Inline Entity Form stable release plan

Created on 28 September 2015, over 9 years ago
Updated 24 April 2024, 10 months ago

The intent of this issue is to help the maintainer(s) coordinate community efforts in the creation of a stable release. Community involvement is only intended as a suggestion; it is up to maintainers to ultimately decide the creation of, and what goes into, a stable release. If you are not interested in using this issue, please mark the issue as Fixed or Closed (works as designed).

As of the creation of this issue, this project presently does not have a stable release compatible with Drupal 9+. There are many benefits to publishing a stable release for a module. Project Browser uses stable releases as a recommended criteria for module discovery ( #3240314-16: Decide on algorithm for "recommended" modules ).

We already achieved a lot of things in D8 port of IEF, but there are still plenty of issues to resolve before 8.x-1.0. The purpose of this issue is to have a general discussion about the direction. Let's focus on that only and leave technical discussion for individual sub-issues.



Must decide

Important, but can be done later

Architectural notes

  • Move all field widget/IEF handler related code to classes and basically leave only hook implementations in .module. => We can do this, but as we are already out of alpha, we must leave stubs anyway, so can do this after 1.0
  • Clean the code (readability) as much as possible when in classes
  • Move common code to base widget class
  • Convert IEF table theme function to twig template
  • InlineEntityFormMultiple::formElement() is huge and quite hard to understand. See if we can make it easier to understand.

Do you have resources you'd like to contribute to this template? Have feedback on the stable release request issue template? We want your feedback: #3239062: 'Stable Release Request' Issue Template

🌱 Plan






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🇸🇮Slovenia slashrsm

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  • 🇺🇸United States Chris Matthews

    If anyone is interested our nonprofit would be happy to sponsor the time to help get 🐛 Field permissions access override Fixed across the finish line so that Inline Entity Form can move to a stable 8.x-1.0 (or 2.0.0) release.

  • 🇺🇸United States Chris Matthews

    Nice to see 🐛 Field permissions access override Fixed get in 🎉

  • 🇺🇸United States DamienMcKenna NH, USA

    With no stable release for 8.x-1.x available there's already work on a 2.0.x? Can someone please explain what's going on with the module? Sites that use Commerce can't (easily; I know it's possible via some hackery, but it shouldn't be necessary) use v2. Thank you.

  • 🇺🇸United States Chris Matthews

    Maybe the switch to 2.0.x was purely to switch to semantic versioning 🤷‍♂️, but it would be good to have clarification on the difference between 8.x-1.x and 2.0.x.

  • 🇨🇦Canada deviantintegral

    I'd also appreciate notes on the differences between the major versions.

    We're looking at this because we have a project where the client requires that all contributed modules have Drupal security team coverage, or we have ourselves audited the module. We haven't participated in or applied any patches from the "must-have" issues. I don't know if this is a shared experience, but given there's already a 2.x branch that could host compatibility-breaking code, I would encourage the module maintainers to tag a stable release of the 1.x branch so it can get security team coverage.

  • 🇫🇮Finland aleksip Finland

    I too would very much appreciate a stable release and notes on the differences between the major versions. The current situation makes it very hard to decide which version to use for new extensive and critical functionality.

  • 🇺🇸United States Chris Matthews

    From @podarok via Slack:

    2.0 was created by me in order to introduce menu reference module
    I didn't want to confuse long run with 1.x branch in order to keep your pace
    We fixed a bunch of issues in 2.0, but mostly related to menu reference, which is part of the YMCA Website Services distribution ( formerly Open Y ) now
    It is safe to merge 1.x into 2.0, because basic functionality is not changed in 2.0
    Sorry for the confusion

  • 🇺🇦Ukraine podarok Ukraine

    2.0 version created in order to add new major functionality ( Inline Entity Menu Form ) while 1.0 work in progress. 2.0 team is doing code pull from 1.0 version from time to time in order to be aligned.
    1.0 still has own roadmap which will be merged in 2.0 after getting stable

  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany

    Unfortunately i have been afk for quite some weeks and did not notice what is going on with that 2.x branch. According to the last comment, that branch was created as sort of personal playground or feature branch. This was contrary to the strategy agreed here, and ignoring basic semver and maintainership rules, created that branch, and added numerous unreviewed commits, some of which added regressions, or did not contain automated tests, contrary to needs-tests tags. Which causes substantial harm to the ecosystem. I do not assume bat faith, but Dunning-Kruger is worse than bad faith. After thinking quite a while about what action is adequate, and speaking to some fellows, i marked that 2.x branch unsupported, added an explanation on the project page, revoked said person's privileges and notified them, opened 📌 Clean up problematic 2.x branch Active to coordinate further actions on this, and notified all other mainteiners and co-maintainers. Any help with the cleanup appreciated. No hard feelings.

  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany

    Now to the thing i really wanted put my enegy into: I updated the IS with a ultra-minimal roadmap to a stable release (which may or may not need to be 3.0.0 now), and will stick to that until done. Any help is appreciated a lot.
    Feel free to PM me if if can unblock any needed steps, but also bear with me if my reaction time is more like a week than a day, because i have s super tight schedule these days.

  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany

    Habemus 3.0.0-rc18.

  • 🇺🇸United States dww

    Note, I think we should open a 3.0.x branch ASAP so that the 3.x branch can be used as the "main" branch for new features (towards a future 3.1.x release), while we cherry-pick / backport any bug fixes or non-disruptive tasks to 3.0.x as we move towards the 3.0.0 stable release.


  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany

    Very good point!

  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany
  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany
  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany
  • 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany
  • heddn Nicaragua

    I love the updated (and clearly stated) IS updates. Is there any specific timelines for the first 3.0.0 stable release?

  • heddn Nicaragua

    To expand on #66, I've got a client who is looking at this project and their security posture is to use code/modules that have security support. Since this project is still a non-stable release, they feel a little uncomfortable to use it. From reviewing the must-haves, this looks really close to a stable release. It would be nice to see 📌 Get PHPStan level 1 passing and enable automated test job Active land (it is rtbc) and 📌 Drop PHP7 support to help with code cleanup Needs work as well (only NR, but easy to get to RTBC). That only leaves Allow select widget for "Add existing items" Needs work from what I can tell as blocking release. Am I reading that correctly?

  • 🇩🇪Germany IT-Cru Munich

    @geek-merlin @heddn @volkerk Should 🐛 Changes are lost when collapsing a paragraphs subform including an inline_entity_form Needs work maybe also added to 3.x stable release plan because it seems not be fixed in 8.x-1.x yet.

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