- Issue created by @jsimonis
- πΊπΈUnited States fkelly
Do you have the gallery embedded in a content type following instructions on the project page? For instance, on my sites I have created a Juicebox gallery content type. Here is what's in the view source of one of those content type items:
<script src="/web/sites/all/libraries/juicebox/juicebox.js"></script><script> new juicebox({ baseUrl : '/web/sites/default/files/jboxgalleries/greylock10/', containerId: 'juicebox-container', galleryWidth: '100%', galleryHeight: '110%', backgroundColor: '#222222' }); </script> <div id="juicebox-container"> </div>
When I click on the url for that content type item (preferably from a menu) it will find a greylock10 xml file that is in the location in the baseUrl and run it through the juicebox.js program that's in the first line of the code I listed. There has to be a connection (association) between the juicebox.js file and the xml file for the gallery to "work". Otherwise you just have a list of images ... which is what it appears that you have now.