🇳🇿New Zealand @HeikeT

Account created on 10 July 2013, almost 11 years ago

Recent comments

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

... sorry you need to clear each individual field ... three people just failed on this in testing :). Maybe a cancel button would be a good idea!
Love your work!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Tested by both Gareth and Heike. Looking good!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Tested and documented!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Released with Alpha6!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

With 10.0.0-alpha6 we ...

  • replaced the Sector Themes taxonomy with the Notice Level List field
  • introduced the Notice levels see above
  • added Material Icons support
  • added the Dismissal Expiry
  • added a close button
  • updated sample content
  • added Block administration permissions the the Content Administrator

Still to do ...

The core permissions to place block as not granular enough, so we need a workaround that will allow the Content Editor to enable / disable notices. This is an issue affecting the block management as a whole and will be moved into a new issue.


🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

The MVP on this is done and released with the Alpha.
Documentation is https://www.sector.nz/documentation/sector-media-file-types-and-configur....

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

We decided to not do this and added the modules to the list of modules that need to be manually removed,

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

We also added 'administer content' permissions to the content editor role as we had in Sector 9.

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Hi, hi we will add xmlsitemap to Sector 10 as part of the alpha, plus we are also not 'force' disabling and removing Hal and Normaliser so they need to be disabled manually :).

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Hihi @Dieuwe raised valid concerns about disabling and removing modules in case sites have dependencies we have not foreseen! So we move this to a manual clean-up task in context of https://www.drupal.org/project/sector/issues/3386022 ! Ta :).

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Hi Gareth this would be a good example on how we can get contributions form outside merged.

First step would be to do the merge request magic so that I can spin up a test instance :)!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Sorry that this took so long for us to pick up! All done now and released to 9.5.7. Info in https://www.drupal.org/project/sector/issues/3381553

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Sorry, all good. Passed testing on the right branch :)!!!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Hi Marco, Can we make sure that this makes it into 9.5.7 as well?

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Hi Marco, I think we fixed this but did not commit it? Can we quickly review and see if we can ship this with 9.5.7?

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Tested. Ready to be released with 9.5.7!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

The team agreed to proceed

- we will export and re-import the sample content (test)
- if confirmed, we will disable both modules

- we will remove the modules from the codebase

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Just a quick sanity check

  • Allowed formats 2.0.2 - testing: check in content type text field set-ups, check in AdminUI (editor role)
  • Antibot 2.0.2 - testing: submit a form, check error log ?
  • config_update 2.0.0-alpha3 - testing: TBD
  • field_delimiter 2.0.1 - testing: check in content type text field set-ups, check in frontend
  • password_policy 4.0.0 - testing: check if our config works with it, minimal checks with editor role

radix: 4.x_dev vs. 5.x TBD

To consider for this release

  • components 3.0.0-beta3

Moved into next release

  • webform 6.2.0-beta6
  • radix: 4.x vs. 5.x TBD
🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Thank you guys! Retested and looking good, ready to merge!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Please bundle this up for release :).

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Added to testplan and tested.

Passed with two cosmetic issues:

  • the close x is underlined (fix if easy)
  • The block should be prefixed with Sector as is ‘Sector Release Notes’ (fix if easy)
🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Moved to Sector 10 dev to remind us that we need to find a better solution!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Hi Jonathan,

Yes, that is a thrown in the eye forever and comes from the CKEditor Anchor plugin. We are currently reviewing options to allow content editors to easily place anchors using ids. If you come across something let me know!

We are also moving Sector 9.5 into a maintenance and security updates only phase while we are getting Sector 10 prepared!

More very soon!


🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Place default page title block into the right theme region!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Thanks Chris, I assigned the GIN issue to myself and set it to postponed! Will keep an eye on both issues!

🇳🇿New Zealand HeikeT

Perfect. I will get somebody on this asap!

Production build 0.69.0 2024