Account created on 1 August 2015, almost 9 years ago
  • Sr.Drupal Developer at Melity 

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇮🇳India kpoornima

MR11 having merge conflicts. Please resolve that conflicts and raise PR Again

🇮🇳India kpoornima

May be patch #44.Patch #44(2823847-44.patch) is worked for me. After applied patch date range view is
21 August, 2023

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Used MR7 pagination is good

🇮🇳India kpoornima

@alok_singh Patch is working fine. Main navigation came to right only. Please refer screen shot

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Issue is closed already version 1.0.x having file.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

I have tried checking this issue. Looking like all looks good.

If i am missing anything can you please elaborate more on this issue

🇮🇳India kpoornima

@zbberlin Did n't get ajax error. it is working fine after enable ajax in view. @zbberlin After enable ajax please clear cache and check.

Before updating png

After Updated png

Please refere video also

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Please review and update the code with patch

🇮🇳India kpoornima

@apaderno Updated MR3. Please review

🇮🇳India kpoornima

HI @roberttabigue

MR !3 Phpcs errors checked with 8.x-2.0 and updated ticket version with 8.x-2.0.

Thanks You!

🇮🇳India kpoornima

kpoornima made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

@apaderno Curious Chronicles theme enabled in drupal version 10.0.9 and Patch #3 is worked.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Please Merge MR7 covered all files phpcs errors and warnings

🇮🇳India kpoornima

kpoornima made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Fixed most of the phpcs issues. Only 2 remaining warnings are:

FILE: /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/dark_responsive-3374671/dark_responsive.theme
 72 | WARNING | Unused variable $video_path.
 75 | WARNING | Unused variable $video_path.

Time: 468ms; Memory: 6MB

Please Merge MR3

🇮🇳India kpoornima

kpoornima made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

@shiv_sharma Documentation in readme file it is good.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

@Raveen Thakur Are you done unit testing? I wasn't able to enable this module due to dependency site module. How you can perform unit testing.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Any opinions on this modules? I am waiting for the role.

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Subscription data is added in to user obj in MR 12. Please Review it

🇮🇳India kpoornima

@shiv_sharma After testing MR 19 . I have few doubts
1)Only API Base URL field is need for connect to Nginx proxy Manger
2) With out Entering data into Email and password filed and clicked on check box of " Validate Connection" getting this message "API Base URL is Connected"
Please refer screenshot

🇮🇳India kpoornima

Hello folks,
I have reviewed & applied MR! 20 to my website. I am using Drupal version - 10.0.9 & PHP version - 8.1.
After Applied MR does not get error.
I am attaching my screenshots for reference.

Production build 0.69.0 2024