- Issue created by @minneapolisdan
- Status changed to Fixed
6 months ago 3:38pm 27 August 2024 - 🇺🇸United States minneapolisdan
Meeting Notes:
Top priorities
Time is running short! 5 weeks until Camp begins! 37 days.Committee updates
Sponsors - Wilbur
- Pantheon - paid
- TEN7 - sent another slack message today, but no word back.
- Horizontal Digital - @jerdavis says this looks, so hopefully this drops soon.
- Acquia - @danmoriarty
- Drupal Easy - We reached out with info on Silver sponsor social media last week. We'll reach out again next week with follow up.
- Patrick Anderson - confirmed something is happening with Cheppers
- Palantir - sent another email today to George and Tiffany
- ALL emails to signed up sponsors are SENT! - codes
**TO DO: Sponsor text on website needs to be checked for accuracy
Tasking volunteers is needed – Eva or Patrick?Marketing - Blaine
- Blog posts - Blaine is working on Preston’s interview
- **TO DO: add image field to our blog posts and include in our RSS feed (Chris or Wilbur to do) for Drupal Planet
- Keep promoting on Linked In/Social Media
- Tagging sponsors, highlight speakers
- Ask volunteers to promote camp too
- Newsletter plans –
Conference Program - Joe
- We need at least 24 sessions.
- Joe confirmed all accepted speakers so far
- Current status: 11 sessions with speaker confirmed. 3 sessions accepted but no confirmation received from the speaker. 7 sessions TBD.
- Of the 7 TBD sessions …
- 3 of them I emailed the presenter asking for clarification on if they could come to MPLS to present as they are from out of town and I don’t know them. I haven’t heard back from any of the 3 yet. At least one seems more soliciting a keynote opportunity as they’re not involved with Drupal in any obvious way.
- 2 are from John Albin. Joe to pick 1 and let him know.
- 2 are from Jen Brueske. Joe to pick 1 and let her know.
- Other potential speakers?
- 2 more should be coming from Electric Citizen people (Wilbur, Adam)
- Someone from accessibility/disability services ?
- Any outreach for session speakers?
- phoenixhwriter@gmail.com offered to reach out to speakers on Starshot
- Dan put together a schedule spreadsheet
- Joe: I’ve updated this with details about accepted sessions, and confirmed speakers.
Website and Registration - Wilbur
- Registration numbers: 49 (paid) registered; are Early Bird sold out yet? YES; we are now selling Regular Price
- More content for website
Venue - Dan
- **TO DO: Need to start finalizing food by mid Aug
- Final numbers due by end of Aug
- **TO DO: We did not ask about food preferences, but could add this as a question during registration in the future. Should we ask current registrants? e.g. - vegan meals
Budget - Phoenix
**TO DO: Dan to connect with Phoenix about trackingProject Management - Chris, Jen
Need someone leading more check-ins and meetings
Need someone tracking our TO DO list and action itemsSocial Events – Jen
Wed at Malcolm Yards; plan and promote
**TO DO: Put that on the site as an “official” event
Thu: 4-5:30 pm happy hour on site; any plans for people to meet up after for dinner? What role do we want to play? Or do we let people go there own way? (**we could unofficially suggest some places to meet up; Chris is going to the VFW for karaoke; **let’s work up a list to consider)
Fri : let people pick their own place, discuss and meet up after the unconferenceVolunteers- Dimitri
Start assigning people to positions during camp (registration, parties, etc.)
**TO DO: Blaine to give access to the volunteer spreadsheet to Dimitri to work from Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.