🇮🇹Italy @kris77

Account created on 13 March 2012, almost 13 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Thank you so much for reply, but the image URLs are right.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

MR #7 works well for me too. Thanks!

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Thank you so much @zany for support.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Hi guys,
in the project page there is not version for D10.

It's right? where can I download 2.0.0-alpha1 version?

Thank you so much for support.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Hi @abhiyanshu thanks for you reply and help.

I think I didn't explain well.

In my Drupal7 site I have 128 differente webform, each with its own components/elements. I have webform "TEST"(nid 812) with element1, element2, element3 and webform "TEST2"(nid 813) with own element(element3, element4, element5).

So, I want to migrate this only two webform from Drupal7 to Drupal9 or Drupal10 without submission, only webform with own components/elements.

Thank you so much.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Set aun_case: 0 in auto_username.settings.yml fixed the issue for me too.

Thanks @adiatis @Jibus

🇮🇹Italy kris77

IT's possible to release a version compatible with Drupal 10?

🇮🇹Italy kris77

It's possible to have this patch in 2.0.0-beta3 too?

🇮🇹Italy kris77

#21 works for me too.

Thanks @inversed

🇮🇹Italy kris77

#3 works for me too.

Thanks @Alina Basarabeanu

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Thanks @cilefen. As soon as I have the code I will open a merge request.

I'm not an experienced programmer, so I'll take some time.

Thanks again.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Thank you so much for reply @jrockowitz, but can this be considered as a new feature?

In the option limit settings, the possibility of selecting a numeric type field which establishes the value to be subtracted from the limit.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Patch #9 works for me too.
Thanks @w.drupal

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Thanks @nidhi27, your patch #3 works fine for me.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

I think it is necessary to update the module immediately with this patch.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Is there a possibility to use this function?

🇮🇹Italy kris77

There is a possibility to select a field for year prefix? I have a field in my content type where select reference Year.


🇮🇹Italy kris77

#55 +1 worked for me to with latest alpha5.

Thanks @mably.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

I don't know if it's only my problem, but it seems that Preprocess entity print works only in theme folder.
I have created a custom module:

  • In mycustom.module file there is mycustom_preprocess_entity_print function
  • In templates folder there is entity-print--webform-submission--test.html.twig for customize pdf
  • Clear cache

It does not work.
If move mycustom module folder in my theme or sub theme then it works.

🇮🇹Italy kris77

This problem is present in Webform 6.1.4 and patch in #11 works again.

Thanks @vivek.kekare

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Patch #2 works for me.
Drupal 9.5.3 - PHP 8.1 - Webform 6.1.4 - Entity_Print 8.x-2.11

Thanks @diegors

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Thanks @junaidpv.

But, patch in #2 is for another issue in veil module?

🇮🇹Italy kris77

Patch #2 works for me with Drupal 9.5.3 and Business_Rules 2.0.0-beta1
Thank you so much @mediabounds.

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