Account created on 22 November 2024, 2 months ago

Recent comments

@franz65, I have hereby attached the patch for adding content types to choose from in the glossary config form.

@drupalgideon, Replacing innerhtml with textContent fixes the issue. I have created the suitable merge request for the same.

@goz, I am able to install ui_icons, ui_icons_backport and other ui icons module(1.0.0-beta5) on Drupal 10.4.1. Kindly mention the exact
Drupal version/ui_icon version which is not getting installed from your end.

@clarkssquared, The date stamp, version, project warning is coming because of installing dependencies through composer in your local system. It would not appear in the codebase. Kindly check on and, you would not find date stamp, version, project in code

@goz, in composer.json, you have to have to set the "minimum-stability": "beta", and you would be able to install(require) 1.0.0-beta5 on Drupal 10.4.x

@nfriend Kindly checkout to this branch : and copy all folders and files and paste in the md_viewer directory in the modules/contrib folder.

@thaoquang, For a workaround/temporary solution, you can run drush config:delete, and then you will be able to install the module again

@matthieu_collet I am still not able to replicate the issue. Are there any console errors or website encountered an issue message?

@amoebanath I have hereby attached the patch for validation of upload location, if it is empty. I could not understand the concept of individual value since, it is a temporary location. Kindly explain an invalid state so that I can create a MR fixing that as well.

@matthieu_collet I am using the following configurations and I am able to access the Translate Side by Side page at /admin/reports/translate_side_by_side. Kindly mention your General System Information from /admin/reports/status, so that I could replicate the issue

@nfriend, You have to check the code at this url : I have added the support for pdf and txt files.

@anoopsingh92/ @paraderojether, I have removed changes in flexi_style.theme from this MR. Kindly review

@anoopsingh92 I have fixed the merged conflicts for MR11 :
Kindly review and merge.

@bluegeek9 Created merge request. Kindly review and merge.

nidhish made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

@anoopsingh92 Issue fork flexi_style-3498434 branch 1.4.x is not the same as flexi_style branch 1.4.x as the issue fork flexi_style-3498434 was created before the latest commit 3beb0e5b. Since, I do not have access to flexi_style, you or the maintainer of flexi_style have to resolve merge conflicts

@roberttabigue Kindly close the merge request and provide issue credit.

@paraderojether I have added the commit to fix the remaining issues. Kindly review and merge

@shaik_karimulla, I have enabled the module, and have the following configurations
label : Bulk Image
form: none
location: public://bulk-media-upload.

I am able to upload the files.

@szeidler, Should the Drupal Klaro module set the cookie expiry to 365 days by default?

@abhiyanshu, The date stamp, version, project warning is coming because of installing dependencies through composer in your local system. It would not appear in the codebase. I am fixing phpcs issues and pushing it to the codebase.

@s-jack. I am unable to replicate the issue on Drupal 10.3.10 site. And, how are you able to use webprofiler without Tracer API, since Tracer API is a required module for WebProfiler. Can you give some more details?

@nfriend I create a MR that supports pdf,txt through Google docs viewer and other formats such as docx, xls through Microsoft Doc Viewer. I have tested it on several environments and it is working flawlessly. Kindly check from your end whether the approach works and could be applied.

@claudiu.cristea, Do you mean that in the rdf_sync.install file, the function rdf_sync_update_1001(): void should be function rdf_sync_update_7001(): void instead ?

@kishor kumar v I believe that this is fixed, as the reset button unchecks the checkbox fields in the exposed filter form. Could you provide a filter criteria where it does not uncheck checkbox fields in the exposed filter form on clicking reset.

@alok_singh I am only facing this issue for logged in user, when Flexi Style Sub Theme is enabled.

@kanser tjr A workaround is to inspect element and copy the href link : in a new tab. Hope, it helps.

@ mistergroove You can run composer require 'drupal/social_post:3.0.2' -W. This will update the version to 3.0.2

@kaszarobert I am still able to access the Content Redirect to Front Settings at admin/config/content/content_redirect_to_front_settings and also able to save the configurations, even after enabling the blocache v2.0.0 on my drupal 10.4 site. There could be some issue with a specific Drupal version or some other module. Kindly mention your drupal version, so I can try to replicate the issue.

@godsman On my Drupal 10.4 site, I am unable to replicate this issue.
Kindly uninstall and remove the module and then require the module again through composer : composer require 'drupal/content_redirect_to_front:^9.0' & then enable the module through admin interface. This will proably fix the issue.

@monkk I am able to validate sitemap.xml on google search console with sitemap checker

@monkk I am able to validate sitemap.xml on google search console with sitemap checker

@alok_singh I am unable to find, where is the tag input box being shown in the Rover Theme. Kindly explain it in a broader sense, so that I can replicate the issues, and if exists, fix it

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