Patch from #27 doesn't apply with recent google_analytics release 4.0.3 anymore.
Is maybe Cloudflare SDK not death?
During last composer update I saw a new release 1.4.0 of cloudflare/sdk and also its repo on Github has some activity again. Maybe we should double check this with CF or maintainers of this SDK.
@hamza_niazi: The 8.x-1.3-rc1 should already support D11.
I would be happy to get feedback from someone else than me, that it is working properly on a Drupal 11 project for other ones to publish 8.x-1.3 as a stable release.
Fixed. Released with 8.x-1.0-alpha4.
Since Symfony 6.3 there is an early hints integration available.
@mondrake: I left a comment on related MR which maybe should addressed additionally.
My little change in IF-statement on opened MR fixed this issue.
Strange thing is, that in both variants entity gets loaded properly, but only with my change in IF-statement $entity-getTypedData()
doesn't throw any error.
I would be also interested in this. Added Needs documentation tag.
Are this new event classes maybe also documented with some examples on Search API modules?
@kyuubi do you remember which drupal/graphql module version you used at this time?
Maybe this issue is not related to 8.x-4.x-dev.
@johnpicozzi: Could you please double check structure of your current cloudflare.settings.yml and which version of purge module you are using in your project.
client_ip_restore_enabled: true
remote_addr_validate: true
bypass_host: ...
valid_credentials: true
zone_name: ''
auth_using: key
api_token: ''
apikey: ...
email: ...
For me it looks like this and I don't get any error.
@sharique: I already saw this, but didn't checked that it is possible to override it for Plyr library. Thx!
@rosk0: Ping me here, when you have new infos.
@sokru: Maybe it make sense to fix it first in 8.0.x-dev and than backport solution to 8.x-7.x-dev?
Currently it is not related to any IVW block config in backend anymore, because hook_page_attachments() also adds preload link to HTML header and this results in warning on backend URLs like node/add/article and so on.
To avoid these warning of non-requested JS files which got added as preload links it would be good to avoid attaching them to admin theme handled URLs.
Attached screenshot of console errors you will get on node/add/article form.
Changed roadmap from 8.x-1.3 to 8.x-1.4 because 8.x-1.3 will be release to enable support for Drupal 11.
Unassigned from me, because I do not have any project which is using CKEditor 4.
Maybe someone else will provide a MR or patch for this issue. Otherwise I will close it in the future as won't fix.
No feedback from Drupal community if this issue still exists. So I'm closing this issue as outdated.
The CKEditor Fixed Toolbar contrib module is only needed with CKEditor 4, which will be not provided for Drupal 11 anymore.
There will be no support for Drupal 11 for this module.
@damienmckenna: I would recommend to re-open this issue again, because with current used custom PHP date format in provided config it could produce issue for other languages.
When using your date format for a German only Drupal site you get following date in RSS feeds: Mi., 20 Okt. 21 12:09:11 +0200 which could produce issues in feed consumers because of German day / month names I would say.
Maybe it makes sense to use PHP's predefined constant DATE_RSS here?
@bobjoe: I've checked it shortly and I think for this we need to refactor JS of Plyr module a little bit, that instances of players could be controlled via JS.
Available currently in 8.x-1.3-rc1 for first testing.
Merged. I will run a final test with D11 now to provide a release asap.
Merged to get a D11 release ready.
@mikeohara: Sounds valid to me.
I think in the near future Image Style Warmer should also get some Gitlab doc pages.
@sokru: I've created and prepared 📌 Enable testing for more Drupal versions Active to adjust Gitlab CI config.
@sokru: I've added a version_compare() to your provided changes. Would be good to have a second eye on this before merging.
Maybe also someone with an old Drupal before 10.2.0 could give some testing feedback.
I've raised this to major to get a Drupal 11 release of Image Style Warmer asap ready :)
Created MR with related regex change.
Reel URLs with domain throws a 404 page and so I didn't add this variant.
@bburg we also run in such issues without Acquia hosting, but we also use GD 2.1.0 in our current Docker images. Also uploaded images are in allowed dimension and sizes. In most cases I recognized that users uploaded images with a very special color schema. When I convert these uploaded images than to something like sRGB or RGB color schema all is working fine with them.
bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Supported image file formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG.
