dhruv.mittal → changed the visibility of the branch 3373530-fix-the-warningserrors to hidden.
working on it
I have removed the phpcs,cspell and upgrade status error,
Now only eslint and styleint errror persist. and i don't see any error why are they failing, I'm willing to solve them if anybody helps me this.
I have tried to reproduce the issue but could not able to do it.
Can you please provide the steps to reproduce in case i missed something
Thank you
While going through the steps to reproduce,
I was facing problem spatie/pdf-to-image[2.1.0, ..., 2.3.0] require ext-imagick * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's imagick extension.
Even tried to install the imagick extension but still errors were coming so unassigning myself from this issue.
Working on it
dhruv.mittal → changed the visibility of the branch 3490199-typeerror-drupalcoreeventdispatcherevententityentitybundlefieldinfoaltereventconstruct-argument to hidden.
The issue is already fixed in newer releases.
Working on it
I have resolved phpstan, stylelint,phpcs and some eslint error. there are phpunit and some eslint yet to resolve.
I don't have much knowledge about phpunit tests. I would love to help if someone guide me how to do them.
Thank you
dhruv.mittal → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have installed the module and version 8.x-1.x-dev, and I won't be able to reproduce the error.
I think it has been fixed in newer fixes. I'm attaching the screenshot for your reference.
Kindly review
Hey, I reviewed the MR and the changes look good enough
The license file was added and composer.json has the required license information
Pipelines are all green.
Moving it to RTBC
@jaydeep_patel I have compiled the scss to css now, Please have a look.
Hello @anna!!
I have solved the phpcs errors and tried to solve phpstan error but there is a error in code in use of elseif that is causing the another error.
I think that one need to be solved first.
Thank you for updating the MR. I applied MR!3, it was applied smoothly and fixed all of the issues reported by codesniffer.
Thank you
Moving it to RTBC+
@tim-diels Now It's green for eslint errors.
Kindly review
I have fixed the pipeline error and now it's all green
Please provide a better issue summary and also provide steps to reproduce the issue.
I've fixed the pipeline please review
Fixed the pipeline Kindly review
dhruv.mittal → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Working on it
dhruv.mittal → changed the visibility of the branch 3486723-add-spacing-around to hidden.
dhruv.mittal → changed the visibility of the branch 3486723-Advance-search-form-spacing to hidden.
Kindly review
Hi @alok_singh it's better to compile scss and update css code before pushing the code to the repo
Working on it
I have fixed the almost all the eslint errors ,
Remaining warning are good to be resolved by the maintainer.
Kindly review
Thanks !!
I have fixed the phpcs errors kindly review.
Working on it
Hey @peterhebert , I think it's not a bug it is a feature request.
So for the same it would be better to ask maintainer before proceeding further that is it intended or not...
I have applied your Patch, changes looks good to me there was pipeline failure, and i have Fixed that ,so moving it to the RTBC
Thanks !
dhruv.mittal → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have applied the patch it works fine for me so moving it to the RTBC
Thanks !!
The Drupal 11 version of simple_oath is in an alpha state so composer by default will not attempt to download it. You will need to set your composer.json's minimum-stability to a value of "alpha" as per https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#minimum-stability
Working on it
Kindly review
I have added space both side and attached screenshot for your reference.
Kindly review
working on it
Working on it
Hello @yas!
Thank you for quick response
This is warning I get after running the grunt -v can i make issue for this ?
Deprecation Warning: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0.
I have fixed the styling of advance search button and added screenshot for your reference.
kindly review
Hey @astonvictor !!
I see that you have closed my MR and have done the same changes in your MR which I have made previously. So, can you please provide me the due credit for my work?
Kindly review
Kindly review
I think this is intentionally done by the maintainer.
But If you still want to remove this thing I would be very happy to work so let me know for further help.
I have checked the MR. It works for me. so moving it to the RTBC. also attaching the screenshot of the before the fix and screen recording after the fix for your reference.
I have checkout for the branch you mentioned but I didn't found any issue of related to @file there.
dhruv.mittal → changed the visibility of the branch 2780049-remove-file-tag to hidden.
Kindly review
dhruv.mittal → changed the visibility of the branch 3488361- to hidden.
working on it
Hey Lamp5 !!
Thank you for quick fix, but you forgot to provide credit. It will be great of you if you give credit, it will keep me motivated.
Hey @lamp5 !!
I have provided the MR please check.
Working on it
Hey @astonvictor!!
You forgot to give credit to me.
Heyy @yas there are two ways to resolve this error one is to go with "Sass" and another is "sass-embedded".
I think sass would be better option what do you suggest?
dhruv.mittal → created an issue.
@jaydeep_patel are you working on this?
These are the screenshot of module functionality please have a look.
Hi @yas Now I have fixed stylelint issue please review