Account created on 18 November 2016, over 7 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

MR !4841 does not apply cleanly in Drupal 10.2.2

Various use statements are missing in datetime_range.module.
Once these are copy&paste from unpatched file, this patch works great!

Thank you ♥

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Yes this MR is very simple.

My key intent was a redundant 'return' cause it resulted in a warning in VSCode.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Sry for not having reacted on #6 :/

MR 49 works 🥳

Because of #11: I'm not using section_library so there must be another module in my setup changing the array index from key to numeric.

My other layout_builder modules:

  • drupal/layout_builder_operation_link
  • drupal/layout_builder_restrictions
  • drupal/layout_builder_st
  • drupal/layout_disable
  • drupal/layout_library
  • drupal/lb_direct_add
🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Same bug here using D10.2
In the meanwhile you can use drush drush create:field to create a state field.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

In order to reconstruct the issue: "jQuery Accordion" is drupal/jquery_ui_accordion ?

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Thanks for reporting @bunthorne!

I've changed the color suspression code to not remove the form-elements but gray them out instead
-> Olivero still finds it's settings and is happy. Also i think thats better UX.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Im using latest gin (3.0.0-rc8) but looks like the issue is not solved in there!

The dropdown is hidden as described in the issue description.
overflow: auto is present:

.gin-table-scroll-wrapper {
  overflow: auto;

Please reopen this issue!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Same here. Thanks for the workaround @Hydra! Saved my evening.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Ok found something mad:

This nested loop always ends in continue because $layout_index is a string in most if not all cases!

  public static function preRender(array $element): array {
    $styles_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.ui_styles');
    /** @var \Drupal\layout_builder\SectionStorageInterface $section_storage */
    $section_storage = $element['#section_storage'];
    $delta = 0;
    $max = \count($section_storage->getSections());
    foreach (Element::children($element['layout_builder']) as $index) {
      foreach (Element::children($element['layout_builder'][$index]) as $layout_index) {
        if ($delta >= $max) {
          break 2;

        if (!\is_numeric($layout_index)) {

Can i leave this to you since you're very much into it!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Im running Drupal 10.1.7 and also tried the latest dev of ui_styles.
But the bug resists! Setting ui_styles back to 1.6.0 all works fine.

Actually the release 1.7.0. intended to solve a bug, created it on my end. Very interessting.

Gonna investigate the code...

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

The translation concept is worth being explained in the Interface above preRender declaration I would say!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

TomSaw changed the visibility of the branch 3375192-4.x to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

TomSaw changed the visibility of the branch 3375192-4.x to active.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

TomSaw changed the visibility of the branch 3375192-4.x to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

TomSaw changed the visibility of the branch 3375192- to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Hi bunthorne,
Checking Olivero issues i found [ #3188136 🐛 The site slogan doesn't show with Olivero Needs work ] which fits exactly your description.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Yepp MR = [M]erge [R]equest and I also understand, that this is concidered a Feature and Olivero is feature complete and does not accept any changes. It's a good thing if things have some stability.

One thing to concider: I've created a olivero based theme ui_suite_olivero this year. Thanks to modules from UI Suite Initiave you can set all css variables of olivero easily in backend and they are stored in configurations which is sooper maintainable!

-> I also don't relly on oliveros limited width so I thought there could be a select or checkbox widget in the ui_suite_olivero settings to control the width behaviour!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Got it AdamPS. Sounds much better and I check your proposed solution soon.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Please view the changes for this MR @dwkitchen.

I have not defined GeocoderBaseFieldDefinition / GeocoderBundleFieldDefinition in a custom module.

All that was needed was to release/adjust some type checks down the inheritance chain for FieldConfigInterface. What goes into your custom module - to use this MR's feature - is your custom entity-type as it should be!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

I've been asking myself the same question and this issue does not answer it yet.

The technical reason - max-width: something - is one way to answer the 'why' question.

However, my thirst for comprehension of the purpose for this design decision remains unsatisfied.

What's the benefit of restricting the width to 87xy rem?
Does it f.e. improve the websites readability?
Or the space is reserved for some hovering widget like a chat bubble!?

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

I need to create the "grid_layout" folder by hand

Under which circumstances do you have to create this for by hand? On installation?

to remove the module I need to edit the "generic_layout.install" file and delete the "generic_layout_uninstall" function.

Usually, the module should require touching the code. The measure, proposed in my previous comment, is required to fix your site because you've installed a development version of the module. It contains mad or discarded code which was not intended to be used by end users / in production (This developement). Usually, developers use developement versions only in test environments! also prints a warning on the bottom of modules pages.
When you're using composer, to be on the safe side you may want to disallow composer to install dev versions of modules. In composer.jsom there's a parameter called "prefer-stable" of "minimum-stability" if I memorize this correctly.


