller breakout room?

Vendor tables - they have room up to 5 tables
Acquia, US Creative, Electric Citizen, Horizontal, UMN(?)
Do we need a swag table? – Phoenix has swag from Tag1
Plan for “day of” materials
Badges, Lanyards (*Dan can order as needed)
Easels, Tshirts, power strips (*Tim)
Signs (*Dan can order as needed)
Gender stickers (Phoenix to share link to order)

Budget - Phoenix
**how are we doing? Need more info

Project Management - Chris, Jen

Social Events – Jen
Wed 6 - 8 pm @ Malcolm Yards
**need to post this on website
(Bring some board games this year!)
Happy hour onsite, 4-5:30pm
**need to post this on website
(Maybe have an option for people to go to dinner in groups, if someone wants to organize signups and locations)
Friday night plans?
Casket Arts (Wilbur) or Horizontal (Jer)

Volunteers- Dimitri

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Submitting final numbers today to close this out

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Working with the Campus Club, we have planned a happy hour onsite for the first day of Camp. From 4-5pm, a cash bar and free appetizers will be offered to all attendees in the West Wing.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I coordinated a meal plan with the Campus Club. They have a minimum of $35 per attendee (per day) so we designed a food and beverage menu with those minimums in mind.

Both days will begin with pastries and coffee, followed by a lunch buffet served in the West Wing.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I made a new ticket option during registration for qualified applicants to select "Student Scholarship", which allows them to register for free. The form has them agree to share their information with Forcontu, for purposes of registering for the online Drupal training afterwards.

Forcontu has stated that they will promote this opportunity on their social channels. Twin Cities Drupal Camp should look to promote this as well. I added Forcontu as an "in-kind" sponsor on the website.

I also drafted language around promoting this opportunity, and began asking partners in the higher ed community to share it with their students:

For students only: Interested in a career online, doing web development, web design, or other related jobs (UX, project management, content strategy, accessibility, digital marketing, SEO, etc.)?

Consider attending the annual Twin Cities Drupal Camp for free! Since 2011, this regional conference has been dedicated to web, technology and the content management system Drupal. This year's event is scheduled for two days, Sept 12 and 13th, on the University of Minnesota campus.

Drupal is a leading open-source, content management system (CMS), powering over 10% of the top 10,000 websites worldwide. 1 in 10 enterprise websites run on Drupal, from major universities and government agencies to health and science industries, global retailers and the entertainment industry.

Normally priced at $200, we're offering a select number of free admissions for qualified students interested in attending Drupal Camp. And as an added bonus, we're also offering a 180 hour online training course* in Drupal site building (valued at over $4,500!). All for free for those who register and attend this year.

Learn more and register at

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting Notes:

Top priorities
Time is running short! 5 weeks until Camp begins! 37 days.

Committee updates

Sponsors - Wilbur

  • Pantheon - paid
  • TEN7 - sent another slack message today, but no word back.
  • Horizontal Digital - @jerdavis says this looks, so hopefully this drops soon.
  • Acquia - @danmoriarty
  • Drupal Easy - We reached out with info on Silver sponsor social media last week. We'll reach out again next week with follow up.
  • Patrick Anderson - confirmed something is happening with Cheppers
  • Palantir - sent another email today to George and Tiffany
  • ALL emails to signed up sponsors are SENT! - codes

**TO DO: Sponsor text on website needs to be checked for accuracy
Tasking volunteers is needed – Eva or Patrick?

Marketing - Blaine

  • Blog posts - Blaine is working on Preston’s interview
  • **TO DO: add image field to our blog posts and include in our RSS feed (Chris or Wilbur to do) for Drupal Planet
  • Keep promoting on Linked In/Social Media
  • Tagging sponsors, highlight speakers
  • Ask volunteers to promote camp too
  • Newsletter plans –

Conference Program - Joe

  • We need at least 24 sessions.
  • Joe confirmed all accepted speakers so far
  • Current status: 11 sessions with speaker confirmed. 3 sessions accepted but no confirmation received from the speaker. 7 sessions TBD.
  • Of the 7 TBD sessions …
  • 3 of them I emailed the presenter asking for clarification on if they could come to MPLS to present as they are from out of town and I don’t know them. I haven’t heard back from any of the 3 yet. At least one seems more soliciting a keynote opportunity as they’re not involved with Drupal in any obvious way.
  • 2 are from John Albin. Joe to pick 1 and let him know.
  • 2 are from Jen Brueske. Joe to pick 1 and let her know.
  • Other potential speakers?
  • 2 more should be coming from Electric Citizen people (Wilbur, Adam)
  • Someone from accessibility/disability services ?
  • Any outreach for session speakers?
  • offered to reach out to speakers on Starshot
  • Dan put together a schedule spreadsheet
  • Joe: I’ve updated this with details about accepted sessions, and confirmed speakers.

