Account created on 10 October 2005, over 18 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Thanks for the patch & review. Fixed now.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Merged updates by the bot. Setting back to active in case more changes come in.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Created MR to fix this + attached as .patch file as well.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Thanks for the suggestion. Updated the behavior name.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Added this extra check, although Drupal 8 & 9 is no longer really supported by this module.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Merged into 2.0.x
Setting the status to "Active" to let the bot update the MR if needed.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

svendecabooter made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Thanks for the merge request.

An update hook would indeed be required, to grant all users that currently have permission to resend the email, that new permission.
Or alternatively, we could adjust the access check as follows:

Either you have access via the new permission OR you have access via the current access check logic.

That would avoid automatically adding permissions to users, which is maybe not what all site owners want to happen automatically...

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Merged in. Ticket remains in active state, for when new D11 updates would come along.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Probably related to 🐛 Update to OpenID Connect Module 2.0 Fails Due to Missing 'authmap' Table Required by Externalauth Dependency Active ?

It seems the openid_connect module activates the externalauth module within an update hook openid_connect_update_8203() and then migrates over its own authmap data to the externalauth one openid_connect_update_8204().

I'm not sure why upon installation of the externalauth module, the {authmap} table would not be created. It is defined via hook_schema(), and has been there from the start of the module.

I'm really clueless as to why this would happen. Seems it only occurs in combination with the openid_connect module then?
Something must go wrong with installation of the module then, or the schema definition might not have been updated yet by the time openid_connect_update_8204() gets called (some caching issue?)

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

This does not change the type of the field, but rather the length?
Is there a specific reason the authname should be longer? i.e. compared to the Drupal username field (60 chars), the authname length of 128 is already double.
I don't mind increasing the length, but this would need some more testing with real installations, to make sure this does not break things, as changing database tables always feels a bit risky to me.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Thanks for the analysis roderik.
I have updated the logic for the delete link, to not render if $row->uid is not set.
So the only reason why it would still trigger an error, is if that value is set, but to an empty string for example.

I created a merge request that more thoroughly checks if $row->uid actually has a valid value, and also provides a fallback to the $row->users_field_data_authmap_uid value, since that is indeed more consistent among different module releases, from what I can see.

Can people experience this issue try out this MR fork and see if it resolves the issue for them?
If not, can you double check you are testing the View provided by ExternalAuth, not by the samlauth module?

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Thanks for the MR and review!
Merging this in now. Will leave the issue open though, for new automatic suggestions by Project Update Bot

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

MR added to fix this issue, but making the View optional.
Not sure if this is desired, since it does not add the View to my installation now... still need to figure out if I actually need that View or not.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

I think it is used for the refresh logic when the modal dialog is closed - see \Drupal\contextual_image_widget_crop\Form\MediaAjaxForm::ajaxCloseDialog().

However, the code is also flawed, in that the $image_style variable is just the last one from the $image_styles array that could contain multiple image styles, so it just randomly picks the last one, from what I can tell.

Will need some extra investigation.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Ok thanks for the clarification. Misinterpreted the change then.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

The MR seems broken since the changes in 📌 Remove dependency on jquery_ui_datepicker Needs work .
JQuery UI datepicker library seems to be removed since release 6.0.6.
So the MR should be updated, to be able to set the desired date format in another way.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Shouldn't the 'datepickers' library (js/bef_datepickers.js) also be removed within this change?
Or am I missing something?

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

That's weird.

Can you check your database, whether you have records in the authmap table that do not have a numeric value for the `uid` column?
E.g. by running the SQL query SELECT count(*) FROM authmap WHERE uid = ""; and getting a result other than 0?

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Thanks justafish, that seems like the correct approach.
I have merged the MR now.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Thanks for catching this regression.
I have added a fix and will create a new release with this fix included.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Oops pushed this in the 2.x branch instead of in the MR branch.
Pipeline does not seem to run automatically though. Will have to figure out what's wrong.

🇧🇪Belgium svendecabooter Gent

Looks good to me. Thanks for the MR!

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