Account created on 14 November 2018, over 5 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have Reviewed the project bot branch code and the same branch code clone in the Drupal11 setup its working fine for me
so, Move to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Using this patch Causes an error on the 6.2.x branch.
Screenshot Attached:

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have created an Issue Fork please check and review this MR.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have cloned the project bot branch in the Drupal 11 setup, and it works fine to see the Logo with relative path links.
So, Need to Move RTBC,
Attached Screenshot:

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

So I have cloned the project bot branch in Drupal 11 setup, and it works fine to show progress when I scroll the page.
Please Move To RTBC.
Attached Screenshot:

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

#2 comment working fine if user unpublished the any content which is configured by view access per node permission. And edit any content and unpublished the node and also set the view access per node user permission set like anonymous and authenticated role.
Need to Move RTBC
Thanks All the Contributors!

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have created an MR Fork Please Review this

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Only simple custom blocks render in the working part of this API endpoint. The output includes various attributes such as
"drupal_internal__id": "olivero_testblock",
"theme": "olivero",
"region": "header",
"weight": 0,
"provider": null,
"plugin": "block_content:e3ad9b86-ed1c-4711-b104-55cc4c5e2598",
"settings": {
"id": "block_content:e3ad9b86-ed1c-4711-b104-55cc4c5e2598",
"label": "Test Block",
"label_display": "visible",
"provider": "block_content",
"status": true,
"info": "",
"view_mode": "full"
"visibility": {
"response_status": {
"id": "response_status",
"negate": false,
"status_codes": [

However, there's an issue in a second scenario: if the user sets the page path on the same block and saves the block layout, the block output doesn't appear in the API Endpoint. This poses a significant problem, especially when a block is placed in the block region with the page path and fails to show in base_url/jsonapi/block/block.

There's a need to address this functionality. Are there any alternative solutions available for resolving this issue?

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary changed the visibility of the branch 3422486-jsonapi-generates-404 to active.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary changed the visibility of the branch 3422486-jsonapi-generates-404 to hidden.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Check out this project bot branch on the Drupal 11-dev branch and working fine on the Drupal 11 setup please move to RTBC!

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

"I have reviewed this deprecated text, and it highlights much better now. It's fine to consider any user's perspective."
So finally We Move to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

This issue is related to the Spaceless tag in the template file So I have done this on this issue in the 6.0.6 branch.
Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Thanks to all the Contributors.
Fixed on branch 6.0.6.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

@gautam I have checked on our local setup there is no issue on the slider. Please check again
Attached screenshot.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Please don't create duplicate issues.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Your merge request has a conflict please fix and your CSS changes are also pushed on another issue so then I closed this issue.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

@rerab can you please share the screenshot of you facing the issue on this module?
why do we use the Webform Module and you say the issue is resolved?
please provide the steps where you are facing the issue.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have reviewed this fork request and applied it in the drupal 11-dev version in our local and its working fine. Please move to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have checked this branch on Drupal 11 dev and it's working fine and config page is also working on the Drupal 11 dev instance Please Move to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I am testing this module in drupal 11-dev so it's working fine. Please Move to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have Tested on Drupal 10 And hook Help Implemented on this branch services-2802057. And is working Fine.
Please Move to RTBC

Attached Screenshot:

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

The patch from Comment #4 applies cleanly. I've tested it on Drupal 11, and it's functioning properly.
see the screenshot:

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Using this patch I have created an entity queue for a content type and also created a view for this content type added relationship and filter criteria and showed the same result item that is shown in queue items.
Please see the patch:

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I've tested this module with the specified branch on the "project-update-bot-only" project and verified its functionality within the Drupal 11 environment. It's performing as expected. Kindly mark it as "Ready to be committed" (RTBC).

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Comment #1 is working for me.
I have used this 3359873-drupal-10-compatibility branch to use in drupal 10 instance its working fine with composer
To add this in composer with the URL https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/menu_token-3359873 and its working on drupal 10 Fine
Thanks for the contribution

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Done on this release 8.x-3.8
@team Thanks for the contributions

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have Upgraded a Drupal 9 site to Drupal 10.1.18, giving a core error and site break on local. To fix this Issue I have created a patch and attached it in files.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

I have also faced this issue and resolved so I have attached the patch file.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vishal Choudhary Dharmshala

Vishal Choudhary made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

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