mortona2k → created an issue.
Oops that is working fine, I made a mistake in setting it up.
I rerolled onto 2.x.
There was one difference, with a new if check wrapping the previous code in the patch.
Seems to be working so far.
Failing test is local tasks?
mortona2k → changed the visibility of the branch 3418138-more-options-for to hidden.
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
This is working.
With the patch, I see Book Navigation in manage display, and moving it around or disabling is working.
One issue I ran into is that if you enable a content type to be added to the book, we need to clear the cache to rerun book_entity_extra_field_info().
Seems like that could be done on submission of the book settings config form.
@lawxen, if it works with 1.0, dropping support will cause conflicts with other modules.
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Patch for 10.3, continuation of #34.
I added a check on the matched entity ID in parenthesis to verify that it is an integer.
Now we can create new referenced entities with parenthesis.
For example: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Referencing an existing entity that has a number in parenthesis is working.
Example: Collection (403)
Works with both typing in by name and using the autocomplete.
What does NOT work is verifying that the parenthesis value is a valid ID or otherwise creating a new entity.
Good to see the collaboration here. I think this has huge potential for Drupal.
I am interested in making it easy to pull in external information from APIs, plus Drupal - Drupal interoperability.
Throw in a plugin for scraping content from html and we'll be cooking with plutonium.
I can help with documentation and testing things as they are released.
The chained set access part might be a duplicate of: 📌 ECA Access: Do not set AccessResult in applies() Postponed
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
I created a submodule, external_entities_drupalorg, which has config for the Project Browser JSONAPI endpoint for modules, and the REST endpoint for issues.
This uses the Rest and JsonApi StorageClients, no custom plugins needed.
So far, there is just a body field, to demonstrate how to load data from the api.
Since the config is in the optional dir, the module can be uninstalled and you can modify the config as your own.
I used config_devel to keep the module's config up to date as I made changes. Recommended if anyone makes adjustments to this in the future.
Creating custom plugins could make the DX a little smoother by hardcoding things that are configurable in the UI, and exposing other options that are specific to these apis.
I am also looking into creating a custom plugin for Project Browser as a StorageClient. One thing I noticed it has is a total results count, which is very handy.
One thing to consider when trying to make listings or sync all items is that the Project Browser's module list endoint has a reasonable amount of items, but the issues endpoint could take a huge amount of time to sync, so probably isn't a good idea.
I would not mind being able to select a tag for the plain text formatter to do this. But what about setting a class, or settings for field/wrapper elements? I am thinking of the Fences module.
Excellent, I may find time to test this weekend. Thanks for all the updates.
I had a conflict with ECK ^2.
I think customizing the prism library at is the best way to go. (Or with npm).
You can add it to your theme and override in the info file:
/libraries/prism/prism.js: js/prism.js
/libraries/prism/prism.css: css/prism.css
I recommend copying the url into your readme after downloading so you can come back and make adjustments:
If you want, you can create a custom composer package in a directory, and install it in your main composer.json. That will copy it into /libraries. I found this workflow to be more tedious than the library overrides though.
This patch is doing the same thing as ✨ Render book navigation as a pseudo-field to change it's position in node Needs work
Minor differences in book_entity_extra_field_info() label and description.
Close this one?
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Rebased on 5.x and cleaned up a section with different checks on $options.
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Without using this patch, and no libraries/font-awesome, it looks like fontawesome icons are available, but I can't see them in the UI.
If I install the fontawesome module, the icons appear.
The patch doesn't change the library being used, it's still loaded by fontawesome.
With the patch and libraries/font-awesome, and no fontawesome module, no icons appear.
I don't think the CDN is working at all? Seems like it depends on fontawesome to load the library.
mortona2k → changed the visibility of the branch 3449108-fetch-fa-library to hidden.
Using @layer would change a lot of how things work, but probably something we need to adopt eventually.
Declaring CSS in a @layer makes it process before any unlayered CSS. Since Drupal libraries don't use @layer, any existing library could override your theme.
Maybe I don't have the right strategy in mind for using @layer. But it seems like having everything in one layer using SMACSS is incompatible with using @layer in a theme.
