Account created on 27 September 2024, 4 months ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

I have converted patch to MR. And there was merge conflict so also resolved that.
still there are some tests failing but I think those should be resolved in separate issue.

I have added condition as suggested by you please check and let me know if any further changes are required.
Thank you!

I have removed the suggested changes please review.

I used the config inspector to check the configuration. and i found error there please check

The issue with HeadlineGroupItem::isEmpty() always returning false has been resolved. I reproduced the issue by leaving required fields empty or with whitespace and submitting the form, which was incorrectly allowed. The method now properly checks for empty or whitespace-only values and prevents submission.
So Moving it to RTBC.

Kindly review I have applied the patch in MR and changed the required version from 10 to 10.4.

I have done the suggested changes but this is causing the failure of unit tests, And I'm don't know much about phpunit.

This issue is resolved in the newer releases I think it should be in closed

I've added a test case for the given situation. Please review

Since the branch has been changed to '1.2.x' from '1.1.1', I also tried "Updating the fork" but can't see the branch there too.would you please help me with this what should i do..?

I have done the suggested changes in the files of controller, I ready to do change other files too if these changes looks good to you.
So kindly review.

I've created the MR according to provided patch.
Kindly review

Looks good to me and it is still in Active state so moving it to Needs review

I have removed the configuration route from .info.yml as setting form is removed in after releases. And keeping that route in .info.yml causing the error. Kindly review.

I've removed or replaced the reference "content_planner.content_planner.dashboard".
Kindly review

I have followed the steps to reproduce , successfully reproduce the issue and applied the MR !8 , it is resolving the issue so moving it to RTBC
And sorry I have mistakenly hide the MR!8.

@kul.pratap I have added a commit and now it's working fine please review.

I have done the suggested changes kindly review.

Now pipeline is all green.
Please review

Please provide a proper Issue summary

I have tried to reproduce the error with the mentioned steps but couldn't able to do it.
I'm attaching Screenshot for your reference. So I'm setting the status to the Postponed (maintainer need more info).

I've rebased so putting it back to Needs Review

I've removed all the warnings except some cspell as in cspell warning is occurring because it is not recognising the Maintainers name and company name.
Kindly review

@tanuja I have added space to all pages now please review

HI @richardgaunt,
I have done the all the suggested changes.
But I don't know about behat tests, I would love to help if you guide me about them.

I have removed the phpcs,cspell and upgrade status error,
Now only eslint and styleint errror persist. and i don't see any error why are they failing, I'm willing to solve them if anybody helps me this.

I have tried to reproduce the issue but could not able to do it.
Can you please provide the steps to reproduce in case i missed something
Thank you

While going through the steps to reproduce,
I was facing problem spatie/pdf-to-image[2.1.0, ..., 2.3.0] require ext-imagick * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's imagick extension.
Even tried to install the imagick extension but still errors were coming so unassigning myself from this issue.

dhruv.mittal changed the visibility of the branch 3490199-typeerror-drupalcoreeventdispatcherevententityentitybundlefieldinfoaltereventconstruct-argument to hidden.

I have resolved phpstan, stylelint,phpcs and some eslint error. there are phpunit and some eslint yet to resolve.
I don't have much knowledge about phpunit tests. I would love to help if someone guide me how to do them.
Thank you

I have installed the module and version 8.x-1.x-dev, and I won't be able to reproduce the error.
I think it has been fixed in newer fixes. I'm attaching the screenshot for your reference.

Hey, I reviewed the MR and the changes look good enough
The license file was added and composer.json has the required license information
Pipelines are all green.
Moving it to RTBC

@jaydeep_patel I have compiled the scss to css now, Please have a look.

Hello @anna!!
I have solved the phpcs errors and tried to solve phpstan error but there is a error in code in use of elseif that is causing the another error.
I think that one need to be solved first.

Thank you for updating the MR. I applied MR!3, it was applied smoothly and fixed all of the issues reported by codesniffer.
Thank you
Moving it to RTBC+

@tim-diels Now It's green for eslint errors.
Kindly review

I have fixed the pipeline error and now it's all green

Please provide a better issue summary and also provide steps to reproduce the issue.

Production build 0.71.5 2024