🇮🇹Italy @antonio.bertolini

Account created on 4 December 2013, over 10 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

Hi all,
also $this->group->label must be translateable. That's done via language translation so I think that FieldGroupTable.php row 295:
- '#caption' => $this->getSetting('label_visibility') == self::DISPLAY_CAPTION ? $this->group->label : NULL,
+ '#caption' => $this->getSetting('label_visibility') == self::DISPLAY_CAPTION ? $this->t($this->group->label) : NULL,

and row 589:
- '#title' => $this->group->label,
+ '#title' => t($this->group->label),

has to be changed

🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

Why added to 8.x-1.x instead of 8.x-10.1? (I don't exactly know how commit system works...)
But changes are corrects.

🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

Sorry, sorry, sorry...

this is a duplicate of https://www.drupal.org/project/bat/issues/3416113 🐛 Primary keys needed for bat_event Needs review but not ported to 8.x-10.1.

🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3384852#comment-15523776 🐛 Ajax Pager broken after upgrade 10.0.9 to 10.1.2 Needs work
works for me. Tested also with this module as pager

tks ysamoylenko!

🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

This problem is present in Webform 6.2.2 and patch in #11 works at line 366.

It' only 1 row.... why not apply it definitively?... I use entity print submission in 10+ sites it's a waste of time everytimes!


🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

to mitigate this gin theme issue I add this css class:

.paragraphs-tabs-wrapper .field-multiple-table > tbody > .draggable > td + td {
  vertical-align: top;
  width: auto;
.paragraphs-tabs-wrapper .field-multiple-table > tbody > .draggable > td + td, .js .field--widget-paragraphs .field-multiple-table, .field-multiple-table thead, .field-multiple-table tbody {display: block;}

.paragraphs-tabs-wrapper .field-multiple-table tr.draggable {display: flex;align-items: center;flex-wrap: nowrap;xjustify-content: flex-start;}

into my gin-custom.css file (see gin theme documentation about usage)

hope this helps,

🇮🇹Italy antonio.bertolini

drupal 9.5.7,
same problem after updating form 8.x-1.0-beta6

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