Website and Registration - Wilbur

  • Registration numbers: 49 (paid) registered; are Early Bird sold out yet? YES; we are now selling Regular Price
  • More content for website

Venue - Dan

  • **TO DO: Need to start finalizing food by mid Aug
  • Final numbers due by end of Aug
  • **TO DO: We did not ask about food preferences, but could add this as a question during registration in the future. Should we ask current registrants? e.g. - vegan meals

Budget - Phoenix
**TO DO: Dan to connect with Phoenix about tracking

Project Management - Chris, Jen
Need someone leading more check-ins and meetings
Need someone tracking our TO DO list and action items

Social Events – Jen
Wed at Malcolm Yards; plan and promote
**TO DO: Put that on the site as an “official” event
Thu: 4-5:30 pm happy hour on site; any plans for people to meet up after for dinner? What role do we want to play? Or do we let people go there own way? (**we could unofficially suggest some places to meet up; Chris is going to the VFW for karaoke; **let’s work up a list to consider)
Fri : let people pick their own place, discuss and meet up after the unconference

Volunteers- Dimitri
Start assigning people to positions during camp (registration, parties, etc.)
**TO DO: Blaine to give access to the volunteer spreadsheet to Dimitri to work from

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I wrote and published a blog article about Lightning Talks, and promoted it to Drupal Planet. I asked that it be included in upcoming newsletters. I also made and published a new webform to collect submissions.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting Notes:

Short meeting and low attendance, not many updates to be shared.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting notes:

Session Submissions

  1. Sessions submitted, 8 accepted (space for 24 total). All the others are probably fine to accept but awaiting approval from at least one other person per our current policy of 2 reviewers to approve a session.
  2. Submissions have been slow. Need to work on marketing this and getting more submissions.
  3. One good way to do this is to reach out to people directly if there’s a topic you think they would be interested in talking about.
  4. Or, put them in touch with me (Joe) and I can talk to them about it.
  5. Another idea would be to come up with a list of things we think would be a good fit, and then broadcast that list and allow people to self identify as someone who can talk about things on that list.
  6. Would prefer to have summaries for session acceptance / rejection

Other ideas for promotion for session submissions: (need 16 more)

  • TCDC team (Wilbur, Chris… any others? Jer)
  • State employees using Drupal? (Mike Foley)
  • UMN employees using Drupal (Dmitri)
  • Oz and his case study
  • Chicago-area folks? (Blaine trying to get Midcamp folks)
  • Bernardo
  • Jen

Keynote: Preston So

  • Need him to submit his session content so we can publish and promote

Unconference: Tim Erikson

  • **Are we still doing Thu and Fri afternoons? Still on the table
  • Another idea is to have the Keynote on its own time slot (not during lunch), and only do Unconference on Friday afternoon, and do 60 mins of Lightning Talks at the end of day on Thursday

Sponsors: Wilbur

  • Horizontal is still on the table.
  • Valuebound
  • Velir is this month. Eager to get our logo on the site.

Budget: Phoenix

Marketing: Blaine

  • Get the message out “limited number of early bird tickets available. Get yours before they sell out, and we move to Standard Pricing”
  • 6/18 - Time Keeps on Slipping post to social (Mastodon, Twitter, and Slack channels)
  • 6/25 - Session Sampler blog POSTED

Question - how do I publish/link the Blog posts?
New LinkedIn TCDC Page created:

6/26 - Time Keeps on Slipping email + blog post email in draft - ready to send
*Promote/thank sponsors on all channels, including new ones (LinkedIn)
7/1 - post Blog link on social (Masto, Twitter, Slack, LinkedIn)
7/9 - keynote speaker feature blog & email
Messaging to send: “Early Bird is a limited block of tickets - so sign up now and take advantage of the low price” (before standard pricing takes effect)
Reach out to DropTimes about promo articles

Project Management

  • Recovery from sickness sorry for being silent this week. 🤢

Website: Wilbur
Set up RSS feed from blog and submit for approval to Drupal Planet (when blog spots are ready)
This link is the post we need to create to request that our blog is on Drupal Planet

