[meta] Add constraints to all simple configuration

Created on 11 March 2018, over 6 years ago
Updated 29 April 2024, 3 months ago


Sibling issue for config entities: 🌱 [meta] Add constraints to all config entity types Active .

Similar as we want to expose UPDATE functionality for config entities, (see 🌱 [meta] Add constraints to all config entity types Active / [PP-2] POST/PATCH config entities via REST for config entity types that support validation Needs work ) we want to also add support for simple configuration, see #2911319: Provide a single command to install & run Drupal / 🌱 Enhance config schema for richer default experiences Active ).

In order to safely expose configuration entities we need to add constrains to simple configurations, like the system.site configuration.

Proposed resolution

Add validation to all simple config in core.

  • Find all non-test type: config_object occurrences in Drupal core:
    grep -r --include=\*.schema.yml --exclude=*/tests/* 'type: config_object' ./core
  • There's 50 in 11.x on Apr 29, 2024 👆:
    $ grep -r --include=\*.schema.yml --exclude=*/tests/* 'type: config_object' ./core | wc -l
  • In the Standard install profile, there's 38:
    $ ./vendor/bin/drush ev "print count(array_filter(\Drupal::service('config.typed')->getDefinitions(), fn (array \$def) => (\$def['type'] ?? '') === 'config_object'))"
  • of which (currently) 22 are fully validatable:
    $ ./vendor/bin/drush ev "print count(array_filter(\Drupal::service('config.typed')->getDefinitions(), fn (array \$def) => (\$def['type'] ?? '') === 'config_object' && array_key_exists('FullyValidatable', \$def['constraints'] ?? [])))"

Remaining tasks

So let's generate a TODO list for us:
./vendor/bin/drush ev "\$simple = array_filter(\Drupal::service('config.typed')->getDefinitions(), fn (array \$def) => (\$def['type'] ?? '') === 'config_object'); print implode(\"\n\", array_map(fn (\$name, \$def) => '<li>' . ((array_key_exists('FullyValidatable', \$def['constraints'] ?? [])) ? '✅' : '') . '<code>' . \$name .'

', array_keys(\$simple), array_values(\$simple)))"

The output of 👆 copy/pasted into this issue summary:

  • theme_settings
  • core.extension
  • core.menu.static_menu_link_overrides
  • announcements_feed.settings
  • automated_cron.settings
  • comment.settings
  • contact.settings
  • dblog.settings
  • field.settings
  • field_ui.settings
  • file.settings
  • filter.settings
  • image.settings
  • menu_ui.settings
  • node.settings
  • search.settings
  • system.site
  • system.maintenance
  • system.cron
  • system.date
  • system.diff
  • system.logging
  • system.performance
  • system.rss
  • system.theme
  • system.file
  • system.image
  • system.image.gd
  • system.mail
  • system.advisories
  • system.feature_flags
  • taxonomy.settings
  • text.settings
  • user.settings
  • user.mail
  • user.flood
  • views.settings

(See the in the sidebar to find the issues for the not-yet-validatable ones.)

Total: 22/50 = 44%
Standard: 22/38 = 58%

Last updated: April 29, 2024.

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11.0 🔥


Last updated 1 day ago

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🇩🇪Germany dawehner

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