Preprocess entity print

Created on 16 December 2020, about 4 years ago
Updated 1 February 2024, about 1 year ago


The patch introduced in issue 3166397 made it impossible to manipulate webform submission data in hook_preprocess_entity_print. The code added to the file webform_entity_print.module (lines 297 -> 299) overwrites the content variable with a Markup element so you can't retrieve submission data from $variables['content'][0]['#webform_submission'] with the hook anymore.

// The HTML markup is safe because it has already been rendered.
  $content = [
    '#markup' => Markup::create($html),

Steps to reproduce

Create a custom module hook_preprocess_entity_print and dump $variables with kint

Proposed resolution

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇧🇪Belgium bartvermeulen1

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  • 🇮🇹Italy kris77

    This problem is present in Webform 6.1.4 and patch in #11 works again.

    Thanks @vivek.kekare

  • 🇮🇹Italy kris77

    I don't know if it's only my problem, but it seems that Preprocess entity print works only in theme folder.
    I have created a custom module:

    • In mycustom.module file there is mycustom_preprocess_entity_print function
    • In templates folder there is entity-print--webform-submission--test.html.twig for customize pdf
    • Clear cache

    It does not work.
    If move mycustom module folder in my theme or sub theme then it works.

  • 🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

    This problem is present in Webform 6.2.2 and patch in #11 works at line 366.

    It' only 1 row.... why not apply it definitively?... I use entity print submission in 10+ sites it's a waste of time everytimes!


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