Social Events: Jer

  • WED: Plan on Malcolm Yards for Wed night welcome party (someone to verify nothing else big happening that night)
  • Some want to go to VFW for karaoke later
  • THU: start with bar at the venue and then people can go off to dinner and/or bars
  • Who is researching bars to meet up in the evenings? Jer suggested Town Hall Tap, he will do the ask
  • Could we do board games in the student union?
  • Dinner plans for people to meet up (sign up sheet for a few places, with one lead and others request to join the group)
  • FRI:
  • Dinner and drinks for the volunteer committee? (*this was done at MidCamp). Followed by games open to everyone?
  • Casket Arts could be an option? Or Horizontal?
  • Other ideas
  • Blaine throws out the Wiseman as an idea ($500/hr, maybe discounted) plus food and drinks -
  • Next Steps
  • Jer to look into Town Hall Tap room idea
  • (someone) to verify Malcom Yards plan for Wed


  • Jen offers to help out wherever needed!
  • Sponsor asks (Wilbur)
  • Social event planning (Jer)
  • Marketing and promotion (Blaine)
  • **any other volunteers?
  • Dmitri? Blaine will let us know
🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting Recap


We need to define and follow a process for incoming sponsors

  • Assign a discount code (if applicable)
  • Send thank you note
  • Schedule promotions
  • **Phoenix volunteered to document process


  • Party space: we can reserve a bar for the West Wing on Thu @ 5pm as an easy way for people to socialize at the end of day without need to travel. Suggest 60-90 minutes max (people will be hungry and tired), with the option to meet up afterwards offsite.
  • Otherwise, venue plans on hold

Conference Programming

  • Sessions: Jer volunteered, but may be short on time for leading? Perhaps someone else could take the lead on this while keeping the same review committee? We need someone who can regularly monitor incoming session proposals, make sure they are reviewed by committee and then published to the site
  • Keynote: We have Preston lined up and it’s posted on the homepage. Should we make a session node and link to it? (**should we have a “handler” assigned to the speaker, like we did last year)
  • Unconference: Tim Erikson will be leading it again? Wilbur to confirm
  • Phoenix raised idea for alternatives for people who aren’t interested in the Unconference, held in separate room (organized by Oz?)
  • Would prefer to have summaries for session acceptance / rejection

Budget: Phoenix

Marketing: Blaine

  • Email about registration posted 6/10; moved session sampler until 6/17, and I’m revising the draft blog post for that; the email for 6/24 will be blog post about Preston and keynote, I hope
  • Blog posts with Drupal Planet
  • We’ll need two blog posts before we are accepted into sync.
  • Documentation for the process:

Next Steps

  • Intro blog post about TCDC
  • 6/17 - session sampler blog post and email - include accepted session link
  • 6/24 - keynote speaker feature blog & email
  • Early Bird is a limited block of tickets - so sign up now and take advantage of the low price

Project Management

  • Requests for Updates to come out Monday & Friday.


Social Events

  • Who is researching bars to meet up in the evenings? Or could we do board games in the student union?
  • Dinner plans for people to meet up (people suggest places and others request to join the group)
  • Plan on Malcolm Yards for Wed night welcome party? (verify nothing else big happening that night)

Next Steps

  • Need a lead person here
🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting Recap

Emphasis on efforts around sponsors, session submissions

Sponsors (Wilbur) – continue outreach efforts, tap more volunteers to help, make a point person for sponsor logistics (thank you, codes, etc.)
Venue (Dan) - exploring having Thu party at the event venue. Gathering details.
Budget (Phoenix) – need to keep books up to date; still need a lot of sponsor revenue and registration revenue
Marketing (Blaine) - send out session sampler email; write blog posts for site, open LinkedIn account
Project Management (Chris) - meeting every other Tue; need more detailed check-ins on Slack at beginning and end of work; Message people directly for tasks
Website (Wilbur) - open registration to public, fix issues with emails, connect blog with Drupal Planet
Programming (team) - start approving sessions and publishing on site; line up keynote speaker, talk though schedule plans
Social Events (team) – research locations for Wed/Thu/Fri gathering points; maybe book a private room?

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I have reached to a keynote speaker (Preston So) on 5/23/24, and discussed potential topics and availability. That conversation went favorably, as he has done numerous keynotes and public presentations in the past, and is well known in the Drupal community. I then asked the core DrupalCamp committee for approval, who voted in favor of this option.

Speaker was confirmed on 6/4/24, and announced to the core committee. I added his bio and info the website, and it's now official.

Follow up tasks include establishing communication with our keynote speaker regarding logistics, and adding this to our future promotional materials.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Thanks. Can you make that spreadsheet visible to everyone?

