Taxonomy term name in fulltext content search not returning all the tagged content.

Created on 13 November 2017, over 7 years ago
Updated 21 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

1. Enable search api, database search and taxonomy handler module.

2. Add a Server that uses the Database backend.

3. Create an Index that uses Content as a datasource.

4. Configure the datasourse to use any content type of your choice or say article.

5. Add a taxonomy term reference field in the content type. Let's call this reference field as category.

6. Added title, body and Category as field to be indexed in the field tab in search api config.

7. Now add a aggregated field with title and category field.

8. Change the data type of aggregated field to FullText and increase the boost.

9. Create a view built from the content index.

10. Add fulltext search in exposed filter creteria of the view page.

11. Save the view.

12. Now try searching for any taxonomy term name (from category) in fulltext search.

Ideally it should return all the content which is tagged to this category. But i am not getting any result.

Thanks in advance.
Please let me know if i am not clear enough.

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🇮🇳India nit3ch

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  • 🇺🇸United States capellic Austin, Texas

    For anybody else who has this problem, check your View to be sure that you aren't unwittingly excluding the field.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand heiket

    Hi I know this is closed but I had the same issue today and resetting the processors following #12 helped ... even though yes, that makes no sense whatsoever :)

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands RobBNL

    Hi, same there here.
    After a default installation of Search API and adding Taxonomy terms to the index they where not found/indexed.
    Disabled the processors, saved, enabled them again, reindexed: problem solved.

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