@franz65, I have hereby attached the patch for adding content types to choose from in the glossary config form.
@drupalgideon, Replacing innerhtml with textContent fixes the issue. I have created the suitable merge request for the same.
@goz, I am able to install ui_icons, ui_icons_backport and other ui icons module(1.0.0-beta5) on Drupal 10.4.1. Kindly mention the exact
Drupal version/ui_icon version which is not getting installed from your end.
@clarkssquared, The date stamp, version, project warning is coming because of installing dependencies through composer in your local system. It would not appear in the codebase. Kindly check on https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/solo-3501667/-/blob/3501667-fix-issues-... and https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/solo-3501667/-/blob/3501667-fix-issues-..., you would not find date stamp, version, project in code
@goz, in composer.json, you have to have to set the "minimum-stability": "beta", and you would be able to install(require) 1.0.0-beta5 on Drupal 10.4.x
@nfriend Kindly checkout to this branch : https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/md_viewer-3489485/-/tree/md_viewer-3489485 and copy all folders and files and paste in the md_viewer directory in the modules/contrib folder.
@thaoquang, For a workaround/temporary solution, you can run drush config:delete field.storage.group.group_domain, and then you will be able to install the module again
@matthieu_collet I am still not able to replicate the issue. Are there any console errors or website encountered an issue message?
@amoebanath I have hereby attached the patch for validation of upload location, if it is empty. I could not understand the concept of individual value since, it is a temporary location. Kindly explain an invalid state so that I can create a MR fixing that as well.
@matthieu_collet I am using the following configurations and I am able to access the Translate Side by Side page at /admin/reports/translate_side_by_side. Kindly mention your General System Information from /admin/reports/status, so that I could replicate the issue
@nfriend, You have to check the code at this url : https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/md_viewer-3489485/-/tree/md_viewer-3489485. I have added the support for pdf and txt files.
@mwjansen, Kindly review and merge.
@anoopsingh92/ @paraderojether, I have removed changes in flexi_style.theme from this MR. Kindly review
@anoopsingh92 I have fixed the merged conflicts for MR11 : https://git.drupalcode.org/project/flexi_style/-/merge_requests/11.
Kindly review and merge.
@bluegeek9 Created merge request. Kindly review and merge.
nidhish → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@anoopsingh92 Issue fork flexi_style-3498434 branch 1.4.x is not the same as flexi_style branch 1.4.x as the issue fork flexi_style-3498434 was created before the latest commit 3beb0e5b. Since, I do not have access to flexi_style, you or the maintainer of flexi_style have to resolve merge conflicts
@roberttabigue Kindly close the merge request and provide issue credit.
@paraderojether I have added the commit to fix the remaining issues. Kindly review and merge
@shaik_karimulla, I have enabled the module, and have the following configurations
label : Bulk Image
form: none
location: public://bulk-media-upload.
I am able to upload the files.
@abhiyanshu Fixed the PHPCS issues
@szeidler, Should the Drupal Klaro module set the cookie expiry to 365 days by default?
@abhiyanshu, The date stamp, version, project warning is coming because of installing dependencies through composer in your local system. It would not appear in the codebase. I am fixing phpcs issues and pushing it to the codebase.
@s-jack. I am unable to replicate the issue on Drupal 10.3.10 site. And, how are you able to use webprofiler without Tracer API, since Tracer API is a required module for WebProfiler. Can you give some more details?
@nfriend I create a MR that supports pdf,txt through Google docs viewer and other formats such as docx, xls through Microsoft Doc Viewer. I have tested it on several environments and it is working flawlessly. Kindly check from your end whether the approach works and could be applied.
@claudiu.cristea, Do you mean that in the rdf_sync.install file, the function rdf_sync_update_1001(): void should be function rdf_sync_update_7001(): void instead ?
@kishor kumar v I believe that this is fixed, as the reset button unchecks the checkbox fields in the exposed filter form. Could you provide a filter criteria where it does not uncheck checkbox fields in the exposed filter form on clicking reset.
@alok_singh I have created the Merged Request to fix the issue.
@alok_singh I am only facing this issue for logged in user, when Flexi Style Sub Theme is enabled.
@kanser tjr A workaround is to inspect element and copy the href link : http://drupal.org/drupal-cms/1.0.0-rc1.zip in a new tab. Hope, it helps.
@ mistergroove You can run composer require 'drupal/social_post:3.0.2' -W. This will update the version to 3.0.2
@kaszarobert I am still able to access the Content Redirect to Front Settings at admin/config/content/content_redirect_to_front_settings and also able to save the configurations, even after enabling the blocache v2.0.0 on my drupal 10.4 site. There could be some issue with a specific Drupal version or some other module. Kindly mention your drupal version, so I can try to replicate the issue.
@godsman On my Drupal 10.4 site, I am unable to replicate this issue.
Kindly uninstall and remove the module and then require the module again through composer : composer require 'drupal/content_redirect_to_front:^9.0' & then enable the module through admin interface. This will proably fix the issue.
@monkk I am able to validate sitemap.xml on google search console with sitemap checker
@monkk I am able to validate sitemap.xml on google search console with sitemap checker
@alok_singh I am unable to find, where is the tag input box being shown in the Rover Theme. Kindly explain it in a broader sense, so that I can replicate the issues, and if exists, fix it