The cascade works differently with @layer. A generic selector in a higher priority layer will override a more specific selector in a lower layer. I can see putting base styles in a low layer, and utilities in a high one.
Maybe if core converts the SMACSS layers, and provides a way to customize the names and order, that would work.
I'm not really sure, was just blindly rerolling a patch I was using.
I think the way it **should** work is using the CDN by default without issue, and **allowing** you to to use a local version.
Yes, this commit is problematic:
Half of it was reverted in:
Oh cool, I'll check again next time I get into this.
Patch for 2.9, including latest dev code.
I merged dev into the issue fork branch.
I removed this part from composer.json, since it's already specified in the info file:
- "require": {
- "drupal/core": "^8 || ^9 || ^10"
- }
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Yep that's exactly right. Currently the whole icon library is loaded so that any icon on the page can be shown.
However, I am using it for UI elements and only need to have a few icons.
I like the icon customization interface! I'm looking for an option to have those configured icons be the only ones loaded.
Alternatively I would have to do this as a front end build step.
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
We have some clients reporting this issue, saying the form was broken.
If you refresh, the form should keep your input and allow you to save.
However, if you change your input after previewing/clicking browser back button, then refresh, those will be lost.
Autocomplete entity reference fields keep their values after refresh, but text input does not.
mortona2k → created an issue.
(clicked hide by accident)
mortona2k → changed the visibility of the branch project-update-bot-only to active.
mortona2k → changed the visibility of the branch project-update-bot-only to hidden.
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
I updated the requirements, but I don't think the composer file is necessary at all because the core requirements are declared in the info file.
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
Has anyone found a way to set up a proxy in ddev, so we can have proxy port 5173?
I'm having issues with UnoCSS Devtools when the origin is the same url, even with the port specified. Having a separate url was working in lando.
mortona2k → created an issue.
It might be worth looking at how Migrate Plus does it: 📌 Support paging through multiple requests Needs work
Created and changed properties would be useful for record keeping.
I was thinking changed could be useful for time based syncing (IE update every entity that has not been synced in the last 24 hours).
Some more documentation on how the caching works would be helpful. I can see that it's stored in a table, but not sure about the logic around when it gets updated.
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
Small change, just checks if the directory exists.
The new official endoint is: → 📌 Use the production URL for endpoint Fixed
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
I looked into how Project Browser is pulling info, and found that it's using a new JSON API endpoint:
Used in:
mortona2k → created an issue.
The linked comment says to use:
ID: $.id
However, JSonPath is not a valid option for ID. Only Field name is available when JSONPath is selected as the field mapper.
I'm wondering if this might be a bug or regression in the 3.x dev branch?
I have a local site where I download every interesting module I find. Running composer update lets me see when there are new releases.
This module looks interesting because it helps with content auditing.
What is the potential timeline for a working release?
It takes quite a while to build the tracking info, 2+ hours to fetch 1040 pages of 50 items. Only including nid and title in the index. I think most of this time is just waiting for the api, which seems to take about 10 seconds per page.
After the search tracker is built, it runs the index and loads each external entity item. The data is already cached, so it should load it from there instead. How can I customize that?
Looks like XNTT Manager was able to set up a synchronization schedule, but that's not available for v3 yet.
I'm thinking we need more caching options to store the results per page, then on the entity store the page it was found on to look it up from the cache? Or build the single entity cache with the list results?
Will annotations help? Like when the entity is created, does it store the data for the item found in the list?
I have a search api view working, but it takes forever to index.
I installed the HTTP Client Log module, and I can see that it's doing a query for each item. This is not necessary because all the data is included in the listing results.
We need a way to tell it to use the data from the list instead of rerunning each item individually.
Also, the max count is not really usable for this API. We need to parse the url in the "last" key and get the page parameter. I put in 60000, which is more than the total number of modules and that seems to work, but can add extra pages to the default external entity list.
mortona2k → created an issue.
I documented working config for 3.x using just the Rest client. Feel free to copy any of this to the official docs.
TODO: Document how to use this in a search api view.
