Account created on 7 August 2011, almost 13 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

heddn Nicaragua

Any chance on a 1.x release any time soon? Its been a while and several bug fixes landed in that time.

heddn Nicaragua

This puts a hidden dependency on token.module. Or at least, my kernel tests (which didn't have token required previously) now require me to add token. Because otherwise,

Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: You have requested a non-existent service "token.entity_mapper".

heddn Nicaragua

To echo #6, ideally this MR would be just to enable gitlab and not all the code standard changes.

heddn Nicaragua

Here's the simple move. I manually tested the code after moving from devel to admin.

heddn Nicaragua

This fixes our failing tests on the project related to config schema errors.

heddn Nicaragua

It should, but you'd have to test that to confirm.

heddn Nicaragua

Fixed up MR and merged #24 back into it. I've hid all the patches.

heddn Nicaragua

Can we get these changes back into the MR? Core doesn't really use a patch workflow any more.

heddn Nicaragua

Some feedback posted on MR. Also, is there a simple way to add to our test coverage?

heddn Nicaragua

Rolled the patch into an MR and added general module schema to it as well.

heddn Nicaragua

heddn made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

heddn Nicaragua

It was introduced w/ 2.0.0-rc5. RC4 is not impacted.

heddn Nicaragua

I'm not sure if it is a regression from this change, but even though I don't have Allow creating new items selected, all of my SHS widgets display an Add new term option.

heddn Nicaragua

Maintainership granted. If you wish to release a new tag, feel free to reach out and I'm happy to help with that.

heddn Nicaragua

NW because tests are failing (the first few failures look simple to fix) and phpc/phpstan complaints.

heddn Nicaragua

heddn changed the visibility of the branch 3.0.x to hidden.

heddn Nicaragua

heddn changed the visibility of the branch 2979223-search-string-summary-v2 to hidden.

heddn Nicaragua

It should also see a re-roll for 3.x though, so maybe NW is accurate?

heddn Nicaragua

This is marked as NW for 2 years. Why don't we get brave and ask for a review?

heddn Nicaragua

We are using default content to export menu items on a site. So I think this must be a feature that works.

heddn Nicaragua

To expand on #66, I've got a client who is looking at this project and their security posture is to use code/modules that have security support. Since this project is still a non-stable release, they feel a little uncomfortable to use it. From reviewing the must-haves, this looks really close to a stable release. It would be nice to see 📌 Get PHPStan level 1 passing and enable automated test job Active land (it is rtbc) and 📌 Drop PHP7 support to help with code cleanup Needs work as well (only NR, but easy to get to RTBC). That only leaves Allow select widget for "Add existing items" Needs work from what I can tell as blocking release. Am I reading that correctly?

heddn Nicaragua

I love the updated (and clearly stated) IS updates. Is there any specific timelines for the first 3.0.0 stable release?

heddn Nicaragua

Nice work here. Thanks for the added tests.

heddn Nicaragua

Possibly if 📌 Additional source plugin filtering Needs review lands first, this could be closed duplicate and credit transferred over there.

heddn Nicaragua

Traced this back to 🐛 When adding a new menu link, restrict the available parents to the current menu Fixed . It isn't in 10.1 but is in 10.2. GCM does not have a full config backed menu. It never will. Additionally, the menu parent logic is overwritten by that module after this here. The patch in #2 seems like a decent solution. An entity load can fail to load (that's what we see here). We should check and handle appropriately.

Still needs tests, but this can be easily reproduced. In a test controller add something like:

  public function addLink(GroupContentMenuInterface $group_content_menu) {
    $menu_name = 'non-existent';
    $menu_link = $this->entityTypeManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->create([
      'menu_name' => $menu_name,
      'bundle' => 'menu_link_content',
    return $this->entityFormBuilder()->getForm($menu_link);
heddn Nicaragua

Is it just a change in format?

heddn Nicaragua

Tests pass green on php 8.2 in the bot. I couldn't figure out an easy way to run a test-only pass on the code to demonstrate the error w/o any fixes..

heddn Nicaragua
            uuid: 3084b21e-317d-44b3-9d74-5e3d126bdc0c

This is what is being complained about.

heddn Nicaragua

Line 22-24 is what is triggered. Solr has those values as null. But the validator thinks they should be an empty array.

    if (!is_array($value)) {
      throw new UnexpectedTypeException($value, 'array');
heddn Nicaragua
+++ b/config/schema/fullcalendar_view.views.schema.yml
@@ -81,9 +87,21 @@
+      type: integer

Since this is a checkbox, this should be:

type: boolean

heddn Nicaragua

What version of config inspector? The most recent? None of my sites are still using 10.0/10.1 any more but when were still using it, we didn't have issues. It was only recently this started.

heddn Nicaragua

Automated testing in the CI where we essentially do protected $strictConfigSchema = TRUE does not trigger any exceptions. Running drush config:inspect --only-error and the web UI trigger the same exception logic.

heddn Nicaragua

I'm not sure how related or unrelated this is, but search_api_solr in 10.2 is throwing fits with the new config validation. 🐛 ValidKeysConstraintValidator thrown by config inspector Active has some details on what I'm seeing.

heddn Nicaragua

I think is comes from all of the nullable: true stuff all over the config schema in this module. There is a lot of it though, so I wonder if something in core should be handling this differently.

heddn Nicaragua

Not all custom code uses contrib entity module. The place that gets the greatest visibility is in core.

heddn Nicaragua

heddn made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

heddn Nicaragua

On 10.2+, the additional validation for ck5 attributes and properties is getting in the way. I attempted to use extend_html_filter and the the MR from Match the filter_html <> ckeditor5 integration in Drupal core Needs work and still no joy.

heddn Nicaragua

This MR fixes modules that use _this_ module's API. For group.module fixes, see the related issue.

heddn Nicaragua

This has test coverage added now. They were failing because they were actually written with the bug we are seeing present. There are 2 of the 19 different test cases in the data provider that included nested (below) items that are filtered out by the build process. But the twig variable was still indicating there were items.

heddn Nicaragua

A rebase should be all that is needed to fix the counts.

heddn Nicaragua

I've run into this before w/ drush on some other un-related operations. It assumes everything is non final and tries to wrap objects in its own wrapper via reflection. In the past we had to check for if the object was final. I wonder if that is what is happening here. The obvious thing is to not make the class final. But its awful convenient for a simple class like we have here to make it final and not need to worry about BC.

heddn Nicaragua

I fixed one small issue with a doc block. But that was so small I doubt it blocks from re-RTBCing. LGTM.

heddn Nicaragua

This is safe to land as dependency injection of the container should work even in earlier versions of Drupal.

heddn Nicaragua

Once support for 10.1 is sunset, this can land. Otherwise if we want to support both <=10.1 and 10.2+ at the same time, we'll have to do a BC dance.

Production build 0.67.2 2024