Unsupported image file format: WEBP.
Check the PHP GD installation documentation if you want to add support.
I could also double check with GD 2.3.x in our local DDEV environment if we also run in such memory issues with newer GD toolkit version.
Role back of patch from #26 as MR to apply against 11.x and 10.3.x again.
One kernel and some functional unit tests are failing in Gitlab CI jobs now, but I have no clue why this wasn't previously the case. So I think this needs some more investigations.
Created issue related MR from patch from @seutje and hide his uploaded patch.
With attached patch you could use Plyr libraries installed via composer over npm-asset packagist.
In general I would like to avoid loading Plyr libraries over CDN and switch to something like npm-asset via until Drupal community decide which would be the way to go to require such JS library dependencies.
Would be nice to get some feedback here, how other Plyr users / developers think about this :)
Fix for remaining cspell warnings looks fine for me.
Do we also need to adjust / inform someone who already created related PO translation files for date_filter contrib module?
Used provided patch from @seutje to create MR for better review and hide uploaded patch.
Marked as duplicate: Will be resolved by ✨ Optimize drush command Needs review .
We also should try to add new Drush command options to PHPUnit testing or open a related issue for this.
Added Drupal Gitlab CI template and already resolved all easy to fix reported errors.
Tested in my local environment with some manual created German translations.
Tested patch of MR and for me it is working when using a short URL.
@geek-merlin @heddn @volkerk Should 🐛 Changes are lost when collapsing a paragraphs subform including an inline_entity_form Needs work maybe also added to 3.x stable release plan because it seems not be fixed in 8.x-1.x yet.
IT-Cru → changed the visibility of the branch to hidden.
IT-Cru → changed the visibility of the branch 3265924-add-hookhelp to hidden.
Works fine for a long time at our PROD environments now, so I would merge this to prepare a new release.
Existing MR needs rebase.
+1 for a new beta release :)
@kerrymick: Should current state of 5.0.x be tagged as hotfix 5.0.1 to avoid issues for people who tries to upgrade from 8.x-2.x to 5.0.x because of this issue detected by PHPStan CI job (mentioned in #7?
I think this would be a good idea to avoid popup of follow up issues with broken upgrades.
I've rebased open MR to get Gitlab CI jobs running for this issue now.
All pipelines are green with drupal/ctools (4.0.4) downloaded at composer CI job.
@jcnventura: Do you remember if any changes in your projects are needed when Cloudflare module is used with ctools 4.0.x?
@RoSk0: If nothing more is needed I would say this could be a candidate for merge and a quick release :)
In MR to 5.0.x I can't find this issue. So it seems to be only related to 8.x-2.x branch.
If this is already included in latest release, I think it would be good to create a new issue as critical bug, because of this typo TWIG model template is broken.
@thejimbirch Does it also make sense to add Gitlab CI templates to 8.x-2.x branch because of current usages?
@kerrymick @thejimbirch: I've raised this to major because PHPStan found a possible issue in update path. See my changes in bp_card.install file. Maybe these changes should be cherry picked for a 5.0.1 hotfix release.
IT-Cru → changed the visibility of the branch 3437111-add-drupal-gilab to active.
IT-Cru → changed the visibility of the branch 3437111-add-drupal-gilab to hidden.
@twills: Diff of MR should apply again with 8.x-2.x-dev.
@thejimbirch @kerrymick: Is this change already addressed in development of 5.0.x branch?
Added current state of MR as patch against 2.0-beta8 release before rebase.
@Dave Reid: There is already a hook_entity_delete() implemented since 5 years in the module. So normally all access tokens should be deleted, when a host entity gets deleted.
* Implements hook_entity_delete().
function access_unpublished_entity_delete(EntityInterface $entity) {
/** @var \Drupal\access_unpublished\AccessTokenManager $tokenManager */
$tokenManager = \Drupal::service('access_unpublished.access_token_manager');
foreach ($tokenManager->getAccessTokensByEntity($entity) as $token) {
I hope I missed nobody in giving credits to help working on this issue. Otherwise please leave a message here, before ticket is finally closed :)