Account created on 8 November 2008, over 15 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇭🇺Hungary szato

they changed the event in core. You should use

$(document).on("editor:attached", function (event, el) {

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Thank you for your work!

Schema and install yml should be extended with added config property.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

szato changed the visibility of the branch 3225844-sending-limits to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Sorry, my fault. The 'rrssb_button_set' is a config entity, not a content entity. So we don't need this change.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Because of

Project: Swift Mailer
Date: 2024-January-24
Security risk: Moderately critical 12∕25 AC:Basic/A:None/CI:Some/II:None/E:Theoretical/TD:Default
Vulnerability: Access bypass
Affected versions: *

All versions are effected, so

"replace": {
  "drupal/swiftmailer": "*"

will not solve the composer security issue :(

🇭🇺Hungary szato

@joevagyok, if you use hook_preprocess_image_style(), then you can use filemtime($variables['uri']) (the original image file modification time) for changedTime. I think it's better because the entity update time changes every time it's saved again, not just when the file is changed.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Thank you for this feature. Using it on D10.2.2.

For us, one issue remains: browser cache. E.g. updating YouTube video media, new thumbnails will be created but with the same hash (file name). If the browser cache is enabled, the new thumbnail will not be refreshed in the browser.

I'm attaching a patch to fix this issue, using timestamp as a suffix for thumbnail files, and care about removing the old ones on the force update. Moved image_path_flush().

The patch was created from MR3037 diff.

FYI: as @klausi noted, the scanDirectory() can become unusably slow if the directory contains many files.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

There is a fatal php error because of duplicate use statements.

I'm going to rebase the MR8 on 2.0.x and fix these.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Using patch #9 with D10.2.2 solved our issue (broken custom attributes)

Thank you!

🇭🇺Hungary szato

There was already an open issue (23 Mar 2022), and it handles types dynamically - I already fixed the missing 'everything' type too.
I think we can mark this one as a duplicate.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Fixed the missing 'everything' type.
Show placeholder examples based on type definitions.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

szato changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

szato made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

I think the assignment is not relevant after more than 1 year.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Using patch #13 with D 10.1.8 fixed the issue.

Switching to RTBC - failing tests for D 11.x in #13 doesn't seem to be relevant.

The caching issue mentioned in #20 didn't show up for me: tested by unpublishing/publishing contents and the more link was hidden/shown as it should be.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Using patch #124 on D 10.1.8 fixed my issue.

@smustgrave regarding extra lines in interdiff 124-128 (point 1., 2.) - an empty line was removed in 124, so these are OK in #128 I think.
Point 3. and test coverage should be fixed.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

1) diff between MR5 and 2.0.x branch in only the missing closing "}" - fix made in#35:

2) @rschwab, if I'm correct, you are talking about the removed code (from file: Remote.php) in this commit:

3) @jrglasgow can you please (as an author of the MR) edit the MR and change the target branch to 2.0.x?

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Confirmed: patch #35 works, MR5 has syntax error:
PHP Parse error: Unclosed '{' on line 345 in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/filefield_sources/src/Plugin/FilefieldSource/Remote.php on line 351

But there is a new 2.0.x branch.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Rebased MR and added 2 extra commits:

  • 30cb67ca - Added 1 hour; 3,6,9,12 hours; 1 day; 1 weeks.
  • 12a436fb - Phpcs fixes.
🇭🇺Hungary szato

szato made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Regarding warnings:
Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible

1) these are only warnings and only "static" values are inserted here.
2) @Indrapatil: I rebased your MR, and changed the target branch from 3.x to 4.0.x. - you just removed the translation of the mentioned strings. We need these strings to be translated.
3) @pragati_kanade: for the message you used:
t('@placeholder', ['@placeholder' => $params['message']], $options);
I think it's too general (string: '@placelholder').

Thank you for your work, I committed the other changes, but this warning remains. I'm closing this issue. For warnings feel free to open a new one.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Yes, another code was merged to the main branch, so this should be updated/rebased. Moving to "Needs work"

🇭🇺Hungary szato

This bug is connected to: #3369756 Empty fields are not hidden Empty fields are not hidden Fixed

I don't think adding a configuration is the right way. It's about checking whether the rendered output of the fieldset is empty or not. We should fix/refactor code changes committed in #3369756

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Regarding points: 1, 2
I removed 'exception_email_queue' plugin, we are using only the 'manual_exception_email'. Duplicates were made in the commit:

MR created.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

I'm using module v 4.0.0 with Drupal 10.1.6. Have a fieldset (div wrapper) with only image field - image not rendered.
Patch solved the issue.

I'm moving to RTBC.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

We also want to send emails to addresses that aren't associated with existing users, so we need something like this:

  $data['email'] = $admin;
  if ($user = user_load_by_mail($admin)) {
    $data['user_langcode'] = $user->getPreferredLangcode();
🇭🇺Hungary szato


thank you for your report, and work.

