Montreal, Canada
Account created on 18 May 2012, about 12 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

After this command:

- composer require 'drupal/node_revision_delete:^2.0@RC'

You need to clear the cache:

- drush cr

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

- composer require 'drupal/node_revision_delete:^1.0@RC'
- drush pmu -y node_revision_generate
- drush cex
- composer require 'drupal/node_revision_delete:^2.0@RC'

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

The node revision generate module is just for test pourpose, so this module don;t made nothing in your site other than generate revisions to test the node revision generate module, it was removed on the latest version.

You can do the following

- composer require 'drupal/node_revision_delete:^1.0@RC'
- uninstall the module
- export the configs
- composer require 'drupal/node_revision_delete:^2.0@RC'

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Can you add steps to reproduce the problem?

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

adriancid created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

adriancid created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

adriancid created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

adriancid made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

D8 is deprecated and D9 too, so D10 version is out.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

adriancid created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Thanks, I changed to branch 2.x because we had the 8.x-1.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because we have a working patch in Log revision deletion Needs work and I will give credit there

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

arriving soon to the 10 anniversary :-D, let's see if this ticket is fixed someday.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x, and I don't see this error there.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

Closing because the current development is being made in branch 2.x

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

I tried to merge but the pipeline failed

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

adriancid made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

When I merged the master branch into this branch 1 test failed in the pipeline.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

adriancid made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

I think we should handle this in two ways, because why we need a hook_unistall when you can enforce in the configuration files the removal of the configs?

So what I'm proposing is handle here the uninstall of the existing configurations if the module is installed using a hook_update. We should add to the configurations the dependency, and in 📌 Enforce the configurations to be uninstalled at the same time as the example module Active enforce the configurations to be uninstalled once the module is uninstalled from the site.

🇨🇦Canada adriancid Montreal, Canada

@Summit yes, but you can go and use the new release for Modules Weight module too if you need to change the weight.

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