Account created on 3 October 2008, over 15 years ago
  • Drupal developer at iO 

Merge Requests

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🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

I did succeed to make it work by using a custom module just to handle AJAX loading of webforms.


Basically you need a custom module with a custom route, and then trigger the AJAX loading through javascript.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels


Patch #17 works fine.

For the ones like me who didn't know how it works:
This patch creates a new field under the file entity itself called "Search API attachments: extracted file".

This is Node => Paragraph => Media => File:


🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

I confirm it works.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

This patch is the same as #7, but adds an update hook to udpate:

  • Patterns using the old token, to replace it with the new one
  • Pathauto settings safe tokens to the old token with the new one
🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Add missing, do not use patch #15.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Totally agree, didn't know about this module, just tested it and it works for my use case.

Closing the issue.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Here's the patch with test coverage, this is now against Drupal 11.x, functions are typehinted.

Will create a MR.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Here's an updated patch with PHPCS fix.

@smustgrave, what new functions are you referring to?
All functions in there are inherited, or documented in interfaces. Also I don't see any example in, which is was my example.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Code is exactly the same, just fixed some typos in comments.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Here's the new plugin.

This plugin should work without any problem with D10/D9.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Patch that combines following patches:

Works with menu_trail_by_path 2.0.1.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Previous patch was missing a use statement, don't use #24.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Patches in #19 and #20 do not pursue the same goal.

I'm re-rolling patch #19 for version 2.x-dev.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Patch re-rolled against 8.x-2.x-dev

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Patch #5 works for version 8.x-3.6.

However if you work with an older version of PHP (7.3 in my case) it's broken.

Here's a version where I remove the typed property to make it work: protected ?int $depth; => protected $depth;

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Fixed by d.vandoninck

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

This has been fixed on 1.0.x

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Ludo.R created an issue.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels


You won't be able to reproduce unless you have API credentials for this service. And I don't think they provide free access.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Ludo.R created an issue.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Re. #27

I just ran into the same issue, I guess modifying MenuBlock::getDerivativeActiveTrailIds() should be enough.

  protected function getDerivativeActiveTrailIds() {
    $menu_id = $this->getDerivativeId();

    // => If menu_id = "multiple_menu_block", then do custom logic.

    return array_filter($this->menuActiveTrail->getActiveTrailIds($menu_id));

In the meantime I'm using classic Menu blocks (from core) and not the multiple one.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

For me it worked like this:

Add this to composer.json

    "extra": {
        "merge-plugin": {
            "include": [

And then

composer require drupal/ckwordcount and not composer require drupal/ckwordcount w8tcha/ckeditor-wordcount-plugin.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

I have the same issue as @yannickoo

Patch #43 seems to work correctly.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

An option to skip failed items would nice too :)

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Here's an adapted version of #19 that fixes the <html><body> issue, however I'm sure there is a safer/better way to do this.
This should still be improved IMO.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Using patch #19 (didn't try more recent patches) is producing incorrect HTML.

It ends up with <html><body>[processed text here]</body></html>.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Patch from the merge request on #27 didn't work for with version 4.0.0-beta4.

I adapted the patch.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Turns out I had to rename the files from d7_webform.yml to migrate_plus.migration.d7_webform.yml.

It solved the issue in my case.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Strange thing: just tried to import config through the UI (by copy/pasting the exact same config) and this works.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

It appears that this happens with content_moderation module enabled, on the moderation_state field.

For now I circumvented this issue like this:

    // Clone the field.
    $original_field = $data['field'];
    if (method_exists($original_field, 'createDuplicate')) {
      // Do stuff.
🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Tested with patch #14 on D10, seems to work without any problem, with all submodules enabled.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Patch providing D10 support.


🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

It seems the only change left is the version requirement in .info.yml file.

Tested on D10, everything looks fine.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

As per , method has been changed from guess() to guessMimeType().

As recommended, I added a condition to make it work with both D8/9 and D10.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

This patch should solve the problem.
There might be more underlying issues to solve but it will get the translated titles to be displayed.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

#20 works on my side and my use case, but I guess it's worth to mention that it does not exactly what the option claims:

Use the current entity language to generate a url (rather than the language of the referenced entity)

In fact it just gets the current language page rather than the referencing entity language.
This might be a problem if you want to show items in other languages than the current page language.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

Although PHP7.4 is not recommended, it is still supported by Drupal >= 9.4:

IMO, support for PHP version should follow Drupal core's support.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels


Thanks for pointing this!

Regarding the core version, I left the old core property so that I can work with older D8 versions:
core: 8.x
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10

For the menu_link module, I guess we'll have to wait for the D10 release: 📌 Drupal 10 compatibility Fixed
So indeed, the module cannot be installed on D10 yet because of the dependency.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

I just got a similar issue.

In my case I just wasn't filtering the node's language itself (I was only filtering on the paragraph's referenced entities language).

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

This is fixed now. Thank you!

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

#2869412: Page title does not display : it has been fixed and released in version 8.x-4.7.
📌 Block visibility conditions Needs work : I applied this combined patch instead: Block visibility conditions and Custom attributes combined patch for composer Closed: duplicate

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

After some investigation, I can confirm the following:

  • I applied the patch #183/#184 to D9.5 => no error when submiting the ajax form
  • I spun-off a vanilla D9.5 (aka without the patch) => error when submitting the ajax form

So I assume the patch works, I just don't know why the tests which are exactly the same as #169 don't work anymore.

🇧🇪Belgium Ludo.R Brussels

@xurizaemon, indeed menu_ui_get_menus() doesn't exist anymore in D10.

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