Oh and you're right .. it must be generic_layout_uninstall. with double 'l'. Thanks for that

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

You've installed a development version in production?

That's never a good idea: code changes may break your side as happened here. Always and only use releases in production!

Anyways, let's fix that:

A clean way is to get rid of the dev generic_layout and do a fresh install of the release candidate. I think that's what you've tried too.

To get rid of the error on uninstall, please remove the function 'generic_layout_uninstall' from generic_layout.module. It only deletes the generated css files in 'public://' folder.

Do a "drush cache:rebuild" afterwards and now the uninstall "drush pmu generic_layout" should work.

Now update to the RC and install it.
I'm quite sure, there's a second step, cause you may still have the depricated configs from generic_layout in your entities.

Please, could you post me the follow up error message as well, so I can help as best as I can!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

I'm 99% sure this bug is solved (after a ton of improvements) so I close this.
Don't hesitate to open a new issue if not.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

obviously I do not have enough comprehension how drupal and gitlab works.

Back to school for me then... I'll come back with a nice green MR.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Holla... Think I could fix the bug without further information.
Please update generic_layout and give it a new try @steveoriol!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

because of your title

"Can we replace "grid_layout" with "generic_layout"

The topic would be better covered in another issue but anyways:

I've tried to contact the maintainer of grid_layout a few times. With no success... 😥

There's a protocol to take ownership of modules but I'm not in the mood to acquire for it. Also generic_layout's storage scheme is different to grid_layout ones. It would require various update hooks, hence even more administration on top.

Let's get generic_layout stable first an see, what time brings.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Thanks a lot for testing @steveoriol!

This modules code is quite sophiusticated and i've not yet tested it on other machines than my laptop and my linux server.
To understand and fix this bug, please provide me with more information:

Could you please copy&paste the full content of Drupal.AjaxError visible on the very bottom of your screenshot!

Thanks :)

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

I've switched to 3.0.x branch in the meanwhile.
3399601 Add hasRole(string $role) to GroupMembership class Active replaces this issue.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

typo pedantic

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

@larowlan please have a look again. This MR should do it now!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Oh darn. Since im a newby with gitlab and huge repos.. i had some trouble with the rebasing.
I first thought the MR was on 8.x-4.x

.. However. now it looks good to me

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Thanks @vlad.dancer, this is simple and does the job for me!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Thank you! Patch #9 does the job for me

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

typo fixed

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

typo fixed

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Because this project seems to be unmaintained and i've changed 90% of the grid_layout in the meanwhile here's a new project to continue the work.

All the best, TomSaw

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

#10 works for me with a bad uggly singed certificate using (latest) Drupal 10.1.1
Thanks to everyone involved!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

oops... how does this happen? egal

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

My pleasure. You guys are fast!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Thanks Everybody, I just got 1% better in contributing workflows.

- Thanks for the good wishes @Grevil 😊

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Yea this sucks. I can't cleanup a mess i've made. Now im stuck with garbage branches in my IDE :/

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

array_flip is also not required: settings already have layout_ids as key

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Checking $disabledLayouts for existence was required cause array_flip is not allowed with null.
$disabledLayouts becomes null when layout_disable.settings was not yet created.

Whilst fixing this, another tiny code improvement happened in LayoutDisableForm::buildForm 😄

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Oops.. i've ended with 2 issue branches and 2 merge request. Sorry for the noise. Just drop the wrong instance. Next time I'll do better.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Hey @Anybody. have just submitted my 1th Drupal MR.
Hope it's all fine.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Hey @sonam_sharma, thanks for the hint! I've not yet expected anyone being interested in this project. Thus, have not pushed my changes for a while but will do so in the next week! To clarify the concept of the cascade theme, i will also have to update the project description.

Stay tuned and thanks again for checking this out :)

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Thanks for mentoring!

Never got familiar with patch-workflow. There's more to come in my contribution career, thus made myself familiar with Drupal PR workflow on Lets continue there!

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

Removed some bugs.
Most important: If the available grid areas are changed, existing region content is moved to new areas.
Also have simplified and cleaned up the overall code.

-> Since this project isn't maintained, I would be fine to do so!
This type of UI for layout_builder layouts is exactly what i want so i see myself putting continued effort into it.

🇩🇪Germany TomSaw Essen

1 lvl less nesting! I think that's better.

We may take the chance and fix empty settings behavior for "Pattern settings" and "Context variables" as well?
These are not critical (do not throw exceptions) but you get empty, confusing 'details' containers in the settings form when nothing is provided.

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