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I browsed the public pages of the site and made several corrections to copy, including three pages where pricing was detailed (Sponsors, FAQ, About), and updated the venue copy to state we are on all on the 4th floor this year.

I also added "AI' as a potential speaking topic, and removed some old references to last year's camp.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

We could add a notification feature when someone makes a session node, but not required to call this done

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Looks like it is working, submissions coming in

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Thank you. I updated the signup page on the website to make it more of a broadly worded request (it's not just for volunteers). Looks good to go.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Thank you. I updated the signup page on the website to make it more of a broadly worded request (it's not just for volunteers). Looks good to go.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

In addition to the wrong logo, the link goes to last year's website. I don't see a way to edit this page. Perhaps the original author could? If not, then we should delete and recreate the post.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Wilbur has been working on this, so I'm notifying him.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting Notes:


Discussing and setting Sponsor levels for 2024

  • Supporting ?
  • Platinum: $2500
  • Gold: ?
  • Silver: $1000?
  • Bronze: $500?
  • Individual: ?

Next Steps

  • Let’s schedule a run-down of sponsorship activities for the week.
  • Do we have a script? If not produce one.
  • Phoenix has templates and will share in Slack
  • Call tracking: posted above
  • Reach out to past sponsors of DrupalCorn, Flyover Camp
  • Reach out to sponsors of other Drupal conferences the past 6 months?
  • Reach out to out-of-town guests
  • Chris Weber to create an issue on our issue queue for Testing kiosk


  • Space spend executed
  • Key discussion: Setting ticket prices
  • Decide on Early Bird Ticket price


  • Promotion Schedule
  • Blogging
  • Website: We have the News feature now! (Shoutout to Wilbur)
  • DropTimes
  • Planet Drupal
  • LinkedIn articles

Next Steps

  • Figure out how to track engagement
  • Setup a LinkedIn Group
  • Facebook ads?
  • Project Management
  • Need for loose structure and jumping into small teams.
  • Heavy utilization of Slack
  • Calendar (new Google Apps domain)


Domains operational
Enable session submissions for 2024
Fix needed: still goes to 2023 site
News section added.
Next Steps
Need to set up a syndication with Drupal Planet so our blog posts can make it to D.O.
Test Blog post teasers for socials to redirect to

Conference Programming

  • Key discussion: Setting important dates (call for papers, close of papers)
  • NO blocker to opening session submission, let’s do it!
  • Update session submission dates

Social Events

  • Follow up on venue details
  • Bar Cart can be wheeled into the main room at Campus Club for $100 plus cost of alcohol
  • Extra $ if we go past 5 o’clock
🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Adding meeting notes from March:

Key facts:
170 days until camp
5 months & 2 weeks

Midcamp Notes
It appears that sponsorship will not be easy this year. It is looking like a number of agencies are cutting back with their contributions to camp.


Need to begin our asks ASAP; many orgs already have their budgets set for 2024
Pantheon - reached out to McKenna Reget, she was responsive
Wilbur reached out to Michael Foley at MNDOR to see if he would join the sponsor team
Agencies are cutting back, expect less money this year
Consider reworking tiers; Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze
Need someone to lead this
Wilbur and Eva will work on reaching out to Sponsors
We will organize our efforts in the Task document

Cost of Camp

We’re considering the cost of camp covering the cost of 1+ people.

Cost per person should be ? 200?
Hunch: Cost per person might be $200 per person.

((Cost of food + Cost of Venue) / Projected Attendance) + (Cost of Socials / Past Attendance)


Choice that’s presented: West Wing, Dale Shepard room, 3 breakout rooms
“Campus Club buyout”
Close the floor to the public
All hallways and rooms

Venue decision deadline: April meeting
Projected cost for venue: 11,414
Projected cost for food: 11,092


Sent out our “Save the Date” email
About 500 people opened the email
Announcements: TCDrupal, Midcamp, Drupal,
We have Stickers!
Twin Cities Drupal Mastodon account
Blog about camp on
Get it hooked up to the Planet
Converse with The Drop Times about articles about Camp


2024 site is UP - need to point domains
2023 site is marked as archive

Link to new site:

Conference Program: Jer

Offer to speakers: Free ticket

Rolling Approvals
Rolling approvals might justify attendance to camp
Helps marketing efforts
Featured speakers
Keynote speakers
Target specific speakers that deliver great talks

Social Events

Can we stay at the Campus Club for parties?
Going to find out the cost of hiring a bartender for parties

House of Balls
Not everyone felt safe going to there

Offsite Karaoke?


