Wrong message on cancelling account with e-mail confirmation request

Created on 21 June 2018, over 6 years ago
Updated 12 February 2024, 12 months ago


When users cancel their own account, they're displayed with the message "A confirmation request to cancel your account has been sent to your e-mail address" - which is absolutely correct for this case.

However, when an admin cancels a user account and chooses to e-mail a confirmation request to such user, the same message is displayed - which is not correct. It should be something along the line of "A confirmation request to cancel this user account has been sent to the userโ€™s e-mail address"

When an admin cancels a user account without choosing to e-mail a confirmation request to the user, all is well and a correct message is displayed (user@email.com was deleted).

Steps required to reproduce

  1. As an admin, click the 'cancel account' link for any user (other than yourself)
  2. Tick the 'Require e-mail confirmation to cancel account' option
  3. Click the 'cancel account' button

Expected behavior

The admin should see a message similar to "A confirmation request to cancel this user account has been sent to the userโ€™s e-mail address".

What happened instead?

The admin sees the message "A confirmation request to cancel your account has been sent to your e-mail address" - which would be the expected behaviors if a user was cancelling his/her own account.
This message leads to confusion for admins (who actually reported this bug).

Proposed resolution

Change the message to:

A confirmation request to cancel the account %name has been sent to the user's email address.

๐Ÿ› Bug report

Needs work


11.0 ๐Ÿ”ฅ

User moduleย  โ†’

Last updated 3 days ago

Created by

๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งUnited Kingdom jaxtheking

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