Account created on 20 September 2008, almost 16 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I've had people here at work ask me "what are we patching". We are patching "symfony/framework-bundle" package with #31.

            "symfony/framework-bundle": {
                "#3452457: Fix Warming Up Route": ""
🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Aknowledging mark_fullmer's message:

Reminder: the discussion in this issue does not involve code in the Drupal simplesamlphp_auth module. This is a discussion of a problem with Symfony and the SimpleSAMLphp library.

Don't let this backtrace full ya.

For those who need a text version of what callinmullaney posted in his image:
The debug information below may be of interest to the administrator / help desk:

1 src/SimpleSAML/Error/ExceptionHandler.php:32 (SimpleSAML \Error\ExceptionHandler::customExceptionHandler)
[builtin] (N/A)
Caused by: LogicException: The router "Symfony\Component\Routing\Router" cannot be warmed up because it does not implement "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Cache

6 /code/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/CacheWarmer/RouterCacheWarmer.php:45 (Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer \RouterCacheWarmer: :warmUp)
5 /code/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/CacheWarmer/CacheWarmer Aggregate.php:108 (Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheWarmer\CacheWarmer Aggregate::warmUp)
4 /code/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php:552 (Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel::initializeContainer)
3 /code/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php:770 (Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel: :preBoot)
2 /code/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php:185 (Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel::handle)
1 src/SimpleSAML/Module.php:234 (SimpleSAML \Module: : process)
e public/module.php:17 (N/A)
🇺🇸United States generalredneck

It might be good to have a task to rename the feature in other places, such as the tab on the content overview page. Going to put this in needs work for the tab name so i can at least remember we need to do this. Got this listed out in 🌱 2.0.x Road Map Active

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I could get behind that. Not much longer. I was hung up on having "token" in there somewhere to describe what the list would contain.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I've marked this issue as fixed and added the following verbiage to the project page

If you are looking to install the Drupal 7 releases from this page, check out the All Releases page to find the unsupported release, otherwise, drush make, and composer access is still available, Please note, you will receive a warning that these versions of the module is unsupported, and short of a major debilitating bug or security issue, there will be no maintenance by the module maintainers.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Hey there,
What has been done can't be undone. I'm sorry joseph.olstad.

Here's the message I get trying to restore the D7 release.

That said, I'll add some verbiage to the project page explaining that people can still find it under , but that we will not put any effort towards mantaining it unless there is a fatal bug or security issue raised about that version of the module.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I unfortunately can't go back and edit older versions, but I can however mark incompatibility going forward. The newer versions require Drupal 9.2 because of other changes as well.

I think this is the best I can do to resolve this issue. If you have better thoughts, feel free to reopen.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Currently, this module is only used to "view" existing content, not edit it or the like. Going to say negative to that as of now.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I believe this is a duplicate of Move Access Tokens UI to an entity Local Task / Tab RTBC . I'm going to mark it as such, but let me know if that's not the case.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck


You have any thoughts? I noodled on a name for a while. Access Tokens is about as concise/meaningful as we can get without making that tab take up half the page.

Thinking of moving this into the new version and opening a new ticket for "moar better name" :D

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

generalredneck made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I don't believe the information here is relevant to this module. And the change to the module configuration settings form is no longer valid

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Following up, Joachim was quick to respond. As far as we know there is no known limitation with last comment time. In what way are you using it and what results are you getting? What where you expecting? If we can reproduce what you are seeing we may be able to help.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I'm going to go ahead an merge the changes from cbfannin. If you by any chance wish to contribute fixes in the future for coding standards, feel free to open a new issue

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I'm going to go ahead an merge the changes from cbfannin. If you by any chance wish to contribute fixes in the future for coding standards, feel free to open a new issue.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

As an FYI, any new release of drupal/core will create drupal/core-recommended with requirements of symfony at ~v6.4.8. So when 10.3.0 comes out for example (or a new beta), and someone is using drupal/core-recommended, a work around will be to use drupal/core instead and then pin the packages until this gets fixed upstream at simplesaml.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Truth... no. It's heavy handed. You can use one of the hooks to limit what data is stored. I'll sleep on it and work up a suggestion until I get you some 3.0 features worked out. Ideally you would only index the items that are referenced in views config. But at the moment you get every possible item that could be used.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck


So, as a heads up, This module is using the default Gitlab CI for Drupal template. You can see it's installation as part of the repository, and the instructions used to install it can be found here: ....

That said, the phpcs.xml.dist used by the default CI is located here:

The command you used to check coding standards would not be equivalent to what was checked by CI, but goes above and beyond adding the DrupalPractice standards and additional file types.