Update and built out our list of contacts
Make the “asks” of people, slot them into roles

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting was held, notes are shared with volunteer team

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I signed the contract on the camp's behalf and made the initial deposits.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I made a custom signup form, available online at I made a new "group" on Mailchimp that allows people to indicate if they're interested in other areas as well, such as volunteering. This will require we pay attention to new signups as they come in, and follow up as needed. I made the form require an email verification to cut down on spam, but additional measures may be needed.

The next step is to link to it on the website, with either a button or graphic to draw user's attention.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Explain how Drupal-related conference sponsorships are valued

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

On March 8th, 2024, I toured the Campus Club to get a sense of the spaces available should we switch to the "buy out" option for camp in 2024. Over the month of March, I also had many conversations with the Club regarding cost estimates and options for venue and food expenses.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

First meeting was held for 2024 camp planning and notes shared, plans made

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

we reviewed all action items of concern prior to camp

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

planning meeting was held for the upcoming conference

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Site was completed, launched and used by all attendees

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting was held and notes shared with the community

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

We completed this task, selecting our dates and plans

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Meeting was held and notes shared with the community

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

May meeting was held and participants credited

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

We found trained code of conduct agents for our Drupal event

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

We discussed and researched options, toured a venue and found our new conference location

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This was completed and used at our conference

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This was completed and used by our conference planners

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This was completed and used at our conference

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This was completed and delivered to the conference team

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This was completed on time and shared with the community

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

This was the first planning meeting for 2024 camp. At a minimum, we're meeting on the third Tuesday of every month. Join our Slack channel for the most up-to-date communication.

Meeting Notes:

  • Do we run it back, same as 2023? Be more like Midcamp and Florida Camp, same dates, same schedule, same venue.
  • Didn’t seem to be an interest in bringing back training? Or at least less interest in “getting started in Drupal” type content. UMN runs their own training.
  • Add dedicated sprint time? Or could we let people self organize instead (like we did in 2023), or do a Wed sprint for the most dedicated? Doesn’t need to be a dedicated Camp-provided space.
  • Lots of positive feedback from people regarding timing (in Sept) – other than parking issues.
  • ACTION ITEMS: Set tentative dates (9/12-9/13 or 9/19-9/20) and ask if Coffman space is available
🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

At this planning meeting, we officially formed the first Twin Cities Drupal Camp board. We're actively recruiting 4 additional members to the board. In addition, we mapped out committee assignment and started assigning leads to each as follows:

Board members:

  • Dan Moriarty, President
  • Chris Weber, Project Manager
  • Phoenix Heller, Treasurer
  • Jer Davis, Vice President
  • (open seat)
  • (open seat)
  • (open seat)
  • (open seat)


Project Management:
Lead: Chris Weber (board secretary)
Others: Dan Moriarty and Jer Davis (board president and vice president)

Lead: ?
Others: Phoenix Heller (board treasurer)
Lead: Board President
Others: (board vice president),

Budgeting: 3;
Lead: Phoenix Heller (board treasurer)
Others: Dan Moriarty (assist)

Lead: Blaine Cross

Website and Registration:
Lead: Wilbur Ince
Others: Chris Weber

Session Programming:
Lead: Jer Davis

Lead: Jer Davis

Lead: ?
Others: ?

Code of Conduct:
Lead: Wilbur Ince
Others: ?

Next Steps

  • (all) Recruit board members (4) and committee chairs
  • Make a new list of volunteers, start asking for help
  • Make a spreadsheet of committees and ask people to volunteer
  • Shortlist of people to ask
  • (Dan) Book venue and get started promoting (Blaine, Wilbur, Phoenix)
  • Update homepage with new dates
  • Send out ‘save the date’ email blast, along with call to volunteer
  • Update Drupal Event boards
  • Get stickers for promoting at future camps and cons
  • (Chris) Start a project planning calendar
  • (Jer) Update the DNS settings for so we can have email, GDrive
  • Consider future schedule of meetings (6 months until camp!)
🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

I designed stickers and sent them to the printer. We should have them by Wednesday 9/13 and I'll bring them to camp to hand out at the registration desk.

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New signage designed and sent to the printer this morning. I will pick up tomorrow morning, 9/12/23.

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Badges sent to printer, arriving Tuesday the 12th

🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan

Dan Moriarty
Chris Weber
Blaine Cross
Matthew Tift
Jer Davis
Wilbur Ince

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