Arad 🇷🇴
Account created on 13 April 2006, about 18 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Just needed something that makes the URI unique

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

There's no plan to support Drupal 10.1. But if someone will provide a MR, I'm more than happy to review it and merge.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Thank you for explanations. Is it possible to add a test that shows the failure?

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

When you create a new node, the URI is auto generated using this plugin: \Drupal\rdf_sync\Plugin\rdf_sync\RdfUriGenerator\DefaultRdfUriGenerator. You can create your custom plugin in a custom module, then select it in "URI generator plugin" dropdown

Right now, there's no way to set the URI manually, in the node form. I think it can be done but needs some work. Contribution is welcomed.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Also note that there's Add a computed 'file_url' property to FileItem (for exposing file URL in file field normalization) Needs work aiming to fix this in core. With this you can map directly the computed property.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

+1 for this. It should be similar with "processed" computer property from rich text fields.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

I think you should create a computed field that computes the absolute file/image URL. Then map that field.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Opened 📌 Always map entity reference fields as "resource" Active to enforce "resource" on entity reference fields. Marking this a s fixed.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Yes, that makes sense. But is not in the scope of this module to provide that URL.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Entity reference should be always mapped as "resource" (maybe the module should enforce and disable the select for such fields?). I would use xsd:anyURI for fields that hold a URI/URL that is not to designed for relations between entities, e.g., a link to documentation

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

I cannot reproduce this bug. Could please elaborate more the steps to reproduce?

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Ready for review

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Working on this

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

claudiu.cristea created an issue.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴


🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Looks good

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Thank you for review.

Not sure if it's a bug but anyways it's a good improvement.

Well, if it's not a bug, then this module should state that per-role timeouts can be assigned to any role except for users with no roles (i.e., users with ONLY authenticated role). But this is not documented anywhere accompanied with a good reason, so I still think it's a bug because I cannot configure specific timeouts for these kind of roles. Of course you can let authenticated-only users to fallback to default timeout but you cannot set them as "NO AUTOLOGOUT", while having other roles that you want to fallback to default.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Unfortunately, new PHPCS rules forced me to drop support for PHP 7.4, otherwise the D9 test is failing. I will the module maintainers to weight on this but keep in mind that PHP 7.4 EOL was November 28, 2022

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

claudiu.cristea made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Could we start adding predictability, at least, to config entity dependencies? See Index configurations are changing from export to export. Closed: duplicate

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Nothing to do here, indeed but the issue is very annoying and 📌 Add orderby key to all sequences in core Active might take years until is fixed. Here's a workaround to whom it may concern:

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave() for search_api_index entity type.
 * On each config export, the Search API indexes dependencies are shuffled. This
 * is just a workaround until #2855675 is fixed.
 * @see
 * @todo Remove this when lands.
function mymodule_search_api_index_presave(IndexInterface $index): void {
  $sorted = [];
  foreach ($index->getDependencies() as $type => $dependencies) {
    $sorted[$type] = $dependencies;
  $index->set('dependencies', $sorted);
🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Ready for review. In the pipeline there's also a "test only" job that proves the bug

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Credits for review.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Let's test the other side of this. That other characters result in an error.

Just that the error message could be misleading because it might refer to \x03

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Not sure I've landed in the right place. I have two different MRs from two different issue. Both are changing or add schemas. And both are failing in this job. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong or what should I fix. I think the failure deserves a good error message in the job's log. Now is so opaque...

My cases:

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

I think it makes sense but this is still a feature request. The MR looks good, tentatively set to RTBC

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

cspell, phpstan, phpcs and eslint will be fixed in 📌 Make cspell, phpstan, phpcs and eslint green Active

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

claudiu.cristea created an issue.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

claudiu.cristea made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Note that cspell warning is handled in 🐛 Fix cspell failure Active

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

claudiu.cristea created an issue.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

claudiu.cristea created an issue.

🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴

Setting back as RTBC as it was just very minor change in the PHPCS rules added recently

Production build 0.67.2 2024