This issue is impacting a lot of modules that provide filter settings.
There is a change record about it: →
Linking to the core issue for this ( 📌 Provide guidance to config schema developers: detect broken config schema types Needs work )
Bumping this to major because the filter settings form can't be saved without this patch.
Patch looks good and fixed the issues for me.
I fixed the issue in ExternalEntitiesLocalTask and ExternalEntityTypeForm.
The error from ExternalEntityTypeForm was shown after saving.
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have a search index view with a database back end working with external entities 3.x.
It seems like search api is a useful layer for synchronizing and storing data. Using a regular view would be simpler to set up, but likely needs more complex logic for syncing and caching?
My understanding at this point is that a view integration is intended for 3.x, but looks like that's not available yet.
Is the current consensus of the blockers pointing to an issue with how the storageclient handles paging?
mortona2k → created an issue.
mortona2k → created an issue.
@loopy1492 - Check the drupal change records → for things like this.
It's possible to use the jquery dialog api to add some features. I was thinking a confirmation box could be implemented with the beforeClose event. But understandable if it's too niche for this module.
mortona2k → created an issue.
The info file looks good.
I think you should remove composer.json, it's requiring modules that exist in core but not separately, so there's nothing for composer to download. →
Fixed by declaring class properties.
Is there any shortcut to manually typing these?
mortona2k → created an issue.
Not sure what happened, but it's just from the merge request:
mortona2k → created an issue.
I really appreciate that note.
I have been poking at this module for a while, looking forward to the day it's plug and play and I can quickly implement some features I have in mind.
This was quite a big breakthrough for me, I'm excited to keep experimenting with what I can do now. Going to look into using annotations with XNTT Manager and displaying XNTT fields on content pages.
Is there a better way to follow development than scanning the issue queue? Sounds like V3 is very close.
How about all the dependencies like XNTT Manager? Do you need help updating those?
Hmm I got my wires crossed.. I had 2.x installed because I'm using other modules that depend on this version.
However I just tested the patch and it's working with 2.x.
Thank you for that suggestion @pefferen. I was able to make a small plugin extending RestClient to make adjustments.
The listing and single item are working. Filters can be added to the parameters.
I'm working on a 3.x plugin.
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I rebased the branch on 1.x.
Had to change the services file to to get it to recognize the command.
To fix the errors in #10, apply the patch from here: 🐛 Menu Import broken in Drupal 10 Needs review
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Here's a patch for the 1.x release if anyone needs it.
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@jverneaut I think the issue is needing to determine the schema dynamically, or populating default values for unused parameters.
All the shortcode plugins have their own parameters. Are we able to add all the optional parts to the main schema, or does it only work when you explicitly match the schema file with the plugins in use?
It seems like we need a way to dynamically alter schema?
It's fine as is. The reason why I think it should be a permission check and not a role is so the permission can be given to non admins.
But that can be a separate ticket.
I had the same problem on a site created 3 months ago. I think it was on 10.2 and updated to 10.3.
No pending updates. I'm not sure if they ran before or something else happened.
I fixed it with drush cedit. Edit views.settings and remove the skip_cache line.
Working, thanks!
Updated patch so it applies to beta2.
mortona2k → created an issue.
This can't be applied as a patch during composer install. Please review and merge.
mortona2k → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I was able to ignore vertical tabs with .vertical-tabs .description
If it has to target .description, that could be added to the docs. I had to fiddle around a bit to see any results.
Computed field properties and tokens could be used in views, or to fill in entity field values on save (or ideally after pasting the link).
Where are you pasting the link? In a field, or wysiwyg? How do you process/display the link title and content after that?
I'm not asking for a hook, I was saying that I could write a form alter hook to add a form submit function where I can do what I want.
What my idea is, would be to provide a few utilities so that instead of having to do things in code, they could be configured in the interface.
An ECA extension would allow us to use the endpoint while processing a link in some pipeline.
I was able to configure user form modes with the different profiles, and set up multiple registration to use the form modes.
I'm happy with the result, so I wouldn't say the integration is not working. But the role restriction is still an issue because it doesn't work as expected.