While I appreciate any contributions that correct coding standards, Charles has satisfied my criteria for marking this task as complete. I'll leave the issue open for a few more days, as if you wish to receive credit for this issue, you will make the code changes you suggest as a Merge Request. If you wish, you may even add a custom phpcs.xml.dist that holds this module to the higher standards as a value add and ensure that Gitlab CI passes.


🇺🇸United States generalredneck


So, as a heads up, This module is using the default Gitlab CI for Drupal template. You can see it's installation as part of the repository, and the instructions used to install it can be found here: .

That said, the phpcs.xml.dist used by the default CI is located here:

The command you used to check coding standards would not be equivalent to what was checked by CI, but goes above and beyond adding the DrupalPractice standards and additional file types.

While I appreciate any contributions that correct coding standards, Charles has satisfied my criteria for marking this task as complete. I'll leave the issue open for a few more days, as if you wish to receive credit for this issue, you will make the code changes you suggest need to be made as a Merge Request. If you wish, you may even add a custom phpcs.xml.dist that holds this module to the higher standards as a value add and ensure that Gitlab CI passes.


🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Odd. CI is running clean. Can you verify paraderojether, you are against the latest commit?

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Functionally works on Drupal 11

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

generalredneck made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

That works now, Broken out fixes into

📌 Fix PHP Coding standards Active
📌 Fix Javascript Coding standards issues Active

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

While you are in there fix the cspell issue. webportal can be refactored into a different function name that has a valid English word. See

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Thank you all for your patience and work!

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

This is likely not ideal. All other implementations like login_emailusername or ldap all use a form alter to achieve building out the form. I wanted to see what happened if I told the emailtfaloginform to have the same id as the form it's extending, and it seems to be working just fine. I increased the module weight just in case to accommodate for making sure it comes after the user module.


🇺🇸United States generalredneck

There are great work-arounds here. I suspect that several people got to this situation after mismanaging configuration using configuration export. It appears that's what happened on a site I'm maintaining because looking at the key_value table, the update clearly ran at some point.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I contacted chr.fritsch and martin_klima via their contact forms. The message read as follows:

Hey there

I know not every maintainer gets notified about new issues added to their
issue queue for every project, so I thought I would reach out to you to see
if you would be interested on commenting on 💬 Offering to maintain Access Unpublished Active where I'm
offering my help maintaining the module "Access Unpublished". I would love
to see if I could get your response on the issue to help move it's
maintenance and issue queue forward.

I'm also contacting the other two maintainers on the project.

Let me know what you think and if I can help out. Feel free to reach to to me
via slack too if you wish.

Allan Chappell

I was unable to reach aberg as their contact tab is turned off.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I can confirm this issue. Same is true when integrating with Login Email or Username . That module no longer takes affect.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Merging what we have for now. Will look into what else needs to happen.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

This looks good to me, do we have a proposed start date?

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Just stating for the record, I never received a reply in slack.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Thanks for your contribution.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Ok, so I have a feel for your level of experience. I don't know if you have ever "patched" a module before, but that's essentially what I'm asking you to do to test it out. Here are some instructions on how to do it both manually if you downloaded the module, or via composer if you are installing your modules that way. Given that, I would really expect you to do this on a copy of a website (not your production one) so that if anything goes wrong we can just trash it.

So if you aren't "naturally sorting" anything (which in the case of the image you aren't for sure) then having this installed shouldn't hurt anything beyond being a draw on performance, but it does hook in to "entity save", so basically any time you save anything like configuration, content, blocks, etc.

Lastly, I'm just pointing out that I think you have in fact pointed out a bug. I'm fairly certain I can reproduce it on a clean install of Drupal, but I need to do some more testing before I'm comfortable with releasing the fix. It's so wildly different that this may become a new 3.0 version.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I sent a message via DM in slack to see if I could rouse an answer. Here's the message:

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

I'm pretty sure this is related to 🐛 Notice: Undefined index: value in Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\NumericFilter->acceptExposedInput() Needs work . It may possible be a duplicate? though I landed here because I"m getting a similar issue even after upgrading to 10.2.5 where the prior fix was released.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

Follow up task to fix coding standards.

🇺🇸United States generalredneck

That's a new file... png based on the diff.

diff --git a/core/tests/fixtures/files/image-test-iccp-profile.png b/core/tests/fixtures/files/image-test-iccp-profile.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29cb8945f8e4c1ae40de24bf888715e4d870a164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/tests/fixtures/files/image-test-iccp-profile.png
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
🇺🇸United States generalredneck

So as an FYI, this module is about "SQL sorting" and not Solr sorting. They are two very different implementations. This is not a bug report, but rather a feature request. Given the status of this module, as "feature complete" I'll leave this issue open so others can see the solution as described by #4, but as of now, I have no intention of adding this capability as it's my belief that this is a space for a completely different module.

If someone feels froggy enough to contribute it, I will be here to review, though I think it would be better suited as a separate project.

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