Account created on 15 April 2019, about 5 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

patch #4 OK Drupal:8.9.20 PHP:7.3

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

from the bottom
  1. But a dont see it in any patameters of it settings
  2. settings: "or leave empty" for required fields)))))))
🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL


Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "closeMessage", Drupal.january is undefined

I am not very good in JS, so my decision)) \january_theme\js\messages.js

  Drupal.behaviors.messages = {
    attach: function attach(context) {
      once('messages', '[data-drupal-selector="messages"]', context).forEach(closeMessage);
  //Drupal.january.closeMessage = closeMessage; /*line.30*/
})(Drupal, once);
🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL function admin_menu_tree_dynamic(array $expand_map) {

    else {
/*WTpatch: Notice: Undefined offset: 29 in admin_menu_tree_dynamic() (line 125 of /var/.../sites/all/modules/admin_menu/*/
      //$parent_path = $result[$link['plid']]['path'];
      //$parent_path = $result[$link['plid']]['path'] ?? false; //$result[$link['plid']]['path'];
      if( isset($result[$link['plid']]['path']) ) $parent_path = $result[$link['plid']]['path']; else continue;

    $tree_dynamic[$parent_path][] = $link;

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

re #3: Thank`s 2.1.x-dev updated 23 Jan 2024 OK

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

DOMPurify library path - inconsistent capitalization 🐛 DOMPurify library path - inconsistent capitalization Needs work

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

Now you can use (php):

if( \Drupal::routeMatch()->getRouteName() == 'entity.node.canonical' ){ /*CONDITON if node page*/
	return $result = 
		str_replace($matches[1], $matches[1] . 'PlusText', $matches[0]); /*you custom code here*/
} else return $result = $matches[0]; /*no changes*/
🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL


function adsense_page_attachments(array &$attachments) {
  /*WT+:Disable Auto-ads for roles with access 'Hide AdSense'*/ if( \Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('hide adsense') ) RETURN;
  $config = \Drupal::config('adsense.settings');
🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

re:sarwan 👍 thank's

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

+1 Drupal:10.1.1 PHP:8.1.21
Yes brackets <> rewrites on html-entityes or strip If in text format on any filter.

<?php ?> → &lt;?php ?&gt;
<script type="text/javascript">console.log('message');</script> → console.log('message')
🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

It is not possible to save a form with an empty field description (/admin/config/people/captcha). On load it's Again with the meaning (by default)
8.x-1.12, 2.0.3 Drupal:9.5.10 PHP:8.0

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

This patch fix Notice: iconv_mime_decode() but does not solve the problem with non-latin subject

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

there patch 🐛 Empty subject if any non-latin characters used Needs review

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

Sorry, code render icons and <i> and before. And see <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/themes/tara/css/bootstrap-icons.css?rxmwkj">

(<i class="bi bi-alarm"></i>)(<i class="bi bi-award"></i>)(<i class="bi bi-award-fill"></i>)
<style type="text/css">#here:before { content:'\F154'; font-family: 'bootstrap-icons'; }</style>
<div id="here" class="here">text</div>
  1. used bootstrap 1.9.1 (it's writen in tara.libraries.yml) Request to write in the documentation.
  2. Request to add use documentation in README.txt
  3. no documentation about Bootstrap Font Icons on
🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

This error appears after installing the module when there is no settings recording in the database (table=config dblog_filter.settings).
So $entities_load = $config->get('log_values'); //null

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

This is the second time I've encountered this bug.
Interestingly, the changes were saved on the test site, but not on the production site (in both cases).
He deleted the field and created again. And he watched after each change in the field when the bug will appear.
He has not appeared)) While everything is saved))

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

3333606-3.patch is OK for me Drupal: 10.0.9 🐛 Icons are missing Fixed 3304752-2.patch is bad

🇮🇱Israel Promo-IL

3304752-2.patch (here) not work. there is OK 🐛 CSS Files Contain Incorrect URL Paths Closed: duplicate

Production build 0.69.0 2024