We should update the patch:

  • now it can't apply to 4.0.x-dev branch
  • the 'severity' check is already managed in a separate issue: Undefined array key "severity" in exception_mailer_mail() 🐛 Undefined array key "severity" in exception_mailer_mail() RTBC
  • we can change if (($user = user_load_by_mail($admin)) !== FALSE) { to if ($user = user_load_by_mail($admin)) {
🇭🇺Hungary szato

Same here with Drupal 10.1.4.
Media library works by turning off the cache on the views displays.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Rebased on 1.0.x (1.0.4) and fixed missing newline at end of the file.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

szato made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Thank you for your work and testing.

I added core/once as a library dependency and increased the library version.

Removed Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode part - not needed.

Removed D8 support.

🇭🇺Hungary szato


I'm using D9 with 2.0.x-dev (last commit hash: 4adb59b882f0c64d661e854e4bb48dc3628c36cd): without the patch, I got the mentioned error and WSOD.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

On entity_usage_update_8206() I got:

>  [notice] Update started: entity_usage_update_8206                                                                                                                                                   
>  [error]  SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 3750 Unable to create or change a table without a primary key, when the system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' is set. Add a primary key to the table or unset this variable to avoid this message. Note that tables without a primary key can cause performance problems in row-based replication, so please consult your DBA before changing this setting  .: ALTER TABLE `entity_usage` DROP PRIMARY KEY;

I have to disable 'sql_require_primary_key' on session level by adding code to entity_usage_update_8206():$database->query('SET SESSION sql_require_primary_key=0;');
before calling:

// Drop all indices involving columns we want to change.
🇭🇺Hungary szato

Already committed. Set as "Fixed"

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Tested patch #5, works for me.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Maybe it's a duplicate of an already fixed issue: Entity autocomplete widget does not pass along entity to AJAX request 🐛 Entity autocomplete widget does not pass along entity to AJAX request Fixed , and we can close this one.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

it's caused by nested role arrays. Related issue: 🐛 Roles unassigned due to array to string conversion Active

🇭🇺Hungary szato


I have the same issue, but it's openid_connect module issue too (the mentioned PHP warnings).
I'm using D10 + openid_connect v 3.0.0-alpha2 + openid_connect_windows_aad v 2.0.0-beta5.

I think we should leave the group_mapping settings for the Windows AAD client - as you said, this is for overriding the OpenID experimental role management. Unfortunately, this override also does not work due to the nested array of roles.

🇭🇺Hungary szato


you didn't open the MR, so I'm moving back to "Needs work".

🇭🇺Hungary szato

@glajman, you can implement hook_openid_connect_userinfo_alter():

 * Implements hook_openid_connect_userinfo_alter().
function [MODULENAME]_openid_connect_userinfo_alter(array &$userinfo, array $context) {
  if ($context['plugin_id'] === 'windows_aad') {
    $userinfo['name'] = $userinfo['email'];
🇭🇺Hungary szato

I got mentioned notice and empty subject in maillog if email address contains "+" sign.
Patch #7 solved my issue, thanks.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Tested, works.

Found only one issue:
file_create_url($uri) should be changed to \Drupal::service('file_url_generator')->generateAbsoluteString($uri); because we need absolute web-accessible URL string for images.

Patch attached.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Regarding to D10 readiness, the MR in #2 is correct.

It would be great to merge it, to not block D10 readiness and open a new issue for js code refactoring if it needed.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

szato made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Checked patch from #14 (and re-run automated tests for D10.1, D9.5 with php 8.1/Mysql 8 - passed).
Works for me.

I hide your patch because you changed accessCheck(FALSE) to accessCheck(TRUE) - which was already discussed in #10 and implemented in #14.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Using patch from #3 with Drupal 9.5.x, works.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

D10 ready changes are in the issue: Make Drupal 10 ready 📌 Make Drupal 10 ready Fixed

🇭🇺Hungary szato


Both MR#6 and MR#7 both contain some non-elevant code changes, e.g. removing:
$this->request = $request_stack;

The MR#5 contains correct changes (I'm already using it with Drupal core 10.1.1.), just change the target branch from 8.x-1.1 to 8-x.1-x.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Works, using patch from #2 with Drupal core 10.1.1

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Works, using patch from #2 with Drupal 10.1.1.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Works, using patch from #4 with Drupal core 10.1.1

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Released version: 8.x-3.1

🇭🇺Hungary szato

I think it's duplicate of:
Please remove example subtheme or make it compatible for Drupal 9/10 📌 Remove the example sub-theme or make it compatible with Drupal 9/10 Fixed

In that issue: same changes + added composer.json file.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

I think it's duplicate of:
Please remove example subtheme or make it compatible for Drupal 9/10 📌 Remove the example sub-theme or make it compatible with Drupal 9/10 Fixed

In that issue: same changes + added composer.json file.

🇭🇺Hungary szato


You have wrong references in #18 patch file, e.g.:
diff --git a/web/modules/contrib/amp/ b/web/modules/contrib/amp/

should be:
diff --git a/ b/

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Works: using patch/diff from MR#7

🇭🇺Hungary szato

I think we can close this one - the linked issue was created first and it's RTBC.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Works, using patches from #4 and #6.

🇭🇺Hungary szato

Maybe related to Focal point image widget causes validation errors not to be shown 🐛 Focal point image widget causes validation errors not to be shown Needs work ?

Production build 0.69.0 2024