Account created on 23 September 2019, almost 5 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India nidhi27


I have tested the changes from #MR9 and the functionality is working as expected.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @mistergroove,

Please elaborate the steps to reproduce this issue.

Steps I have followed:

1. Deleted one content type having overridden permission.
2. After this deleted another content type.

I am not getting any error.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @segovia94,

Thank you so much! Received the credit. Thanks for the effort.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @segovia94,

Kindly give the credit as its working as per the requirements.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @Kosa Ilma, szato,

Kindly give the credit as its working as expected.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @szato,

I have added the changes in schema and install files.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @svendecabooter,

I have created #MR3 for this feature request where admin can select which email needs to be send. Let me know if any changes are needed.

🇮🇳India nidhi27


I have created #MR7 which adds email field in config form with validation. Let me know if any changes are needed.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @Andrew,

Kindly give the credit as MR is merged to the module.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @segovia94,

If we make a region to safe list than it should not be available on theme settings page right ?

🇮🇳India nidhi27


I have created #MR5 to add the template suggestions. Let me know if any changes are needed.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @Anybody,

Other than this, links can have query parameters. This is also getting verified here with anchor links(#).
I dont think external links is making sense here. Mostly front pages are inner pages and thats why we are checking it with "/" and if the url exist in drupal or not.

I think we can add all the test cases in 📌 Write tests Active to avoid any code conflicts.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hi @Anybody,

I think It would be great if we add all the test cases together in 📌 Write tests Active . Let me know what do you suggest.

🇮🇳India nidhi27


I have created #MR14 with the path validations. I have checked the functionality. Its working as expected. Let me know if anything else needs to be add here.


🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created #MR13 to hide the checkbox based on the condition.
Kindly review it and let me know if any changes are needed.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created #MR10 to add the permission check foe both node and manage fields edit.
Let me know if any changes are needed.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I think its working as expected with other Drupal instance and composer. Might be some issue with my setup. Closing the issue.
Thanks for the guidance!

🇮🇳India nidhi27


I have created #MR8 for this. Created one configuration form listing all the content type names. If you select the content type than it will show the link on node edit page.

Let me know if there are any suggestions!

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I am using Drupal 10.0.0 version. I have downloaded it directly via Drupal UI.

🇮🇳India nidhi27


Steps to reproduce the issue.

1. Install the module
2. Set 360 Panorama Viewer Formatter as formatter on any image field on content type. After saving it its showing the error on the manage display page.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created the #MR2 to resolve the issue. Now it wont show the warning.

I have made diff MR from the issue branch. Earlier it was from branch 1.x.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

nidhi27 changed the visibility of the branch 1.x to hidden.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created merge request for this issue. Now we are getting the value from config immutable object which will take the changes from settings.php as well.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

@Revathi.B The MR is merged. If this is working as expected kindly close this issue.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

@Vivek_Lnwebworks Kindly give the credit for this.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

@sanyok_medved Please give the credit for recognising and fixing the issue.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

@mandclu I have implemented the changes of #MR5 in my local. Its working as expected.
Json option is showing as an operation for node. I have attached the screenshots as well.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created #MR4 for this issue. Kindly review it.
It was just a typo error.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have checked the latest version of this module on Drupal 10. Now I am able to switch between the Like and Dislike choice. User is able to change the vote.


🇮🇳India nidhi27

Patch given in #2 is applied successfully.

Before that Delete action button was showing on the top before the text.

After applying the patch it is showing as accepted after the text. I have attached the scressshots.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have added the changes in #MR6.

🇮🇳India nidhi27


#MR3 is merged. If it is working expected than kindly close this issue.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created #MR1 for this issue.
Now Qrcode is loading perfectly.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have checked this issue with fresh Drupal 9.5.9 installation. Its working absolutely fine and able to save the form.

If you uninstall the core module Datetime then only this issue occurs. In that case above patch works fine.

Its very rare case that we uninstall the core module so I think that this bug is not appropriate.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

For this issue I have added the constraint to machine name field which will check before the saving of the entity.

Created #MR5 for the same.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have added changes in #MR5. Now this particular field will only available to Node views.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Verified MR2 on 10.1.0 and I am able to create the soap handler.

Earlier when trying to create soap handler without any condition it was throwing error. Now its working fine.

Added screenshots for reference.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have tested #MR12 on Drupal 10.1.0 version. It has successfully removed \Drupal calls and added the dependency as well. Functionality also working as expected. Attaching the screenshot for the reference.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created #MR2 to support for Drupal 10.
Kindly review it.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

I have created merge request for this issue. Now when you hover over the image icons are coming properly.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hey @ChrisSnyder,

I have created merge request for the describe functionality. We can place the print button using a block. In that block, we can add the button title and element id.

Hope this is helpful. Thanks!

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hey @stf54,

Could you please close this issue if it is resolved please.

🇮🇳India nidhi27

Hey @shailja179,

I would suggest to add the same code in hook_uninstall() as well.

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