Account created on 22 May 2024, 8 months ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

ananya.k made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

In this file already mentions the module name and introduction. The Installation and Configuration follow the template of the file. If the installation is complex, then we create an file.

I have made some changes to the composer file . please refer to attached patch.

I have made the changes as mentioned in the proposed resolution.
Please refer to attached patch

I have made the changes according to the upgrade status.
Please refer to attached patch.

I have made the changes as mentioned in the proposed to resolution.
Please refer to attached patch.

I have made the necessary changes based on the upgrade status.
please refer to attached patch.

I have made the changes as mentioned in the proposed to resolution.
Please refer to attached patch.

I have made the changes as mentioned in the proposed resolution.
Please refer to attached patch.

I have made changes. Please refer to attached patch.

I have made changes in this module, please refer to attached patch.

I tested this MR! makes it compatible with D11. I have also added SS.

This MR!9 makes the module compatible with D11. I have also added SS.

I have made some changes. Please refer to attached patch.

I have made some changes. Please refer to attached patch.

Please refer to the patch. If I have made any mistakes, please let me know.
Thank You!

Please refer to the attached patch. If I have made any mistakes, please let me know.
Thank You!

Can you please! Provide me more information to reproduce this.

This MR!2 makes the module compatible with D10. I have also added SS.

This MR9! makes this theme compatible with D11. I have also added SS.

I have made some changes. Please refer to attached patch.

I have made some changes. Please refer to attached patch.

I verified that this module can be installed in Drupal 10, but it requires manually adding the dependencies. I also add SS.

I have made some changes. Please refer to attached patch.

Production build 0.71.5 2024